Martina FInk

#141 Embody Your Glow: Emotional Wellbeing Through Movement with Daniela Krüger

#141 Embody Your Glow: Emotional Wellbeing Through Movement with Daniela Krüger

In this episode, I welcomed Daniela Krüger, Founder of A Place Of Love, Sexual Counselor & Neo Emotional Release Practitioner & Tantric Embodiment Teacher. Together, we talk about the importance of self-awareness, mind-body connection, and emotional release practices. Daniela shares her journey through music, emotional struggles, and how she transitioned to helping women find their authentic power.

#140 Embracing Your Soul Fire with Dion Pfisterer

#140 Embracing Your Soul Fire with Dion Pfisterer

In this insightful episode, Dion Pfisterer, musician and Bali’s no. 1 DJ, shares his remarkable journey from being a drummer to embracing the holistic lifestyle of music, travel, and spirituality. Martina, our host, delves deep into themes of intuition, vulnerability, and authentic living. Together, they explore the profound impacts of listening to one's heart, expressing vulnerability, and cherishing connection, while highlighting the transformational power of ecstatic dance and self-care.

#139 Thriving in Emotional Polarity


Have you ever experienced a day where you feel so happy and the next moment you can't stop crying? That's literally how my past few weeks have been for me.

When we learn to dance in this polarity of feeling extremely high vibe in one moment and frustrated or angry in the next one, we become incredibly resilient.

The key is to allow your emotions to be there without judgment, knowing that your emotions don't mean anything about your worth. When we can learn to accept what is and be present with what is, we strengthen a muscle that's going to be incredibly valuable for the rest of your life.

This is the final episode of Season 2! Thank you for being a part of our Glow Life Podcast Journey!

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Self-Care Guide for Perfectionists


Martina Fink 0:00

This is episode number 139 about thriving and polarity. Welcome to the glow life podcast. The one and only place for ambitious, high achieving and perfectionist women like you who want to leave, overwhelm behind. Turn self doubt into self confidence. And learn to trust yourself again, so that you can work less fully love and accept yourself and live a fulfilled and glowing life. Every week, I'll be giving you tips and inspiration on how to think less, feel more slow down and use your body and your daily habits to help you step up, level up and glow up in all areas of your life. This is not just about the big shifts, you can glow just a little more every single day.

Martina Fink 1:02

Welcome back to the glow life podcast. And this is our very final episode for season two of the Glow Life podcast, we are actually celebrating three years of the glow Live podcast and we are ending season two, without knowing what's going to happen next. Sometimes we need to close the door to be able to open a new one. And maybe we will come back and be right back with season three in a month. Or we may not. Right now, I don't know what's going to happen next. And we're just taking it one step at a time. So, so happy that you've been with us through season one and two of this podcast. And we still hope that there is more information and inspiration for you to find in the glow world for you. Now today I want to talk about how to thrive in polarity. polarity means that there are complete opposites and extremes that come together. For example, Yin and Yang, or polarity, day and night is polarity. The relationship these two extremes have is the polarity. And polarity is something that I have been experiencing more recently, in very extreme ways. I have been on emotional roller coasters in the past few weeks around my business around my private life with myself really also considering that we've been in this pandemic for such a long time. And I am someone who loves to travel and move around and explore and, you know, experience life in different cultures and not being able to do that I'm sure you can relate if you love to travel, that kind of gets you in a space where you haven't really been with yourself sometimes or for a long time or ever. Right. And I have been feeling all kinds of feelings in over the course of a couple moments, sometimes sometimes over the course of a couple of days. And I've been feeling extremely happy and grounded and excited at times. And then the next moment I can just burst out in tears in unstoppable cries. And yeah, not really understand what is going on. The beautiful thing about this is that thinking back to my life a couple years ago how I used to wear this mask. I'm no longer wearing this mask, neither in front of myself, nor in front of other people. And in the past, if you had asked me like, couple years ago, if you had asked me how are you? I would just be saying something like, Oh, I'm great. Or I would say oh, I'm just a little stress. But I would not be really honest, because I was afraid what people would think of me and everyone would expect you to either be busy or to be well, but no one really wants to hear what's truly going on. Right? We're not used to hearing people talk about their struggles. And even the people closest to me, are often just seeing my mask without knowing. And I didn't even know that this is what I was doing. And now if someone is really close to me and they asked me, How are you? I will be real. My tears will come up the moment you asked me if they need to. I'll be real and raw and there is absolutely no shame about sharing how I'm feeling. Now, if this is something that you have experienced too, that you can sway from one extreme to another extreme within moments, I want you to know that it means absolutely nothing about you, it doesn't mean that you are a bad person. It doesn't mean that you are amazing. It doesn't mean that you are not enough, it says absolutely nothing about you. Your emotions are just this, they are energy in motion. Which means that when you allow yourself to go through all of these feelings, the energy can actually move through you and move out of you. And that is what helps to ultimately heal you. So when you go through these polarities and emotions and these one extremes to the other extremes within minutes, or moments or days, can you allow them to just flow through you? Can you allow these emotions to coexist?

Martina Fink 6:03

Can you be happy and sad? At the same time, happy about something sad about the other thing. And that just doesn't mean anything. It doesn't define who you are. Can you allow your emotions to just be there with zero judgment with no meaning? Can you allow yourself to just be there with you in that moment? Can you allow yourself to hold yourself through this? And yes, can you allow yourself to ask for help and support if you desire so? Can you allow yourself to just love yourself a little more in this moment. face yourself with love. face yourself with compassion. face yourself with presence. face yourself with observation rather than judgment. This is the globe life, a life where you become present with yourself. present with your emotions present with what is right now. present with your wounds present with your pain present with your desires. And just take it for what it is without making it right or wrong without labeling it as good or bad. Just be there with yourself and you will see how slowly but surely your glow will come back when you allow yourself to just be present. Instead of trying to fix something instead of trying to logically analyze something instead of forcefully trying to find a solution. The beauty of your emotions the beauty of your feminine energy is to just be there without having to force a next step without having to find a solution without having to fix anything. I hope this will help you through your next emotional roller coaster. Your next moment where you feel lost your next time where you feel confused and you don't know what to do. You don't know what it means you don't know what the next step will be. It is okay to just be there with yourself in that present moment and know and remember that you are loved. You are enough. And you are beautiful.

Martina Fink 8:53

Thank you beautiful soul for being on this journey with me. Keep glowing. You deserve it.


3 Tips for High Achieving Perfectionists Who Are Ready to Remove Overwhelm and Work Less


I created a free self-care guide if you’re someone who always puts everyone else - especially work! - first and needs some tips for perfectionists to slow down again! Click the button below to download your self-care guide for free:


All material in this episode is provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this podcast episode. Instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being.

The information and opinions expressed here are believed to be accurate, based on the best judgement available to the speakers, and readers and listeners who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. In addition, the information and opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of every contributor. The Company acknowledges occasional differences in opinion and welcomes the exchange of different viewpoints.

#138 You Are Ready Now with Ale González


Sometimes, the only thing that's standing in your way is yourself.

If you are an overthinker, you want to do many different things, and feel like you know what you need to do, but still can't take the first step, you're going to resonate a lot with Ale in this on-air coaching episode.

Ale from Mexico has been looking for something to fulfill her. After being intoxicated by a pill a doctor gave her to cure her depression, Ale was ill for almost six months, which made her rethink her life and question everything. She's currently interested in creating a business and has several great ideas, but feels overwhelmed with where to start and doesn't fully believe in herself.


  • How to determine what exactly is holding her back

  • Why there's more to moving forward in life than just what you think

  • How to release the heavy weight on your shoulder that's keeping you stuck

  • Why having clear conversations with loved ones are key for your worthiness

  • Why you are ready now (and don't need x, y, or z before you can be ready)

  • How to ask for help without feeling like a failure

And so much more!

Have you downloaded the free Self-Care Guide for Perfectionist? Click here to access it:


Self-Care Guide for Perfectionists



Martina Fink 0:00

This is episode number 138 with Ale Gonzales. Welcome to the Glow Life podcast. The one and only place for ambitious, high achieving and perfectionist women like you who want to leave, overwhelm behind. Turn self doubt into self confidence. And learn to trust yourself again, so that you can work less fully love and accept yourself and live a fulfilled and glowing life. Every week, I'll be giving you tips and inspiration on how to think less, feel more slow down and use your body and your daily habits to help you step up, level up and glow up in all areas of your life. This is not just about the big shifts, you can glow just a little more every single day.

Martina Fink 1:03

Welcome back to the glow Live podcast. Today we're doing an on air coaching session, which is some sort of a behind the scenes of what it looks like to work with me. And we condense that into a podcast episode. Now my guest today la from Mexico, which is exciting. And I we have never talked before, we have only messaged a few times on Instagram to arrange the time for this podcast episode. So this is a very raw and real conversation we've never worked together before. We never met before this is real and authentic. So I'm really excited to share this conversation with you and kind of give you a little bit of an insight into what coaching truly looks like and can look like. And before we get started, I do want to share as always my glow Tip of the Week with you. And it is very connected to what we are covering in today's conversation. And it is to get out of your head into your heart. Most probably you are a perfectionist and perfectionists have a tendency to overthink because we want to have everything look perfect, be perfect. And in order for us to get there, we need to have a very good plan, we need to have a to do list we need to figure it out. And that requires a lot of thinking. Now here's the thing, when we think so much, we have all of our energy in our head. And I want you to think about like your body physical body, all of the energy is in your head, that can cause a lot of pressure on your head, which can lead to headaches, and nauseous feelings, it can lead to dizziness and things like that, right. So when you have all of your energy in your head, then the rest of your body is not full of energy at all it has, in fact no energy. And that part of your body includes your heart, all of your energy is in your head, no energy is in your heart. So therefore, when you overthink things, you are completely cut off from how something feels for you. And that is one of the first steps that I work with my clients on is to connect back to the heart. Think about how you are feeling think about how something is feeling for you. You know, so many people are working so hard and so much. And they think they have to because that's a story. And that's the energy going on their head. But if we actually think about how that feels for us, it probably doesn't feel that good. Probably a lot of pressure, probably a lot of frustration. And being able to tap into those feelings that you have in your heart. It's a skill. It's like when you go to the gym and you're strengthening your muscles, learning to feel your emotions is the exact same thing. If you've never really connected with your heart before, if you are completely disconnected from your feelings. Chances are the first time you talk about this is not going to be a super emotional session. Because you have built layers around your heart you have built a protection around your heart so that nobody can see how you truly feel. So my question or my challenge for you today is to get out of your head into your heart, whatever that means. Maybe it means closing your eyes and having your hands on your heart. Maybe it means dancing to your favorite song. While taking a break from work and getting out of your head into your feelings. Maybe it means doing a beautiful meditation. Maybe it means Lighting a candle and having some essential oils going in your house. Tune into your heart. It is so knowledgeable It is so wise it will always have answers. For your questions, and now, I'm so excited to bring on Allah Gonzalez from Mexico. Sometimes the only thing that's standing in your way is yourself. And if you are an over thinker you want too many different things at the same time and you feel like you know what you need to do but still can't take that first step you're going to resonate a lot with Ali in this on air coaching episode today. Now, Allah has been looking for something to fulfill her and after being intoxicated by a pill that a doctor gave her to cure her depression, Ella was ill for almost six months, which made her rethink her life and question everything. She is currently interested in creating a business and has several great ideas, but feels overwhelmed with where to start and doesn't fully believe in herself. In today's episode, we talk about how to determine what exactly is holding her back why There's more to moving forward in life than just what you think how to release the heavy weight on your shoulders that's keeping you stuck, why having clear conversations with loved ones are key for your worthiness, why you are ready now. And don't need X, Y or Z before you can be ready, and how to ask for help without feeling like a failure, and so much more. And you can find everything we talked about today in the show notes at Martina Fink comm slash podcast slash 138. Welcome Ale, I am so grateful to have you on the podcast today.

Ale González 6:36

Thank you, thank you for having me.

