#139 Thriving in Emotional Polarity


Have you ever experienced a day where you feel so happy and the next moment you can't stop crying? That's literally how my past few weeks have been for me.

When we learn to dance in this polarity of feeling extremely high vibe in one moment and frustrated or angry in the next one, we become incredibly resilient.

The key is to allow your emotions to be there without judgment, knowing that your emotions don't mean anything about your worth. When we can learn to accept what is and be present with what is, we strengthen a muscle that's going to be incredibly valuable for the rest of your life.

This is the final episode of Season 2! Thank you for being a part of our Glow Life Podcast Journey!

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Martina Fink 0:00

This is episode number 139 about thriving and polarity. Welcome to the glow life podcast. The one and only place for ambitious, high achieving and perfectionist women like you who want to leave, overwhelm behind. Turn self doubt into self confidence. And learn to trust yourself again, so that you can work less fully love and accept yourself and live a fulfilled and glowing life. Every week, I'll be giving you tips and inspiration on how to think less, feel more slow down and use your body and your daily habits to help you step up, level up and glow up in all areas of your life. This is not just about the big shifts, you can glow just a little more every single day.

Martina Fink 1:02

Welcome back to the glow life podcast. And this is our very final episode for season two of the Glow Life podcast, we are actually celebrating three years of the glow Live podcast and we are ending season two, without knowing what's going to happen next. Sometimes we need to close the door to be able to open a new one. And maybe we will come back and be right back with season three in a month. Or we may not. Right now, I don't know what's going to happen next. And we're just taking it one step at a time. So, so happy that you've been with us through season one and two of this podcast. And we still hope that there is more information and inspiration for you to find in the glow world for you. Now today I want to talk about how to thrive in polarity. polarity means that there are complete opposites and extremes that come together. For example, Yin and Yang, or polarity, day and night is polarity. The relationship these two extremes have is the polarity. And polarity is something that I have been experiencing more recently, in very extreme ways. I have been on emotional roller coasters in the past few weeks around my business around my private life with myself really also considering that we've been in this pandemic for such a long time. And I am someone who loves to travel and move around and explore and, you know, experience life in different cultures and not being able to do that I'm sure you can relate if you love to travel, that kind of gets you in a space where you haven't really been with yourself sometimes or for a long time or ever. Right. And I have been feeling all kinds of feelings in over the course of a couple moments, sometimes sometimes over the course of a couple of days. And I've been feeling extremely happy and grounded and excited at times. And then the next moment I can just burst out in tears in unstoppable cries. And yeah, not really understand what is going on. The beautiful thing about this is that thinking back to my life a couple years ago how I used to wear this mask. I'm no longer wearing this mask, neither in front of myself, nor in front of other people. And in the past, if you had asked me like, couple years ago, if you had asked me how are you? I would just be saying something like, Oh, I'm great. Or I would say oh, I'm just a little stress. But I would not be really honest, because I was afraid what people would think of me and everyone would expect you to either be busy or to be well, but no one really wants to hear what's truly going on. Right? We're not used to hearing people talk about their struggles. And even the people closest to me, are often just seeing my mask without knowing. And I didn't even know that this is what I was doing. And now if someone is really close to me and they asked me, How are you? I will be real. My tears will come up the moment you asked me if they need to. I'll be real and raw and there is absolutely no shame about sharing how I'm feeling. Now, if this is something that you have experienced too, that you can sway from one extreme to another extreme within moments, I want you to know that it means absolutely nothing about you, it doesn't mean that you are a bad person. It doesn't mean that you are amazing. It doesn't mean that you are not enough, it says absolutely nothing about you. Your emotions are just this, they are energy in motion. Which means that when you allow yourself to go through all of these feelings, the energy can actually move through you and move out of you. And that is what helps to ultimately heal you. So when you go through these polarities and emotions and these one extremes to the other extremes within minutes, or moments or days, can you allow them to just flow through you? Can you allow these emotions to coexist?

Martina Fink 6:03

Can you be happy and sad? At the same time, happy about something sad about the other thing. And that just doesn't mean anything. It doesn't define who you are. Can you allow your emotions to just be there with zero judgment with no meaning? Can you allow yourself to just be there with you in that moment? Can you allow yourself to hold yourself through this? And yes, can you allow yourself to ask for help and support if you desire so? Can you allow yourself to just love yourself a little more in this moment. face yourself with love. face yourself with compassion. face yourself with presence. face yourself with observation rather than judgment. This is the globe life, a life where you become present with yourself. present with your emotions present with what is right now. present with your wounds present with your pain present with your desires. And just take it for what it is without making it right or wrong without labeling it as good or bad. Just be there with yourself and you will see how slowly but surely your glow will come back when you allow yourself to just be present. Instead of trying to fix something instead of trying to logically analyze something instead of forcefully trying to find a solution. The beauty of your emotions the beauty of your feminine energy is to just be there without having to force a next step without having to find a solution without having to fix anything. I hope this will help you through your next emotional roller coaster. Your next moment where you feel lost your next time where you feel confused and you don't know what to do. You don't know what it means you don't know what the next step will be. It is okay to just be there with yourself in that present moment and know and remember that you are loved. You are enough. And you are beautiful.

Martina Fink 8:53

Thank you beautiful soul for being on this journey with me. Keep glowing. You deserve it.


3 Tips for High Achieving Perfectionists Who Are Ready to Remove Overwhelm and Work Less


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The information and opinions expressed here are believed to be accurate, based on the best judgement available to the speakers, and readers and listeners who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. In addition, the information and opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of every contributor. The Company acknowledges occasional differences in opinion and welcomes the exchange of different viewpoints.