Alte Kaserne
Technikumstrasse 8
8403 Winterthur

Bus stop: Technikum
10mins walking from the train station

18:45 Doors open
19:15 Beginning of the dance
21:00 End of event

Wear comfortable clothes, and bring a water bottle to stay hydrated.

***STUDENTS + low income***

Please use this option if it feels right for you. It is specifically available to make sure people with a lower income have access to this event.

CHF 20.-


Kids of all ages are welcome with their parents. Free entry until 17 years.


Saturday, March 8 (International Women’s Day GLOW WELL Festival)

Tuesday, March 18 - with ATEMA (Bern)

Saturday, April 5
Tuesday, April 15 - with bergmaus (Zurich)

CHF 30.-




“To remove something from a place where it is not wanted.”


“A process during which a person attempts to rid the body of substances regarded as toxic or unhealthy.”


“To acquire or develop something.”



I’m a Holistic Health Coach and passionate music and dance lover. Born to professional musicians, music has been a part of my life ever since I was born.

When I was 14, I put together a dance crew with 3 friends, and organized a variety of shows for us. As I got older, life got busier and I no longer took the time for dance classes or music - which naturally also removed some level of joy from my life…

In 2021, I discovered Ecstatic Dance in Bali and loved how free, connected, and light it made me feel. I noticed how so much joy started arising in me as I was able to release overwhelm, stress, and perfectionism from my energetic body. And today, I host regular Ecstatic Dance events in Winterthur.

Let’s glow up the dance floor!



What is ecstatic dance?

Ecstatic Dance is a free-flow movement where you simply move your body in your own way to the music. Ecstatic Dance journeys generally start with a slow, meditative practice, then dive deeper into faster beats, and end with a deeply relaxing part. The music style varies depending on the DJ, and can include anything from classical to house music, afro beats, tribal, latin, and organic techno.

Ecstatic Dance events are a drug and alcohol free space where everyone is welcome. Please bring your water bottle to stay hydrated throughout your dance.

What is the purpose of ecstatic dance?

The goal is to simply be and become present. You can leave everything else at the door, the worries, work issues, overwhelm, and the emotional stress. As you move your body, you get to shake off everything that feels heavy on you. You might feel it in certain areas of your body (e.g. your shoulders), and it can be an indicator for what is out of alignment in your life overall. As a side effect, you get an amazing workout in, release a great dose of happiness hormones, such as dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins, and feel great in your body. This helps you get your energies back in alignment and in flow.

what will I learn there?

Ecstatic Dance is an interesting self-love practice. You get to observe your thoughts and behavior from a different perspective. You might find that you compare yourself to others, judge others for what they wear or how they dance, or feel like you’re not good enough. You might experience peaks of joy and ecstasy, or feel deep grief, or any other emotions.

The key is to accept what is, let it move through you as you move your body. Your body is a vessel, it carries a lot, and you can use the Ecstatic Dance practice to clear your vessel, and cleanse your body, your mind, and your heart.

why is it important?

In many cultures, dance was (and still is) a big part of their traditions and rituals. Dance is used as a way to connect with the spirits, celebrate life, give thanks, and connect with the community. It’s also a way to express ourselves creatively. Over the centuries, many cultures have lost these traditions and have taken on more of a lone wolf lifestyle, where everyone fights for themselves, and family and community often come last. An Ecstatic Dance experience creates a safe space for those who desire to be, celebrate, heal, and express themselves creatively - there is no right or wrong way to do this.

Who is it for?

Ecstatic Dance is perfect for anyone who loves to dance. You don’t need to know anything about dance, and it doesn’t matter if you know any moves or just come to play.

are there any rules?

Yes, there are a few important rules:

  1. NO TALKING: When you’re in the room, please don’t speak. If you would like to have a conversation with someone, kindly go outside.

  2. NO PHONES: To make Ecstatic Dance a safe space, please leave your phone outside. No photos and no filming allowed.

  3. CONSENT: If you would like to dance with someone, please make sure you get their consent through a nodding of the head or eye contact. Respect if someone declines your invitation and don’t take it personal.


have more questions?

I’m here to answer them all for you! Email me or get in touch on Instagram @ecstaticdancewinterthur.