Martina Fink 6:37

So today we're doing an on air coaching session, which means that we're really going to dive into some of your personal struggles and just get you some clarity around what your next steps are towards your what I call a glowing life for you personally. So what would you say is the biggest struggle that you're experiencing right now?

Ale González 6:59

I think that they're they're like, there is a lot of things that I want to do. But each of them are like going through the same direction. But they're like different things. And I don't know, like how to connect all like all the dots or all the things that I want to do to go to that direction.

Martina Fink 7:19

Yes. So it sounds like you have a lot of ideas. And all of them are similar and connected, but you don't know what exactly you want to do. Yeah. So tell me a little bit more about all these many things that you want to do.

Ale González 7:35

Well, I for the last year, I mean, 2018 I started like a business that is about Organa stating like houses like your kitchen, your law said and all that like everything you want to get organized. I wanted to work with that. And it was not just about cleaning and organizing, but also like to bring consciousness to your life every day, you wake up and you see the same stuff you have in your house. So it was more about being conscious about what you have in your home. Like make every thing every every little thing that you have in your house, make it special, like it really brings you joy to your life. So I started with that. But then three months later, after that, they complete things started so I couldn't like start like really, really start with that. And then I was like really struggling also with being like alone with these, these months. And something that really helped me it was a lot of exercises and tools that I learned through the last like four or three years. And it was meditating and journaling and all that like tools. And one thing I made like it was not more like a business. But it was something that I wanted to make for other people because that was the thing that made me feel better. It was I created like a self no journal that he was about all these tools, and I made it for myself. But then I felt like it this is what is missing in other people's lives to feel like comfortable being alone or being with themselves or being just like locked down in their houses. So I made this like journal that it's about also bringing consciousness to your life. How are you leaving what is bothering you about being by yourself, what is bothering me about you like being alone and just you know, having a relationship with yourself. So these are like two things that I created in the last two years. And then this year, I went to another course that is about energy and bringing awareness also in consciousness to your life, that it's like moving energy in your head. So I have these three things, that it's basically about Paying attention to every detail in your life and knowing what's what's working for you. What do you really want? And like, move on with that and leave the rest behind. So that's the three things that I, I kind of like working with, but don't know how exactly to put them together.

Martina Fink 10:19

Right. Okay, great. And so the last one that you shared around moving energy around, like, is that some sort of energy healing practice? or?

Ale González 10:29

Yeah, it's called access bars. I don't know if you have listened about that before. But it's like touching 32 points in your head. And with that, when I talk to them, I move the energy about all the like, the ideas, the all the things that you were like, raceways, that does not serve you anymore. So it's like that energy?

Martina Fink 10:54

Yeah. So basically, it helps. It's like energy work that helps reprogram your subconscious mind kind of thing to get rid of like limiting beliefs and blocks, expand your mind, is your question. Now, which of these ones do I go with? Or is your question how can I combine the two? Or is your question like, I don't even know what I'm doing?

Ale González 11:17

Well, I enjoy doing the three of them. Yeah, I mean, I like them. That's why I like created them. But I don't know. I mean, I'm struggling, because I don't know how to like how to get started, like I started already. But with the organization thing, it's, it's more like difficult, because I don't know why I cannot like make it work, if I can say like that. But yeah, I mean, I want to like bring them all together. And like, just let people know that this is what I work in. One is not like separated from the other because it's all about awareness and getting rid of what doesn't work for you anymore.

Martina Fink 12:02

Right? And let's check in with how this actually feels for you. So how are you feeling about knowing that you have these three things and you don't know where to start?

Ale González 12:11

Well I mean, I start I already but I, I feel like I cannot lay tell people, or I don't know how even I started. I already like put on my social media, I do this, I work with this and everything. But I don't know what's missing from me that it's not like attracting the people I want to work with.

Martina Fink 12:37

Right. And so I will ask the same question. Again, you haven't really answered it, I can sense that you have a lot going on your mind, there's a lot of thinking a lot of like, I don't understand, I don't know what to do. There's a lot like a lot of energy up here, right? So what I want you to do is take a moment and drop into your heart to maybe even like place your hand on your heart and close your eyes for a minute. And I want you to think about the situation with the three ideas that you have. And some of them you have already started. And you have already posted about them and shared with others about them. But it's not really going the way you wanted to. So how can you describe that feeling that is present in your heart right now? Is there a specific word that comes to mind?

Ale González 13:31

I don't know. Probably. I mean, it's something that I've been also struggling with any slights like confidence, like, I know I can do this. And it's like, it's like, I want to do it. But I feel sometimes I feel confident about it. And sometimes I don't.

Martina Fink 13:50

Okay, close your eyes again. Is there a specific place or space in your body where you're feeling something? tension, heaviness, lightness, excitement, anything?

Ale González 14:04

Well, yeah, I'm feeling like a heaviness in my shoulders and also in my lower back.

Martina Fink 14:10

And if you keep your eyes closed, tune into that heaviness on your shoulders and on your lower back. Just kind of be present. Be conscious about those feelings there. Is there a specific color that comes with that heaviness?

Ale González 14:33


Martina Fink 14:34

if there's specific like texture or shape or temperature or something that you can also identify

Ale González 14:44

Is just like normal temperature and it doesn't have a like a figure or something. It's just like, I don't know like a fountain of color if I can, like describe it like that. Like getting in my shoulders.

Martina Fink 14:59

Okay. Beautiful, and just stay there for a bit.

Martina Fink 15:07

You're constantly carrying this gray, heaviness around with you. And let's just say it's probably not very helpful for what you're trying to do. So you can consciously choose to remove this gray heaviness. What do you think would be helpful for you to get rid of this weight on your shoulders?

Ale González 15:31

To be less perfectionist with myself?

Martina Fink 15:37

Where are you perfectionist with yourself?

Ale González 15:39

Like right now? What I, sometimes I don't start things because I think that they're always missing something. So it's always like, I have to do everything perfect. And that, like, I'm trying to work with that with me.

Martina Fink 16:00

Beautiful. So for now, can you imagine and visualize that you just take this gray shoulder weight off your shoulders, almost like a backpack, you take it off and you, you put it down next to you. And then you can walk away without that weight and that heaviness on your shoulders. Just leave it there. And then whenever you're ready, you can come back and open your eyes. Beautiful. Well done. wasn't that difficult was it? So let's talk about this perfectionism thing that's holding you back. So you always feel like there's something missing, I still need to do X in order for me to be ready. Right? Yeah. Do you have a specific example where this is currently happening?

Ale González 16:57

Well, I've been working with this for a long time already. But I think I still need to work with that. But yes, I think with the organization thing, it's, it's probably it's more with that, like, straw, I'm struggling more with that. Because it's a I never feel like prepare enough to start to do and to go start with a client and make that work. And always like, I'm always feeling like, No, I'm not gonna be like, ready. And if she asked me something, or if he asked me something, I am not gonna know how to answer. And I've been working with that. And like, letting myself not know the answer. Like if I'm a human, and it's okay, if I don't know him, or with a making, like, course, because I also love the moon and the faces and how to work with the faces with the moon. And I'm also doing a course about the moon. And it's like, no, it's missing something. It's not complete enough, even though it has already a lot of information on it. And it's always like, I'm not ready, like, how am I going to do this? Or is it enough? Also that like, most of the times, I think, like most of the things I do are never enough.

Martina Fink 18:13

Yeah, thank you for sharing this. Can you recall a situation in your life where something that you did was not enough? Like any situation, in the past, something you experienced earlier in your life?

Ale González 18:28

I cannot remember right now, but I do remember one thing that happened, like, not long ago, if I can share that, it was I was telling my dad, like, I'm doing this course. And I'm preparing these things because I wanna, you know, like, work with this and, and do these things that I have been working with that I know how to tell people how to do it. And he was like, Oh, yeah, but you better know exactly everything you're going to present. Because I mean, you're gonna teach it and I was like, I know where it came from. I mean, it's not that I'm saying it is my father's fault, because like, that's the way he grew up. But I know where my my feeling comes from that. It doesn't have to be perfect. It like if something's missing. Well, I'm human, of course, I'm going to be prepared. Of course, I'm going to study first. But I don't know. Like, I don't have to be it doesn't have to be perfect. I don't need to be perfect in order to do that.

Martina Fink 19:24

Yeah. And there's always the logical mind. Like, what you're telling me now is like, I don't need to be perfect. You know, I'm human. I can figure this out. When someone asks me a question, I will find the answer. And then there's also your somatic body, your energetic body that has experiences from the past that you're carrying around with you like that gray feeling that you had, it's probably part of your dad's weight on your shoulder that's telling you this is what you need to do. And I would assume that you're feeling this way, not just since that conversation, right? You probably felt like this to all your entire life. Right, yeah. So currently you are carrying around these beliefs that your dad has, which he has from his dad or from his parents and they had from their parents, right. And so, exactly, you get to choose that you don't want to buy into this. And as much as we love and respect our parents, and, you know, we may or may not agree with what they believe in, you have this choice to break this cycle and say, You know what, I'm just gonna click unsubscribe to this belief. It's easier said than done, for sure. But consciously say, you know what, thank you, dad. But this is not helpful for me. And I know that I am enough. So what do you think would be helpful for you to kind of cut that cord that is still connected to your dad in his beliefs, which are also your beliefs at the moment.

Ale González 20:59

I'm actually working with that, because, like, I'm working with myself about that. And it's something that I want to work with people like to tell them to break that. And you don't have to believe everything your parents, like, believe or whatever. And it's something that I want to work with other people. So actually, like, now I have like tools that I learned from the Access Consciousness thing. That is everything that you are conscious, that is not yours, you just destroyed and say, it's not mine, I give it back to the sender. And that's his idea. That's his belief. It's not mine. And I don't want to, I don't want to keep carrying that believe with me. So that's what I'm currently doing. Like being conscious about the situation of courses. It still pisses me off sometimes, because he's like, stop telling me that like, it's not, it's not going to help. But I know, he's not making that to make me feel bad. He's just like, his the way his brain works.

Martina Fink 22:06

Right.. It sounds like what you are working on is kind of changed things in your energetics and in your beliefs. And like, like I said, like cutting those cords and just take ownership of what you believe. Have you thought about having a conversation with him?

Martina Fink 22:23

Oh, I already did.

Martina Fink 22:24


Ale González 22:25

Like, not once, like many, many times, but now I'm, I'm not like attached to that. Because I because I've been I've done that so many times that I right now. It's just like, okay, that I love you. But there's like a limit between this and like, like, between you and me with these things. So yeah, I don't fight against that anymore.

Martina Fink 22:48

Beautiful. So you feel like it's no longer affecting you what he says.

Ale González 22:52

In a way does, but now I'm conscious about it. So now I'm aware that I can tell him or me, not him. But just in my mind, I can say like, okay, that's not mine. I don't have to carry,

Martina Fink 23:04

Right. How does it make you feel when he tells you what to do?

Ale González 23:09

Well, sometimes it makes me feel like worthless, because he's like that. This is the thing I want to do, instead of saying that you can just support me and say, okay, like Kip starting, or how can I help you with? And it's just but it's that feeling that makes me feel like, it's not going to be it's not going to end? Okay, that it has like this heavy weight on my shoulders?

Martina Fink 23:34

Do you feel angry about it? or frustrated? or anything like that?

Ale González 23:39

Yeah, frustrated sometimes. Yeah.

Martina Fink 23:41

And I assume you have already told him the kind of support you need from him.

Ale González 23:46

I think I did. I don't recall like, the exact moment. But I like I remember like, saying to him something about, I'm trying to change this part of me to please, if you don't agree, or you don't understand, just please be quiet. I don't need you to understand I just need you to accept me the way that I'm trying to move on.

Martina Fink 24:08

Yes. Okay. So potentially, there might be an opportunity here for you to express the kind of support you desire, because one thing is to just have him shut up and not say anything. And another thing is, hey, me, Ali, I would love some support from you, Dad, can you please encourage me, you know, tell me, I'm great. Like, give me compliments, whatever it is that you need. And there's no right or wrong here. But I do know that people like you and I Who are you know, have a tendency for perfectionism and want to be like, look like we have it all together all the time may struggle with asking for help and saying, you know, I actually need some support here.

Ale González 24:55

Yes. Yeah, of course definitely is something that I've been struggling with.

Martina Fink 25:01

Yeah, I understand

Ale González 25:02

No, no, just about the thing that you say like asking for her for help. It's so hard for me.

Martina Fink 25:10


Ale González 25:11

I don't know. It's just, I think the way you said it describes it perfectly, because you want to look like, like, everything's perfect even though you know, it's not asking for help. I don't know, sometimes I don't like to ask for help, because I don't like people to like to worry about me. Because I by always seem like, at the end, I'm not I know, I'm going to be okay. At the end, I know, I'm gonna, I'm gonna find a solution to this problem. Again, I'm not I'm gonna go through this by myself. But it doesn't have to be like that all the time. And that's why I think I, I have like issues like asking for help.

Martina Fink 25:58

Yeah. And we always do certain things, because we benefit from them in a certain way. So there is some sort of a benefit for you to not ask for help. Does that make sense? Like, there is something that you're getting out of this, that you're not asking for help? What do you think that is?

Ale González 26:18

I think it's like, proving myself that I can do anything by myself that I'm capable to do it without any help. And why is that important? Because of the thing that I told you before about, like feeling worthless or feeling bad? Everything I do is not it's not? It's not that it's not perfect, but I'm not. I'm never, I never feel ready. So I think that it's like something that I say to myself that, okay, prove to yourself that you can do that. And you're gonna like, feel like you are worth it or feel like you can do this or feel, I don't know, like this kind of feelings that are just like proving myself the other way around that. I feel sometimes.

Martina Fink 27:12

Yeah. And is it more about you feeling like, oh, now I've done this, now I feel worthy, or is it that now that you've done this, you get approval from other people? And other people are actually, like, proud of you and supportive?

Ale González 27:27

Well, not really, because when I go through things, most of the times I don't tell people anything. I'm like a very, not lonely person. But I like to keep my stuff to myself and the people that maybe my family, but not even then sometimes. So it's just that I know I'm capable of, but I don't even like, I think Yeah, sometimes I actually I actually looked for the approval of my dad, like I did this. So you can see now that I, I could do it. And I don't know I'm capable.

Martina Fink 27:59

What does it look like when he approves of you look like or feel like or?

Ale González 28:05

I have this feeling of? It's weird, because I know it. Like it shouldn't be like that, just like saying something. But it feels like, finally he had he sees me. Or he's not that he doesn't. But it's like this feeling like or he realizes that I'm capable of everything I want and he didn't think of.

Martina Fink 28:31

So almost like you have to prove to him that you are good enough.

Ale González 28:35

Exactly, yeah.

Martina Fink 28:37

Interesting. And I would love to go deeper into your relationship with your dad and kind of understand how that how it came to this point. Because I feel like there would be a lot more to uncover. But the thing I want to also bring to your awareness is that feeling of like you said, when you prove yourself that you're capable of doing something, then you feel worthy. So how I understand is that you connect your worthiness with your accomplishments. Would you say that this is true?

Ale González 29:09


Martina Fink 29:10

So in that case, you will only feel worthy of whatever work you're going to do with all these projects, once you accomplish them. And my question for you is, how can you feel worthy as you are right now?

Ale González 29:25

Well, as I said before, I've been working with this like, for like, almost four years. So I obviously I have some struggles that I need to work more on. But now, I mean, there that's a one part of me feeling worthy of accomplishing this part of my life. But now, like I feel worthy when I listen to myself when I give time to myself, when I take some time to feel what I'm feeling, and if I don't feel good, I like stop everything and I put myself first. That's how I feel feel worthy, like, these times?

Martina Fink 30:04

Beautiful? So are you only stopping and prioritizing yourself when you're not feeling quote unquote good? Or is that something that you do every day?

Ale González 30:14

It's something that I do every day, I try to do it every day, every morning, I, the first, probably one hour, two hours of the day, I gave those hours to myself. It's just the things I want to do. The things that make me feel good, and the things that are going to make me feel good through the day, like changing my mindset, or Yeah, doing all this, this kind of stuff that it's, it's good for me like, it's good to do it for myself.

Martina Fink 30:42

What do you think is really holding you back?

Ale González 30:44

with the business thing?

Martina Fink 30:48


Ale González 30:48

I think it's that that I, I know what it is, like, I started interior design. But then I love interior design, and I love doing that. But now my, the thing I want to do is completely different to that. And because I don't have like a career, or I didn't study that, like, professionally, I'm afraid that people are not going to work with me. But this is something that I tell to myself, every time I think of this and is like Yeah, well, you didn't go to university to study that. Would you have been studying it for four years because of your experience? So it's like, it's almost the four years of one career one, like going to university or whatever. So I think sometimes is that that I don't know, anywhere in the world is like the same, but here in my country is like you are worth your career, your car degree, everything. So that's probably somehow something that it's holding me back.

Martina Fink 31:52

Yeah, I understand that. And the question is, you know, are you just going to roll with it? And continue to tell yourself, you know, I know enough. And I know, I'm worthy. And I know I have the knowledge? Or are you going into the direction of you know, what, actually some sort of is certification, or course what really helped me, I'm sharing this because for me, when I first started, I was still a couple, many years ago, I was still doing makeup, I was teaching makeup courses, I was doing workshops, and talking all about beauty. And I started noticing that so many people needed more support with like confident things and inner things and, you know, lifestyle stuff, and not just beauty and makeup. And I didn't know, like I could have read all the books and all the things. But for me, it was like, I would love to actually learn how to be a proper coach and how to, you know, just have more knowledge. And I did that for myself, because I felt like if I can properly learn that it would be really good for me it was less for for me personally was less about having a certification that can prove to others that I did it. But I knew I had to take the certification for me because I knew that going through that it would give me a lot of confidence. And in that case, it was a it was a decision for me out of love knowing that when I do this, I will feel really good because I have the knowledge and my backpack, right? And so for you, my question would just be are you not doing anything? Like? Are you now starting career in that? Because you truly feel like you know enough? Or are you or would you just do it so that you can have some sort of a certification to prove to others that you have done this?

Ale González 33:36

I wouldn't do it for the second day. Like I wouldn't do it for the Yeah, like for other people to look at me and see Oh, and she has a degree, definitely. It's just black. So like I said, it's it was and it is because I wanna learn more to be better with me and with other people with me and my family and my friends because I wanna, like, I want to help and I want to bring this awareness into my life and try to help other people. So it's, it's also because I want to be a better person.

Martina Fink 34:11

So then why does it mean so much to you? what other people think that you don't have a career?

Ale González 34:18

I don't know. It's I think it's one belief that I have like really, really, really deep down in my body like attached there, that I need to let it out and let it go. And I because it's not working for me anymore.

Martina Fink 34:31

Yeah. How can you let that go?

Ale González 34:33

I think that just trusting in what I know now I'm telling myself that I can help people and keep learning and then help more people and keep learning. like not even like finished studying in a year or two years. Like, I really like learning about different topics and everything. So I think it's going to be a part of me that it's going to always They're like always taking courses, always learning something new. So I think just embracing that part.

Martina Fink 35:08

Yes. always learn new things. And you already know enough to. Yeah, I want you to repeat after me and then you finish the sentence, I want you to repeat, I am ready now to and then you start like whatever you're gonna say all the things you're ready for. Okay?

Ale González 35:23


Martina Fink 35:24

Okay. I am ready now to,

Ale González 35:27

I am ready now to start a business where I can help other people to bring awareness into their lives, ready to help other people to feel good with themselves. I'm ready to let go everything but it's not helping me anymore. I'm ready to feel that I'm worth it. I'm ready to let know other people that I know enough to help them. I'm ready to start with this now.

Martina Fink 36:00

Amazing. How does that feel? Did it feel like you actually believed yourself?

Ale González 36:05


Martina Fink 36:07

Amazing. So we have so many stories in our minds that we keep telling ourselves like, I'm not ready, I need to do X before I can do that. And in those moments, whenever these thoughts come up, because they will, I want you to tell yourself, I am ready now. And maybe you need some sort of like a post it note on your computer, on your bathroom mirror on the door that's behind you. And like you see it several times a day that you are ready now because it's a very typical thing for perfectionist to think I still need to do this before I can be ready, I still need to learn this before I can be ready. And so with that belief, you will never be ready because you're you believe you're not ready now. And so now is the only time we have. And when you can tell yourself, I am ready now. It is a really powerful thing.

Ale González 37:00

Yeah, for sure.

Martina Fink 37:01

The last thing I want to say to you, as someone who you know, has a certification and has worked with hundreds of people at this point. Nobody has ever asked me for it. Like literally nobody. And it is on my website. If you go look in detail, you will find it there. But people don't care about necessarily about what you have studied. They care about the energy that you emit. So I want you to embody what you teach, I want you to live what you teach, I want you to be a role model and live by example. So that it's no longer, you know, kind of us selling other people that you are doing home organizations, it is that they already know because they see it all over the place. Because that's who you are. It's not what you do. It's who you are. So the question and maybe that's like, my homework for you is to how can you embody everything that you teach? How can you be that instead of just do that as your job, and you might already be that, but you might not truly show that side of you.

Ale González 38:15

I mean, just I can be that reminding to myself every day, every morning, like I most of the times do, but there's like, there's something there that what I mean, like I'm capable. And I know like deep down. I know I'm capable, and I can help other people. But it's just like reminded me every day that as you say like, I'm worth it, I'm ready to do it. It's not that I'm going to stop here about why I've learned. But for now it's enough. And day by day, I'm going to keep studying more and more and more and more. But for now today, it is enough.

Martina Fink 38:56

Beautiful. Well done. What would you say is your biggest lesson from this session? Your biggest learning

Ale González 39:03

That I know that I have what I need already within me.

Martina Fink 39:09

Yeah. Beautiful. You absolutely have everything you need. You are so enough, you know everything you need to know. You just need to truly believe in yourself. And know that with every day that you're holding yourself back. You're not helping the people that actually need your help.

Ale González 39:30

Yeah, exactly. Yeah.

Martina Fink 39:33

Thank you so much for being so brave and sharing so much of your personal life and experiences with us. I wish you all the best for your business. I'm so excited to see more of what you do and how you do it and who you are on on your social media in particular, which we will also link in the show notes. Is there any final words that you would like to say to everyone listening

Ale González 40:00

Well, first of all, thank you for having me. And thank you for all your comments and your questions and everything. And well, something that I would like to say to everyone is that I discover every day is the answer. You're looking for is already within you just need to look within.

Martina Fink 40:21

Beautiful, beautiful and take that advice for yourself and look for that answer with everything that you're struggling with in your business and just know that you're really the only person that can give you the answers. Thank you so much. I am so grateful to have had this conversation with LA and help her see that she is so enough and so ready and so worthy right now without another course another certification or having or needing to have more knowledge. If you are struggling with a similar situation where you're feeling overwhelmed where you're controlling or you're stressed out and you feel like you have a low self worth and some kind of negative self talk at times and are struggling with perfectionism. You really want to go grab your self care guide for perfectionist in the show notes below. If you need support with any of this please feel free to reach out to me for support you can reach me on instagram or facebook at Martina glows or if you are on my website we can also get in touch with the contact form it would mean the world to me if you left us a review for this episode if this has been helpful for you. And if it has inspired you to live in even more glowing life for yourself. Follow the glow life podcast on iTunes and Spotify and for everything we mentioned in today's episode, you can go check out the show notes at Martina Fink comm slash podcast slash 138. If there is a somebody that you absolutely love that really needs to listen to this episode, please forward it to them right now. Thank you so much for being here today and for caring for yourself so deeply because what you do for yourself is going to impact every single soul that you touch. You deserve to feel glowing and confident. Beautiful.


3 Tips for High Achieving Perfectionists Who Are Ready to Remove Overwhelm and Work Less


I created a free self-care guide if you’re someone who always puts everyone else - especially work! - first and needs some tips for perfectionists to slow down again! Click the button below to download your self-care guide for free:


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The information and opinions expressed here are believed to be accurate, based on the best judgement available to the speakers, and readers and listeners who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. In addition, the information and opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of every contributor. The Company acknowledges occasional differences in opinion and welcomes the exchange of different viewpoints.

#137 Self-Compassion for Perfectionists with Jessica Oschwald


As a high achieving woman in today's western world, it is so easy to get sucked into the fast paced lifestyle of work, success, full schedules, and not much free time. This often results in you sleeping through the entire weekend, cancelling plans with friends, and feeling frustrated with yourself.

Jessica is one of my lovely clients who, over the past year, has implemented simple, but life-transforming changes in her lifestyle to quit overwhelm, raise her self-compassion, and put her own needs and desires first: to teach Yoga again.

Jessica Oschwald is a psychologist by training and a certified vinyasa Yoga teacher (350h). In 2018, she accomplished her PhD and subsequently a PostDoc at the University of Zurich, where she specialised in the cognitive neuroscience of healthy ageing. Today, she works as a data scientist in personalized healthcare and is based in London, UK.

Jessica shares her passion through The Mindful Lab, where it is her mission to make the ancient teachings of Yoga blended with insights from modern science accessible to everyone who wants to slow down, and live a more mindful and purposeful life.


  • How to not freak out when things don't go as planned

  • Why being part of a community helps you feel less alone

  • How to lower the expectations you have of yourself

  • How to meet new likeminded people while working from home

  • The key to being compassionate with yourself

  • How to put yourself first and not always be available for everyone and everything

  • Why you are in the right place right now

  • How to authentically be yourself again

And so much more!

Have you downloaded the free Self-Care Guide for Perfectionist? Click here to access it:


Jessica's favorite Green Smoothie Recipe
Jessica on Pia's About the Details Podcast
Jessica's Rock the Weekend Yoga Class



Martina Fink 0:00

This is episode number 137 with Jessica Oschwald. Welcome to the glow life podcast. The one and only place for ambitious, high achieving and perfectionist women like you who want to leave, overwhelm behind. Turn self doubt into self confidence and learn to trust yourself again, so that you can work less fully love and accept yourself and live a fulfilled and glowing life. Every week, I'll be giving you tips and inspiration on how to think less, feel more slow down can use your body and your daily habits to help you step up, level up and glow up in all areas of your life. This is not just about the big shifts, you can glow just a little more every single day.

Martina Fink 1:01

Welcome back to the glow life podcast. And today I have a glow tip for you that is all about checking in with yourself. One of the things we talked about in today's episode is overloading our schedules and having too many things and too many appointments and too many things that will lead we believe we have to do for others on our calendar. And I want you to make sure that you don't run into the same thing. And maybe you already are in that place where you are constantly over scheduling yourself and you end up feeling exhausted and tired on the weekend, then this is for you. So what I want you to do is ask yourself two questions. Question number one. First of all, you are going to open back up your calendar and you're gonna just take a look at what is in there, whether that's something you have in your computer, or you have it on your phone or you have it in your actual piece of paper agenda, whatever it is for you. Take a look at what is up for the week. What do you have scheduled for this week? Question number one, how does it feel? Do you already get a feeling of oh my goodness, I will never get to the end of this week. I'm already stressed out just by seeing all these appointments. Or does it feel like oh, this feels really good. I have enough time for myself. I'm going to get a massage. I have some time for self care. I'm talking to my friends. What is the number one a feeling that comes up when you look at your calendar? Second question for you is what can I change about this? What can I add to it? What can I cancel? For it to feel better? Right? So maybe if it's feeling overwhelming, what you have planned for the week, what can you change? What can you reschedule? What can you cancel? Where can you add in some time for you something where you can recharge something that nourishes you. If it feels like an empty, quote unquote, empty week, and it feels really good, then what else can you add to make you feel better? What else can you do to nourish yourself, or to help someone else or to strengthen your relationships? Okay, take a look at your calendar, see how it feels, and then see what you can change about it. Because the most important thing is that whatever the feeling you have, you get to own that and you get to take the responsibility for changing it. If it doesn't feel good. Nobody else can change it for you unless you do. And now I'm really excited to bring on Jessica who is one of my clients we've worked together for about a year now and Jessica is a psychologist by training and she's also a certified vinyasa yoga teacher. And in 2018 she accomplished her PhD and subsequently a postdoc at the University of Zurich in Switzerland, where she specialized in the cognitive neuroscience of healthy aging. Today, she works as a data scientist in personalized health care, and is based in London. Jessica shares her passion for healthy living and mindfulness in the yoga lab, where it is her mission to make the ancient teachings of yoga blended with insights from modern science accessible to everyone who wants to slow down and live a more mindful and purposeful life, aka the girl life. So in today's episode, we talk about how to not freak out when things don't go as planned. Why being part of a community helps you feel less alone. How to lower the expectations that you have of yourself How to meet new like minded people while working from home. The key to being compassionate with yourself, how to put yourself first and not always be available for everyone and everything. Why you are in the right place right now? And how to authentically Be yourself again, and so much more. And you can find everything we talked about today in the show notes at Martina Fink comm slash podcast slash 137. Welcome Jessica. I am so grateful to have you on the podcast today.

Jessica Oschwald 5:37

Hi, Martina, I'm so grateful to be here. Thank you for inviting me.

Martina Fink 5:43

We have been working together for about a year now i would say.

Jessica Oschwald 5:48

It's crazy. It's already a year, it seems like it was just yesterday.

Martina Fink 5:54

I know it's wild. And I remember kind of what your life looked like a year ago. And then you have been in a couple of my different programs. And we've worked on a lot of the perfectionist things for you as well. And the high expectations and the really, really busy life. But can you give us a short introduction around like what your lifestyle looked like a year ago?

Jessica Oschwald 6:17

So I remember that. I joined your first program. I think that was like a free program before COVID started. So my life looked completely different anyways,

Martina Fink 6:30


Jessica Oschwald 6:32

I can give you an idea. So I had just moved jobs, I had moved countries. So I had a big change. In my entire life. I moved from Switzerland to London, moved into a new flat started in you work and everything was so different. So I felt a bit lost. I remember. And I also had a lot of expectations how this time abroad should be. And then yeah, I wanted to do so many things in London. I mean, it's a really cool city, you you have so many options. But then the reality was that I commuted every day to work. And that took me I think in total, almost three hours. And then I was just tired. When I came home in the evenings, I cooked maybe sometimes I had takeout. But that's it. So my life looked a bit different than the expectations that I had. And I it was like a month of really intense of a really intense time where I actually felt quite overwhelmed by everything that was new around me. And then COVID hit. And I think that's the point where I then decided to join your programs more regularly. So I don't even remember what I what programs I joined. And where there were several. So I think it was cloaker foundations. But then also, I think very central for me was the perfectionist rehab program, which also really helped me to deal with those expectations.

Martina Fink 8:12

Yeah. So why are what are certain expectations that you had? You said, you had expectations of what this time should look like that you're abroad? What did these expectations look like?

Jessica Oschwald 8:24

Yeah, I think it was on one hand that I would meet so many new people. And I already had some friends who lived in London. So I had people around me, but it's not that easy to meet new people in a big city. And then I also didn't really feel like it. Because on the weekend I was tired. And then everything that I want to do if I want to go to dinner with a friend, I have to drive through the city for an hour or two. And it's so different than in Switzerland. So you don't just go to dinner or you just go to your yoga studio or to sports. It's all in whilst we have a lot of time. And in my mind, I would do go to theaters go to museums go to my yoga studio and whatever. But in reality, I've maybe did one of those things. And I think that's that's not a problem at all right, like now looking back. I think it was a great time. But I didn't really enjoy it as much as I could have.

Martina Fink 9:31

Yeah, and also what you mentioned about meeting new people, we have this illusion of how easy it would be to just meet new people and it will be so you know, fun and effortless but also like if we're honest or at our age and at our stage of personal development, it becomes more and more difficult to meet people that you actually align with because there's just so many people and then a big chunk of the majority of people They're not really self aware. They're just living like robots and machines, you know, just going to work just coming home sleeping, eating, working, repeating. Like, that's what I used to do. And I know that's what you used to do to like, just working like, that's all we do, right. And so it becomes more and more challenging to actually meet new people that you align with and that you love and that you can have deep conversations with, because your own expectations of what friendships should be have also changed.

Jessica Oschwald 10:31

Yeah, for sure. And you also have this expectation of friendship that you know, from, from the friends you maybe have over the years. And that's so different from new friendships that you form in a new country, where you're also just like learning how everything works. So it can be equally great, but it's just different. And so I think, yeah, my my expected, I think the problem was really like the expectations I had then didn't match my reality. And that made me feel lost, and also a bit disappointed sometimes of myself.

Martina Fink 11:08

Yeah, because you want something and you don't get it. like that. Nobody likes that.

Jessica Oschwald 11:11

Yeah. And it got worse when COVID started, obviously, because then I couldn't do any of those things anymore. And I asked myself, why did I even come here? Why, why? Why am I here? So I moved for a job. But now I'm working from home. And I think, yeah, now that I look back, I see it as it enormous opportunity. Because I had a year of time for self development, I actually met new people, maybe not in the way that I expected. But I met so many great women in your community as well, that I aligned with and that I still meet regularly, at least some of them and even with one with pa for example. I was on a podcast recently. So we created something together. So there are connections forming that, that our friendships, but also, you know, even more that, that you just get creative together. Yeah, before,

Martina Fink 12:12

it's so beautiful. And I I've experienced that myself in programs that I'm in and I was in that I connect with people on such a different level, because you are on a similar stage of your personal development of you know, you have similar ways that you view life. And it's one of the biggest parts of all of my programs is community. And I don't know, you can see my picture in the background. And my office is, it's like a group hug from one of my retreats. And it's one of my favorite picture. Because it's so special when we come together as women and we nurture each other, and hold the space for each other. And we show each other that we are there to support and also just there to listen. And besides like creating beautiful friendships, how has the community aspect of the programs that you were in specifically perfectionist rehab, how has that support at you in your on your journey,

Jessica Oschwald 13:14

I think that was a really big part of the journey, I can just compare it to the first program I joined with you that was, you know, less interactive, where we completed modules, or maybe we listen to some x, or we did some exercises like meditation. And that was really great as well. And it was an introduction for me. But then, really, like, the big difference in perfectionist rehab was that people were there to hold you accountable, but also to support you when you had a bad day. You can always ask someone a question. And you're you you're just never alone. So you're not alone on that journey. And that makes you so much more powerful. So I think it's it's like, for me, it's like, almost the biggest part of self development is is also sharing it with others. And that's something that that you wouldn't expect, because self development sounds like it's just centered on you. And you're just doing something on your own. But that's that's not really the case. I think it's really important to have a community of like minded women around.

Martina Fink 14:32

Yeah, I agree. And the the community aspect is so key because we always feel like with our suffering and with our pain and with our problems, we are the only one in the entire world and nobody will understand us. And then when you come into a program like rehab, where which is about perfectionism, so you have all other women who are struggling with the very same things like the things you mentioned, of being so exhausted on the weekend, and overworking yourself, and not having time to meet new friends and just being tired all the time, like you realize that you're not the only one and that there are so many other women who are going through the same thing. And that makes you empowered, and you're like, Oh, I'm not the only one. So that makes me feel like I belong to a group of women that are going through the same thing. And then together in this community, we can uplift each other, we always say like, we rise by lifting others. So as we lift others up, we ourselves can rise up to.

Jessica Oschwald 15:33

Yeah, I totally agree with that. I felt so many times that other women are actually sharing the same problem as me and I would have never expected that, like, often we just think we're alone. And we feel isolated with a problem. But actually, so many people are struggling with the same especially like with the, with this basically lifestyle that we all lead. I mean, that's just like a cultural thing as well. It's, it's something that we just live in, and it's really hard to, to like, be apart from it and not be influenced, like drawn into it too much. So if you just like work a nine to five job, you, you're oftentimes just you get stressed, and you feel overwhelmed. So so many people struggle with that. But the good thing is to know that, that doesn't have to be your real reality, you can step out of it.

Martina Fink 16:33

Absolutely. And it's harder to do that and don't want to say it's hard, because then we make it hard. But it is it is it takes a decision first. And it takes the realization that you are in control of what you create with your life and what you do with your life and how you spend your time. I always say we all have 24 hours and Person A might choose to spend 12 of these hours at work every day. Person B might choose to spend that Saturday morning working right? Person c might choose not to work past 6pm, person D might choose to take all weekends off or take like, you know, go on vacation every month or something like that. And, and you get to choose what you create. And the first step is always stepping out of this, oh, this is just what it is kind of victim mindset of like, this is our society. This is what successful women do. Like we just work hard, we make money we are like we can multitask. We can have a family and a career. Like we just kind of subscribe to these expectations. And we can just hit the unsubscribe button and say, You know what, this is not what I want to do I want I want a different reality. And I want to what I call the glowing life, I want to create that glow for myself and I own it. And a part of the ownership a part of the responsibility means that I have to accept that what I'm doing now is is not good.

Jessica Oschwald 18:07

Yeah, that's hard. I feel that's really hard. Because it's so much easier to blame. blame your stress on others, like typically we blame it on our work. We're just like, Okay, I'm so busy, I have so many tasks to do. But in reality, everyone is probably busy in your team. And if you look at people working with you, not everyone is stressed in the same way. So it is really a personal decision. And if you look at your life, you're probably doing many things that are not that enjoyable, but you just do them to please someone that is what I saw in in perfectionist rehab, a prog problem that many perfectionist and also myself a struggle with that you just feel like you want to accommodate everyone and you. And it's it's something that you feel it's a good thing, right? You're nice. But in the end, it can happen that you forget about yourself. And you just like get into all these things that you do on a daily basis. And maybe that wouldn't even be necessary, if you would ask for help. But it's hard to to do that to do that step.

Martina Fink 19:20

Yeah. And often when we please others, we do that at the expense of our own happiness. And well being right we overwork ourselves so that something at work gets finished. That means I am doing that but I'm cutting back on my sleep which is then harming me. So that's really where the whole like loving yourself piece comes in. of Am I doing something at the expense of my own peace and well being? Or am I doing something because I truly love and it's also nourishing for me.

Jessica Oschwald 19:54

Yeah, totally.

Martina Fink 19:57

I would love to know a little more about your life. Today, to how you like kind of like what your day to day looks like how you feel, what has changed in the past year for you?

Jessica Oschwald 20:10

Well, a lot has changed, actually. And I think, on a daily basis, I don't realize that but yeah, when I look back, and I really think about it, also now talking about how my life looked like a year ago, a lot has changed. And I think it's, it's more on the inside, even than on the outside. So, I mean, what has changed is that I actually started to teach yoga again, I'm a certified yoga teacher. Besides my job, I, I always was very, you know, in the yoga scene, and I loved to do yoga, because it was such a balance for me next to my very rational job being in science. And I used to teach yoga when I when I lived in Switzerland, just like one class a week. But when I moved countries, I gave that up. And I realized that this was a key factor. For me, this gave me so much and balanced, rational person that I am maybe on a daily basis, and had like, it just gives me this intuitive balance back. And I didn't know how to teach when I don't have a client basis. So actually, also through working with you, I got inspired to to start that passion again. And I started my own website, called the mindful lab and started to teach yoga class each week. The Rock the weekend yoga class. So that is really something that makes me super happy now and it gives me so much I love working with clients and, and teaching yoga and see how I can contribute that others feel a bit less stressed in their everyday life and more balanced as well. Hmm. So that's one thing that is a huge part for me.

Martina Fink 22:15

And I want to say your your your rock the weekend, yoga classes are so fun, because you have like your own style, and you have really fun, uplifting music. And I love the kind of vibe that you create. And we are totally linking everything in the show notes. Everyone wants a Saturday morning. Beautiful yoga class with Jessica, go check that out.

Jessica Oschwald 22:41

Thank you. So yeah, besides that, I think as I said, the change is more on the inside. So I feel that I am just in general, I'm more compassionate with myself. And more loving So I love that you What do you always say like that you should do things out of love and not out of fear. That little sentence helped me a lot. So I try to really think of that in my everyday life. It doesn't always work out. I mean, it's it's a journey. So I don't feel like I'm My life is now perfect. But it just helps me to bounce back when I'm in a situation where I stress myself by setting high expectations. And maybe I feel like I need to finish this work today. But it could be that I can also finish it another day. So I just tried to step back in such situations and tell myself, it's okay, you're doing your best and that's fine. It's enough. And, and actually it is most of the time. So that is a huge step, I think a huge change for me. And then yeah, I also started having a regular morning routine again. So that is something I used to have. But somehow with all the moving I just completely lost that. So I started doing yoga again in the morning. And my routine is not super long or anything but it's just consistent and sometimes I also change what I do, but I know that I get up like half an hour or sometimes even just 15 minutes earlier at a yoga or meditation. Or I go for a walk to some journaling, whatever I feel like that day and it's really like a game changer. I feel that really sets you up for for an entire day. Absolutely.

Martina Fink 24:49

I recently have to go to the grocery store and then early morning like nine o'clock or something for me, like I literally woke up went to the grocery store. I came home feeling so stressed out, because there were all these people. And I didn't do my morning practice before. But I'm just saying this because the most important relationship is the one that we have with ourselves. And when we don't create the time and space for that, what happens is that we start relating to all kinds of other people, and that affect the relation effects and relationship that we have with ourselves. And so I'm so happy you got back into it. And I just want to say, just like you said, it's not about how long it is, it's not about the longer the better. It's just about the consistency and consistently showing up for yourself, which then the fact that you did that resulted in you being more compassionate in your everyday life, like in something that's related to work, it's not because your work ethic has changed or anything like that. It's because of the relationship that you have started establishing with yourself with those tiny chunks of time on a daily basis.

Jessica Oschwald 26:00

Yeah, totally. Yeah, this whole aspect of being compassionate with myself. It also shows for example, in the morning routine. So as an example, I think it was two days ago, I really woke up and I didn't feel well, so I was super sleepy, and I could have stayed in bed forever. I think we all have those days. So called being compassionate with myself was then not getting up and doing my 15 minutes, sweaty yoga routine. But I rolled out of bed and I took my blanket, wrapped it around me and just did a meditation of 10 minutes. And that's it. That was my morning routine. So it's viewed, I think being compassionate is also being flexible, and adjusting to the situation because you can't always be perfect. That was something I used to have before also like having high expectations of always having to do yoga in the morning for so and so long. Because I'm a yoga teacher, right? So I should do that. But yeah, who tells you that you used to do that.

Martina Fink 27:08

And I love that you've you've learned to listen to your body and listen to what it means whether that's a meditation and you're tired, whether that's a sweaty yoga session, like you know what's best for you. And that requires some radical honesty, because you have to break those expectations that you thought you needed to meet. Yeah, was there I would love to hear if there was any specific situation that you came across in the past few weeks, where you notice, oh, I'm actually reacting differently to this than I used to in the past?

Jessica Oschwald 27:44

Yeah, that's a good question. I think there were many situations, I'm just trying to think of like a specific one. One example was maybe when I talked Well, when I had set up a call with a friend. And usually, like, I'm very committed to the things I say that I will do. So usually, then I show up, despite maybe feeling tired or anything. So you know, life is always a bit different. And you plan so and I remember on that day, just so many things came in between. and I felt like I just I just really feel not don't feel like having another call. I mean, you're on zoom calls all day now. And sometimes I'm just overwhelmed by this. And so I asked to shift that call. It sounds like a very simple thing to do. But it is for me a big step. Because it's a bit it's a different reaction. I think normally I would be like, hey, it's just a phone call, you can do this. And I would push myself. But that way, I'm not serving myself. And I'm not serving my friend either. Because who wants to talk to someone who is tired, who doesn't really want to listen to you? It's just but I feel that yeah, it's something I used to do more often in the past, just like pushing myself to do things, maybe also go on appointments, that I didn't feel like, and it was not about the person I was meeting It was really more I was just tired. Um, and now I do that more often that I take a step back first and think about Do I really feel like going? Yeah, I allow myself to, to also shift appointments.

Martina Fink 29:36

Yeah. And really the people that we love, they deserve us in our best shape like we want when we meet them. We want to be there for them. We want to be present. We want to listen, we want to support right? We don't want to come with like 10% of our energy left. That would be so unfair.

Jessica Oschwald 29:53

Yeah, I totally agree. And, and that is, I think it's something many people struggle with actually I think it is. It is Kind of an expectation we all have of each other that we are 100% available all the time on our phones, like always texting back, always being available to call always being available to meet up. And just saying I am tired today, it's not really an accepted excuse. Right? Like many people feel like I can't say that I need to come up with something else, like something came in between. But I think it's a really good excuse, because that means you love your respect and love the other person as well, because you want to give them your full attention.

Martina Fink 30:38

Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. I would love to know from you how you define your glowing life?

Jessica Oschwald 30:45

I think I would say two things. One is definitely really taking care of myself of my body. So I like to move my body every day in some way. It doesn't have to be crazy. I like to eat healthy. So recently, I've gotten addicted to green smoothies. Yes. addiction, inspired by you actually. I kind of stopped doing that for a while. And then I think on a more Maybe, yeah, like spiritual or psychological level, just being true to yourself. Yeah, stepping up for yourself as much as you can. And sometimes you it's not possible. But I'm working on that is for me, really a glowing life. So I feel like when you can really be yourself in any situation, then that really means happiness.

Martina Fink 31:48

I agree. And it's so interesting how you say, like several things that you've mentioned in this episode is that you used to do that in the past, and then you stopped. And yeah, I'm assuming you stopped because work got in the way. And like, there, it was just so busy and so much pressure. And, and I'm so happy to hear that you got all these things back into place, like your morning routine here smoothies, that Yoga is part of your life that you're teaching it like, that's really what we're trying to do. And in perfections rehab is like getting at getting you out of this life where you are doing things for others or because you believe you have to or because there is expectations and really bringing you back into the place where you are just you like where you are just almost like that younger version of you that was so happy and playful. And you know, just did all the things that she loved and like getting you back into that state.

Jessica Oschwald 32:43

Yeah, it's it's good that you mentioned the younger version of you. Because I think that is also something I connected more with in the past year, just because we had more time as well to, to spend by ourselves. So I started doing things again, I love to do as a child. And that was also, for example, I always love to write, I used to write stories. And now I don't really write stories anymore. But I love journaling. And I love to write blog posts, which I do now on my website. So if I just started doing, again, what I love. And I don't know why, you know, sometimes life gets in the way, and you stop doing that as you grow up. But the important thing is you can always pick that back up, no matter how old you are. Yeah,

Martina Fink 33:39

I think the reason why we forget it is because we're so busy in this hamster wheel that's just turning and turning and turning. And we don't take those five minutes a day to check in with ourselves to actually ask ourselves, how am I feeling? How am I feeling about the work that I'm doing? How am I feeling about the people I'm with, we're not checking in, we're just kind of on the treadmill going, going going never stops, right? And then you don't have time to actually think about it. And specifically today with like social media and phones and notifications and emails and computers and all of that we're bombarded with information from the outside. So it becomes more and more difficult to actually find that peace within. And just be quiet to listen because there's so much noise in the outside, going on.

Jessica Oschwald 34:27

Yeah, and we we somehow don't feel comfortable anymore to stop. I realized that it's scary. That's an addiction, you know that you're always entertained. I see that myself like, it's, it's really nice to just look into your phone when you're bored. If it's something really calming, but that's not great because you never get the space to actually be bored and just be silent. And that's the time where you are most inspired and where you actually can connect to yourself. So I think by like, by connecting to our phones, and by being connected all the time, it's like we're disconnecting from ourselves.

Martina Fink 35:10

Absolutely. And the word inspired comes from in spirit. So like, when we take when we are inspired, it's because our, it's almost like our spirit guides or higher self, whatever is coming through. But when we don't take that time, we cannot be inspired. Like, there's absolutely no way that you can be inspired by spending five hours on your phone every day, unless you actually do something that connects you with your soul and your spirit. But um, that's really interesting. And we need to connect more with ourselves and not so much with all these other people.

Jessica Oschwald 35:47

Yeah, tell me. And I think many people have done that. This year. Yeah. Talking to others, I often hear that they discovered something they love doing. So I think it's a great opportunity. Of course, I also hope that we can soon travel again and, and go to restaurants and bars. But you know, I think it also had like a good side.

Martina Fink 36:11

Yeah. And it's because we perceive to have more time, most people are like, Oh, now I have more time, because I'm working from home. Now I can actually do the things but it's really just a matter, it was probably a matter of a couple of weeks. And they were back in their routines of like not having time because of the mindset of I never have time for the things I love. And so for those of you listening, who have been able to connect with something that you love in the past year, make sure that now that's were opening back up and travel will start again and restaurants are open, like make sure that you keep that connection, because it will be so easy to snap back out of it and be back in your old habits. And it's a gift that we've been able to have so much more time for ourselves because of people not having to commute for example.

Jessica Oschwald 37:02

Yeah. I mean, for everyone who is working a home office job like me, of course, I know that, you know, everyone in the health care sector, working at the front has had a really hard time. So I'm just speaking like for people like me, of course who were privileged enough to stay at home.

Martina Fink 37:22

Yes, yes. Now I have a couple quick questions before we wrap up, Jessica. What is your favorite smoothie?

Jessica Oschwald 37:32

That's easy. I love green smoothies. Yeah, usually I just, I actually just put up a blog post today on my favorite smoothie recipe and it overlaps very much with with your green smoothie recipe I realized just that I like I usually don't. I really add a lot of greens. I'm not sure if that is everyone's taste, but I usually add like spinach and cucumber, and different Herbes ginger, some water, and then only a little bit of fruit, maybe like a bit of apple or some other fruit. Whatever sweet fruit you have around.

Martina Fink 38:19

And we will link your smoothie in the in the show notes. And I mean, I did not invent the green smoothie at all.

Jessica Oschwald 38:28

No, but I find it so funny, you know, because it is. You see so many recipes out there. Sometimes I get confused. And I actually I feel like I've developed this one over over time. Because I feel like it needs to be easy. And you need to have the ingredients at home. And sometimes those smoothies have stuff that you just don't find. So I think it is like a practical smoothie recipe. So I found it funny that we actually use similar.

Martina Fink 38:58

Yeah, yeah. simple and quick, for sure. What are three things that you are grateful for today, Jessica?

Jessica Oschwald 39:08

Um, three things. So one is for sure to be on your podcast. I feel really honored. After working with you. For this past year. I, of course, also listen to the podcast and I've been really enjoying it. So it's a pleasure to be here. And then. Yeah, the other one is really being part of an amazing community of women who are smart and creative, inspired. I think it doesn't really matter whether you're living at the same place anymore. No, you can also connect across the world. Yeah. So I'm really grateful for that too. And the last one I would say that I'm healthy. That's something I'm really grateful for. Yeah,

Martina Fink 40:08

Our health is our most important asset. And you're doing so much to take care of it. So beautiful. Now, if somebody is considering joining perfectionist rehab and diving into releasing those high expectations and the overwhelming distress from their everyday lives, and constant people pleasing, what would you tell them?

Jessica Oschwald 40:30

I would tell them that they shouldn't wait until the time is right, because that's what I used to do. Like, I used to follow different online programs and thought that I may sign up at some point. But when I'm ready, and you're never perfectly ready, You're ready right now. So you should just do it now. and invest in yourself because you are worthy to take care of yourself. And, yeah, go for it.

Martina Fink 41:02

Yeah, I am ready now used to be an affirmation that I needed to tell myself too, because I too was waiting for like, the right time and the right moment, and everything needed to align, but just not now. Because now is not the right time because of this, this and this. But um, yeah, I love that you mentioned that. Is there anything else that you would like to share with our listeners today?

Jessica Oschwald 41:25

The the message that wherever you are at right now, it's, it's the perfect place to be. I used to ask myself a lot like why have I not come farther than I am? Or why didn't I do this? Or that? I think everyone asks themselves these questions, especially perfectionist. Yeah. So I just want to tell you, you're right, where you where you're supposed to be

Martina Fink 41:56

So beautiful. Yeah, it's all about being present and not so much in the past or in the future I should have or I should, that just causes more frustration and expectation. So I love that you share that. Where can people find you online.

Jessica Oschwald 42:12

So on my Instagram, it's the mindful underscore lab. And my website is the mindful, that

Martina Fink 42:28

Beautiful. And we will share the links in the show notes as well. So everyone go check out Jessica and her beautiful rock the weekend yoga class. Thank you so much for being here, Jessica. And for sharing your experience. I'm just, I'm so grateful for you for doing this cert for being on this journey for yourself and for your willingness to share it with others because, you know, I can talk about my programs and the experiences for so long. But it doesn't always click for people until they actually hear from a quote unquote, real woman, how much is actually possible. And I am so grateful that you shared your experience with everyone today, and you were vulnerable and courageous enough to come on to the podcast and share about yourself in your your life.

Jessica Oschwald 43:18

Thank you, Martina. I'm also very grateful for your coaching over the past year, and I wouldn't be here if I don't believe in it. And I thought, you know, the effects. And I feel like it's not easy to be vulnerable on a podcast, but I'm here because I feel that others need to hear it as well. So

Martina Fink 43:40

I just got a full guy full body goosebumps. And that's when you become a leader when you step up, and you're like, you know what, I'm scared, but I'm doing this for you. I'm doing this if I can even just help one person, then I can put my fears aside.

Jessica Oschwald 43:56

Exactly. So we should all inspire others to

Martina Fink 44:01

and get out of our own way. Yeah. I am so grateful to have Jessica in my community of wonderful clients. And you know, this is also a space for me to connect with like minded women. And for me to feel like I'm I belong to a group of wonderful women that are interested in the same topic said I am interested in and I love that. And it's been so beautiful to see her become herself again through these simple but consistent lifestyle changes that she's implemented over the years and that she is now able to share her gifts with others through her classes. The glow life All I can say like a little life if you're struggling with exhaustion and high levels of stress and high expectations, and perfectionism just like Jessica and myself used to. I actually have a free self care guide for perfectionists in the show notes that will help you with my top three steps to quit all of that and take the first step towards your own glowing life. If you are someone who is absolutely ready to tackle perfectionism, then I invite you to learn more about perfectionist rehab, which is a 90 day healing journey out of overwhelm into a peaceful, fulfilled and glowing life. The link to learn more is on my website Martina Fink comm forward slash rehab and you can also find it in the show notes. If this episode was in any way helpful for you and inspires you to live in even more glowing life, it would mean so much to me. If you left us a review for this episode, follow the good life podcast on iTunes and Spotify and for everything that we mentioned in today's episode, you can go check out the show notes at Martina Fink comm slash podcast slash 137. If there's anyone in your life that really needs to hear about Jessica's story, or even just needs to try her yoga class, please forward it to them right now. I would love to connect with you on social media you can find me at Martina glows. If you love this podcast. Please let me know I would love to hear from you. Thank you so much for being here today and for caring for yourself so deeply. Because what you do for yourself is going to impact every single soul that you touch. You deserve to feel glowing and confident. Beautiful.


3 Tips for High Achieving Perfectionists Who Are Ready to Remove Overwhelm and Work Less


I created a free self-care guide if you’re someone who always puts everyone else - especially work! - first and needs some tips for perfectionists to slow down again! Click the button below to download your self-care guide for free:


All material in this episode is provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this podcast episode. Instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being.

The information and opinions expressed here are believed to be accurate, based on the best judgement available to the speakers, and readers and listeners who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. In addition, the information and opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of every contributor. The Company acknowledges occasional differences in opinion and welcomes the exchange of different viewpoints.

#136 Releasing Perfection to Find Your Purpose with Tallia Deljou


Tallia Deljou has a Master's degree in Positive Psychology and is a life coach helping people find their path, honor their gifts, and connect to their purpose. Through her signature coaching program, Power by Purpose, and her Forbes' featured podcast, Sincerely Me, Tallia gives people the tools to break through their fears and stories and pursue meaning with clarity and confidence. Her work continues to be featured across platforms including Forbes, Fortune, Real Simple, Business Insider, and Well + Good.


  • How to stop looking for happiness in the "next thing"

  • How to shift out of an overthinking mindset into taking one babystep forward towards your purposeful life

  • Why your answers are in your fears

  • How to redefine success in a way that feels good and isn't just achievement based

  • Why you can perfectionize your self-care + why you should not do that

  • How to not stress about not knowing what's next

And so much more!

Have you downloaded the free Self-Care Guide for Perfectionist? Click here to access it:


Work with Martina
Download your free Self-Care Guide for Perfectionists
Learn more about Perfectionist Rehab
Pussy - by Regena Thomashauer
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Sincerely Me Podcast


Martina Fink 0:00

This is episode number 136. With Tallia Deljou. Welcome to the glow life podcast. The one and only place for ambitious, high achieving and perfectionist women like you who want to leave, overwhelm behind. Turn self doubt into self confidence and learn to trust yourself again, so that you can work less fully love and accept yourself and live a fulfilled and glowing life. Every week, I'll be giving you tips and inspiration on how to think less, feel more slow down and use your body and your daily habits to help you step up, level up and glow up in all areas of your life. This is not just about the big shifts, you can glow just a little more every single day.

Martina Fink 1:03

Welcome back to the glow life Podcast. I am grateful that you are here. And today I'm bringing on one of my beautiful friends, Talia and we are going to talk a lot about your purpose and how to find your purpose how to get clarity when you're feeling overwhelmed when you're overthinking everything and how to take simple steps forward out of that life where you might be kind of okay with your life. But it's just not exciting enough and not fulfilling enough. And before we dive into that, I want to share a tip with you the glow Tip of the Week. And this one is a simple one. But it's also not that easy. Sometimes it's to buy yourself flowers. I had a situation recently where I was buying tulips and it was a packet of like 15 to lips for $5, which is a really, really low price for flowers, right? And I instantly grabbed two so 32 lips. And a couple seconds later, I started feeling guilty. I was saying to myself or I was hearing the mean voice to myself say you don't need to you can just buy one, it's enough to just have one, why would you buy two, and we're talking about $5 it's clearly not about the money. It's about the worthiness and accepting that I actually am worthy of buying 30 tulips, you know. And so the next time you go to the flower store, buy yourself some flowers. And notice the story that comes up for you that fear in your mind tells you that you don't need flowers, that flowers are only two gifts to other people and not to yourself. And you will have to throw them away in a couple of days or that they're too expensive or that you don't need them like whatever it is that comes up, be mindful of that and then tell yourself that you actually do deserve them. Flowers are so beautiful. And I have one here in front of my computer and it smells so good. And it's also just so pretty. It makes me so happy to look at flowers. And I'm sure you feel the same way. So go get yourself some flowers this week and spoil yourself with whatever flower with however many you want to get. Go for it. And now let's bring on my beautiful friend Talia del Shu who has a master's degree in positive psychology and is a life coach that helps people find their path, honor their gifts and connected to their purpose through her signature coaching program called power by purpose and her Forbes featured podcast sincerely me. Talia gives people the tools to break through their fears and stories and pursue meaning with clarity and confidence. Her work continues to be featured across platforms including Forbes fortune, real simple, Business Insider and well and good. In today's episode Talia and I talk about how to stop looking for happiness in the next thing aka outside of you how to shift out of an overthinking mindset into taking one baby step forward towards your purposeful life while your answers are in your fears how to redefine success in a way that feels good and that isn't just achievement based why you can perfection is your self care and why you should not do that, how to not stress about knowing what's next and so much more and you can find everything we talked about today in the show notes at Martina Fink comm slash podcast slash 136 Welcome Talia. I am so grateful and so excited to have you on the podcast today.

Tallia Deljou 4:51

Thank you so much for having me. I feel like this was destined and meant to be and we will. Yeah, we'll see what comes up in this conversation because I'm sure we could go for days.

Martina Fink 5:02

I know, I know so much to talk about, around the things that we have experienced and the things that we work with, with our clients on. And so one of the things that you're really big on is clarity and finding your purpose really, like why am I here? What am I doing? And before we dive into all those details, I would love to know, what your experience was that actually brought you to your purpose.

Tallia Deljou 5:27

Yeah, that's a great place to start. So I think for me, you know, as, as far back as I can remember, my mind has always been filled with questions, and curiosity around what makes life worth living and what gives us a sense of identity and like, what is purpose and what makes life meaningful. And a lot of those questions were shaped from just kind of experiencing my mom for years up until today, really searching for herself and searching for her purpose and kind of chasing happiness and thinking she's going to find it in the next thing right outside of herself. And, you know, it's hard to see that it's hard to watch that. And that's, you know, when you observe that happening, like you start to see the ways and the things you've been looking for that thing in, clearly are working. You kind of just see, you know, I've seen her kind of stuck in that same cycle for years and years and years. And that ultimately led me to wanting to pursue kind of higher education and all of this and get my master's in positive psychology, which really helped me find the answers to these questions that were just naturally kind of like, in my mind already. And so that's, that's really what kind of shaped who I am. And we'll talk about this in terms of my philosophy around purpose. But I think purpose is really being in the most authentic expression of who you are, and finding answers to the questions that come So naturally, and that you're kind of curiosities already tied to you. And so for me, it's, it's what I do now is helping other people find it, but it's also just who I am. Like, it's what I think about when I wake up, it's what gets me to feel my emotions, it's all of those things combined in one. So I've been lucky in that I've really been in touch with that thing for as long as I can remember, because it was such a big part of my day to day experience in reality, and I knew that's what I was experiencing. I'm sure other people are also asking the same questions, but don't really know where to turn to find answers. So that's a little bit of the background story in terms of what got me to, to doing this work today.

Martina Fink 7:27

Yeah, I love that you mentioned that you're helping others now. Because we always feel that we're the only one with whatever it is, we're struggling with, whether it's you know, the breakup, or the not knowing what to do, or having lack of clarity or being really hard on yourself, we always feel like we're the only ones. And knowing that like is that whatever I'm experiencing, most probably someone else is experiencing or has experienced the same thing. And that's just so powerful, and a beautiful reminder to know that we're not alone in this. And that's why we have such beautiful communities where women can come together that are experiencing similar things. I feel like that's like, that's because you and I, that's why you and I connect so well, too, because we have like some similar experiences that we're going through.

Tallia Deljou 8:19

Yeah, I mean, that's what that's what creates connection. That's what creates a sense of belonging. And I think that's why you and I love running group programs, because we know the value like yes, there's value in doing this work on your own and in like the self reflection ways and whatnot. But we're missing such a big piece of the puzzle for doing it on our own. And so much of I think what people walk away with is not just the kind of clarity that comes from doing the work, but also the like feeling held feeling supported feeling seeing there is such a healing component to this work that can only really habit in groups. And I know people are hesitant to let themselves be seen in the mess of it all. But there's something so beautiful about inviting people into that part of your journey and story. And I know you and I like it lights us up to facilitate that and create those spaces and also be in those spaces ourselves and let ourselves be seen and whatever we need to be seen in.

Martina Fink 9:16

Yeah, and I was just listening to this book called Pussy by Regina Thomas shower on my walk today and she was talking about how you know for me, that's the glow for her she talks about radiance and she was saying how your radiance can come out in the presence of other women. It's almost like we light each other up to bring that radiance out of you. And since we are I don't want to say we because we are in this space but someone who is just you know, working and hustling and going to the office every day and overworking themselves and working from home and working on the weekends and during their vacation. All of that stuff like you're completely disconnected from your radiance because you're not putting yourself in environments where this glow can eventually come up and come out of you.

Tallia Deljou 10:03

Yeah, absolutely. And I mean everything. We're relational beings, everything happens in relationship, right? Yes with ourselves, but but especially in relationship with other people, because that's where the triggers come. And that's what that's where our lessons really reveal themselves. So yeah, I think I love that idea of like the radiance and the glow, and it being something we can pull out of each other when we come together.

Martina Fink 10:26

Yeah, so let's talk about clarity and purpose. Because the the women I work with are usually, you know, very hard working and often overwhelmed, easily stressed out irritable, because all they do is I always say work, eat, sleep, repeat. And that's, you know, gets you to a point where you're like, is this really it? And you're like, mid 30s, you're wondering, is this really it? Or is there something else? You already know that there's something missing? But it's often very difficult to say, what is it that is missing? And then also, what do I even do? Because I'm already certain age and Can I still change my career? Or what if I quit my job and don't find another one? Or like, you know, things in relationships. So it's something really difficult for them where they're overthinking, and are feeling also overwhelmed with the possibilities and the options, and maybe right now in 2021, not being able to do certain things you would want to do. And so what would you do with such a client that comes to you is like, please help me I don't know where to start. But I know there's something more in life.

Tallia Deljou 11:33

Yeah. I mean, so we would go in so many different directions, I think the first thing would be to just kind of celebrate that knowing, right? You wouldn't, yes, there might be the overwhelm and the uncertainty, and I don't know what's next, and all the questions and the fears and the excuses and the doubts. And yet underneath all of that there is a knowing that there's something that's asking for your attention. So to celebrate the fact that you're in touch with that part of you, and that, you want to listen to that, because most people, I'd go so far as to say, you know, most people just ignore that voice and deny that voice. And don't let that voice come to the surface. And so it's big to just acknowledge that it's there. And to get curious about it. I think that's the first thing I'd say is let's look at this and get curious before freaking out about what it means or like what I have to do now and what does that mean for my job? And what does that mean, for the 30 years of my life that I've built like, slowly roll right and just let's let's first celebrate and acknowledge and look at what wants to be looked at. And then I think it's immediately kind of stepping into this space of, you know, what are the hesitations? What are the doubts? What are the fears? And what are they there to tell you? Again, it's a continuation of that first piece, let's stay curious. And let's look at the objections that are stopping you from really exploring what wants to be explored. And I think what stops most people from that is they jump immediately to again, what do I have to do about this? And how is it going to happen? Or what is it going to look like? And then just how, right and I think, when that question comes in, it's really just our way of stopping ourselves from the exploration because the exploration feels threatening, because it's different than what we know. And so it starts to just kind of shake up the foundation that we've felt for so long. So the question of how we don't know how to answer the house. So Well, what's the point? I'm going to just forget about this and keep doing what I've been doing? So I know, there's a lot of pieces in that. But I think it's staying curious about it. I think it's looking at the fears, the doubts, the assumptions, calling them out, bringing them to the surface, and really looking at what's actually true in them and challenging the truth of them and letting yourself not have the answers yet letting yourself not fully know. And being okay, in that kind of gray area, I think that's a muscle we all get to build is is what is the relationship to uncertainty, can you let yourself explore without fully knowing what it's going to lead to and not be attached to the outcome? In the process of it.

Martina Fink 14:02

There's a controlling aspect to this, which is very dominant and perfectionist, you know, wanting to be the one in control and wanting to know, not just what is step number one, two, and three, but also 57, 58, 59. And then also you want to know where step 100 what that will get you. And if you don't know what step 100 will be is like the how, like you said, then you're not even starting. Yeah, so I feel like it's really bringing them back into the present moment and thinking like Okay, now let's take just one baby step and then see what happens.

Tallia Deljou 14:39

Exactly, it totally is a practice of presence, because all all the things you just mentioned is us jumping into the future. Well, what is this person gonna think and well, what if I do quit and then they say this thing and what if? And just notice like with all the what ifs in the what ifs is the thing you actually want, right? Well, what if when I quit, this happens. Oh, so So quitting is something you're actually considering. Let's look at that before the fear of judgment tackles itself on to it and attaches right. Like the answers are in the fears. And it's it's about, like teasing out what's true and what's not. And and also looking at I asked this question last week on one of my group calls like what are you getting from? What are you getting from the story that you don't know? Because I think there's an element of like, yes, you want to let yourself have the answers. But also, what are you pretending not to know? What are you getting from not knowing? And most of it's just comfort and familiarity? Because as long as I tell myself, I don't know, I don't have to do anything about it.

Martina Fink 15:40

Yeah. It's interesting. I just recently surveyed my entire community to find out, you know, what they're struggling with? What's holding them back? Where's perfectionism standing in the way. And one of the things they mentioned is like, they are so afraid of failing that they don't even start and not even just failing, it's more like, well, if I do this, then I have to do perfectly, or you know, that new life or whatever that purpose or that business or that project has to be perfect. And in order for it to be perfect, it becomes so much that I don't even want to start.

Tallia Deljou 16:14

Yep. But there's something you're getting from that. Because starting is a risk starting feel threatening to the ego starting is new and different than stalling, which is what you've been doing. And so like, of course, of course, that's how you're feeling. And can you let that be there while also taking action? Like, it doesn't have to be one or the other thing? I think it's inviting space for both inviting space for fear fear of failure and risk taking. But yeah, I mean, I think the fear of failure, not even trying, because it has to look perfect. I mean, I think you and I and maybe we can speak into just the experience we're going through right now in this program we're in together and how, yeah, it feels, can I can I use bad words?

Martina Fink 17:03

Just be you.

Tallia Deljou 17:05

Like, yeah, it feels fucking threatening, because I'm in unfamiliar territory, right? And there's a part of me that wants to have all the answers and wants to get it right. But then there's no, there's no growth in that, right. And of course, it's easier said than done, I need to hear this, myself, too, is like, I can't expect it to be perfect. And if I did, then I wouldn't be able to learn the lessons I need to learn in order to grow myself and my business and like dot dot dot. And so it goes back to the question of what like, What's your relationship to uncertainty? And can you let yourself be new at something? Can you let it be unfamiliar? Can you let yourself not be the one in the room with all the answers? And for me that the thought of that was the scariest thing because I had never done that I had never been in the room with a bunch of people where I was the one who had no answers. Like I've, I like being the one who people turn to and who go to for it. Like, that's what I'm used to. And I get a sense of identity and self worth and value. And being that person, it's my I've built up an identity around it. And I know like being a perfectionist, it's an identity, right? And so to not be in that identity is like, well, who am I if I can't wear this identity of perfectionist or identity of whatever, because that's how I've identified myself for so long. And so to detach from that, or to maybe set that down for a moment, makes me feel like I'll be standing in a room totally naked, with nothing to protect me like it's, it's, again, it's the most threatening thing, because it's been it's been armor, it's been protection. It's been a blanket that, you know, hopefully you invite yourself where you get invited to try, try taking it off for a day and see what happens. And you can pick it back up if you want to. But it's a conscious choice, you get to make too.

Martina Fink 18:55

Yeah, I like to refer to it as wearing masks, and, you know, hiding behind your mask and pretending you're all good behind your mask when you're really, you know, crumbling and struggling and, and all of those things. So it's beautiful that you mentioned that and stepping out of that is scary. 100%.

Tallia Deljou 19:15

Yeah. And that's, I think the last thing I'll add there, too, is because I think a lot of us associate our success to the identity versus the actual qualities that you possess as a person, right? Like, and this is so much of where the imposter stuff comes into the picture as we associate our success to Well, I got lucky or Well, I put in 10 extra hours or I didn't make a mistake. And it's like, well, Is that why you achieve success? Or is it because you know, you're a highly intuitive person or because you have a really developed skill set and blank and like it's other things too. And so it's making sure we're looking at all those things that attribute to our successes and feeling like we get to remove the pieces that feel the heaviest and know that what remains standing is the parts of us that are actually lasting and true. And who we really are deep down.

Martina Fink 20:10

Yeah, what came to me as we were talking was like the difference between doing and being, and success being something for most people, for me, including in the past, specifically, of what are my achievements, what have I done, and after I do certain things, or after I reach a certain position or salary or whatever, then I am being seen as successful. Whereas the route we're going now is like, how can you be a different person? How can you embody everything that success means because success, the definition of success for me has changed so much in the past years, it's no longer about the numbers and the, you know, what's in your CV, and what other people think of you and all that stuff, and the, the amount of compliments you received, but it's more around, I'm measuring my success on, like, how happy I am and how fulfilled I am and how beautiful my day is, and how beautiful I make my days, and how you Yeah, really, for me, it's the glow life, like how glowing is my life today. And if it's totally glowing, then that's a success. And that's the kind of life I want to live in. That's the kind of person I want to be, I don't want to be doing something in order to be successful, I want to just embody all of these elements that I define success with.

Tallia Deljou 21:30

Yeah, and what I love about your whole, like, all your messaging, your brand new is that what makes me glow is it's different for me than it is for you. Right. So there's such a level a level of layer of like, it's subjective, it's personal. And and, and yet On the flip side, I think where we get kind of lost on our own path is that there's this one idea of success we all buy into, and I'm sure you still fit into this plenty, so I won't get too much into it. But the power here is in that you get to define what a what a glow, yeah, well glow means to you, and how that feels to you and what that looks like to you. And it's it's personal, it's some it's not something that anybody else can tell you, or define for you or even measure for you. It's your own kind of internal compass. And, and I think that's why it's such a beautiful and the visual to have, like, of just the glow and the sparkle of the shine. Like, it's such a beautiful and warm feeling comes with it. And yeah, I think it's a really important new metric we get to use when we think about what we want for ourselves, and what's actually going to lead to a high quality of life that again, no one can determine but you.

Martina Fink 22:37

And what does it mean to you personally?

Tallia Deljou 22:39

What it means to me is, I was thinking about this question, because I knew you were gonna ask it. Think living a glow live means standing in my power. And I know even power is kind of like a big abstract word. But it's it's really drawing my sense of self from within myself, and knowing which voice is the voice of truth, because we've all got that small cell voice. And then we've got that higher self voice. And for me, it's really about getting into the practice of making the conscious choice to choose the higher voice, the greater voice that your voice. And I think it's also when I think about, you know, the word glow, it's also really about loving myself. And this has been such a hard lesson for me, but letting myself shine, and not be afraid of how it makes other people feel, and just taking more responsibility for myself and less for other people. That's been a tough lesson. But I think yeah, that's what comes to mind when I when I answer the question.

Martina Fink 23:42

Yeah, you will be surprised by how many other people you can actually Inspire to glow to when you allow yourself to glow.

Tallia Deljou 23:50

Yeah. And then it opens up such a window of exploration, right? Because there's like, there's, there are very clear experiences that I've had throughout my life that make me feel like it's not safe to be in my joy. So I carry that with me as I do. That's proof that it's not. So I hold on to that. Because I don't want to feel the way I felt in those experiences. And so that's again, where we get to, you know, do some coaching work and do some healing work, because is that one experience going to define me in the rest of my life? I hope not. But there are pieces that still kind of like remnants of that, that hold me back into like, some old ways of being. So that's the beauty of this work, though.

Martina Fink 24:35

So many times I thought, okay, now I'm over this. I've got this, I figured it out. And then the next big challenge comes and you notice Oh, it's the exact same thing, the exact same wound that comes up that we need to peel back another layer of the onion to you know, that just keeps growing.

Tallia Deljou 24:52

Yeah, and you saw this for me in our last call. But there was again something that came up for me and through digging and looking it you know what's behind it, I was like, damn it, it's the same shit. Like, it's, it's the same thing but manifesting this other way. And okay, like, I get to look at this again, you know and and stay curious about it and be loving and gentle and patient with myself instead of beating myself up for like, why aren't you over this yet? And why is this still bothering you? And you're better than that and don't let this bother you anymore. And it's easy to fall into that kind of judgment and self criticism. Or you can just say, All right, let's see what what's clearly something still here. And if I don't look at it now, it'll continue popping up. Let's play.

Martina Fink 25:39

Yeah, let's play. What would you say has been the biggest lesson that you have learned about yourself? on this journey?

Tallia Deljou 25:48

Oh, my gosh, so many, too many. Sometimes my husband's like, Can you just have like a normal day or you're not trying to coach yourself through every? Every day? I'm like, I just realized this thing about me like I'm so deep in it sometimes, or all the time. But I'd say one of the biggest lessons recently, since there are so many ways I could answer this question. One of my biggest recent lessons is in like giving myself permission to change and be different. I actually wrote this down to create some content around I think, when someone does something like you've changed or you're different, the like underlying sentiment there is that it's wrong or that it's bad. And yet, I think that's the most beautiful compliment I could ever receive is that I've changed and that I'm different, because I'm growing, and I'm human, and I'm evolving. And, and because I'm giving myself that permission to change and be different. I'm also giving other people permission to change and be different. And that takes some radical honesty with myself, because I think I've definitely had moments where I'm like, Oh, she's not how she used to be, she's changed. And it's like, well, of course, she has that like, because she's a living human being. And that's what we're here to do. I think that's something I've recently been looking at and moving through and giving myself and therefore other people permission to not that it's my job to give other people permission, but it it's just brought some perspective until like the point of life is that and why are we so quick and harsh to judge ourselves or other people for doing what we're here to do, which is grow and change? And I hope I'm not the same person I was last year. I don't I don't take offense to that, if that's the feedback you'd have to give me.

Martina Fink 27:32

Yeah, it's so funny. On my birthday, I received a couple of cards from like, really old friends. You know, like friends, we've been friends since like teenager or even before and there were saying something like, I don't know if you do that in English, but in German, we would say something like, say the way you are. I'm like, I don't want to stay the way I am. Like, there's so many things I want to explore. And it really triggered me I'm like, I'm glad you like me the way I am. But I have so much more I want to do and create an explorer. I don't want to stay the same.

Tallia Deljou 28:03

Interesting. Yeah. So what like what's immediately coming up for me there too, which might seem contradictory to what I said earlier? Maybe not? I'm not sure yet. But I think as we grow, it's not that we're like for someone to say stay the way you are. It's like yeah, and I'm going to become more and more and more and more of who I really am. And with that means I'm going to like I'm going to change but I'm changing into more of me versus being a different or another person. Does that make sense?

Martina Fink 28:33

Yeah. It's just, it's just about Yeah, probably peeling more of the masks back that you're wearing and becoming more more of you really?

Tallia Deljou 28:43

Yeah, yeah. So interesting.

Martina Fink 28:45

So it's like, so complex. My brain must be like trying to.

Tallia Deljou 28:54

This is where I like conversations when they get into this like, almost like philosophical like, what what Who are you really and like? What does it mean to be more of who you are? And like, what is the self and how the it's just yeah, it opens up so many more questions.

Martina Fink 29:09

For sure. For sure. Like we Yeah, we could go on forever. We need to set like a dinner date or something like discuss? Who am I?

Tallia Deljou 29:21

Beautiful question.

Martina Fink 29:22

Now I have a couple of questions before we wrap up. And the first one is that I want to know your self care routine.

Tallia Deljou 29:29

Yes. I love this question. Because I also struggle with like, well, but this isn't really like a routine that most people like I have this idea of what a self care routine should look like. And because it's not that I feel like mine is not good enough. So I'm in the practice of really like owning my self, my stuff my life the way I live. So for me, my self care routine involves flexibility in the mornings of what time I wake up. It involves listening to my body I think you had recently posted something about like, if you're snoozing, if you're just tired, like let yourself rest, let yourself sleep. So self care to me is really listening and trusting my body and not feeling bound by like rules that I placed on myself or how things should look. Another big part of my self care routine is movement of some sort. And it's by no means like a 30. It's, it's this many minutes, every day I do this thing, it really is just like when I feel like my body needs to move, I move my body, when I'm thirsty, I drink water, like it's really a practice of just listening and responding and giving my body what it's asking for another big piece of it. I've actually started doing this recently, I just got this amazing. I'm not I would not call myself a planner, or a to do list person like, that just makes me like really squirm. But I just got this journal called the mind map journal. And it's a comp, it's a journal slash planner. And it's the one I've actually stuck to so far, and I've been carving out time. And this is very new. But I'm really excited about it, because of how it makes me feel actually putting things in my calendar, like, take a break and go to Starbucks, right? It's like little treats that I give myself throughout the day, to remind me that I, I also matter in my day, because most of my day goes to other people to clients to like meetings and calls. And so for me, it's making sure that I also include myself in my days and include my needs in my days, and carve out time for it. And it looks differently every day. I don't have a like, here's my routine every morning. I kind of wish I did. But I'm also just that's not how I function right now. That was a long winded answer, and not much of a direct answer. But that's kind of what it looks like for me right now.

Martina Fink 31:44

Yeah. And that's also the reason why I asked everyone who comes on to the podcast, what their routine is, because there is no right or wrong here. And there is also a tendency to perfectionize, your routines, and like I have to work out 30 minutes every day, I have to do my meditations 10 minutes every morning. And if I don't do them, I'm failing. And that's exactly, you know, just kind of like a different perfectionism coming disguised as another thing, you know. And so the goal for self care is truly to listen to your body and do whatever it needs. And just like you said, doing those things, sleeping in taking breaks. And at the same time, if you're someone that's very used to over giving, and always being there, for other people, you need to have certain boundaries with yourself, like scheduling your Starbucks and, and things like that, where you get reminded that it is an appointment that is just as important, if not more, as any other appointments. And I, I had to schedule my lunch breaks in because I used to skip lunch all the time, because I was so busy, and there was so much to do, and you got to schedule it in. And if that helps, great if you don't schedule it in for me, it's like if something's not on my calendar, it's not happening. Often.

Tallia Deljou 33:03

Yeah, I'm the same way. And I have you to think too, for just some of the ways I've changed. Spending time with throughout my week, like the invitation from you and how you kind of shared how you schedule your own time, as you know, now, over the past two weeks moving forward Mondays and Tuesdays, I don't book really any calls. And it's my day to like focus on the things I need to focus on. And my time goes to me and myself and my business and whatever else needs attention. So I call that a part of my self care is is setting its boundary setting 100%. And just noticing how different it felt to wake up yesterday, and to not have any calls on my schedule. Like it truly felt it felt really nice. It felt like a gift to myself. It felt sacred, it felt really special. And it made me feel cared for by me, you know. And so yeah, I think I love that you asked this question, I think there is a tendency to want the answer to be perfect, but it is just what it is for now.

Martina Fink 34:04

Yeah. And it's also if you don't take care of you, nobody else is going to do that for you. Because nobody can do that for you. And there will always be more things you can do. Yeah. And tomorrow is another day.

Tallia Deljou 34:16

Yeah. Yeah. And that's it's an interesting question. And I'll keep the short but I think there was probably an element of wanting somebody else to do it for me, and waiting for somebody else to do it for me because I saw myself as the victim to my calendar or to my business like woe is me and I'm so busy. If that's the biggest that's the mindset I'm in then yeah, I'm waiting for somebody else to come in and make sure I wake up or save me from my life. You know, you're in office like you have a lot more power than you're telling yourself you do and be it's no one else's responsibility but your own and what's comfortable about being in that place is that you get to blame You get to blame other people for your lack of care for yourself, which is interesting to look at too.

Martina Fink 35:07

And I used to be the same when I was still working full time at Apple, I was so proud to tell everyone how busy I was and how I didn't have time. And now when people come to me and brag about how busy they are, and how they don't have time, like, poor you, you know, like, I know how that feels. I know how that feels. But that's not how we should be living life. Right. And and there is absolutely no benefit of burning yourself out.

Tallia Deljou 35:34

Yeah, it is interesting, because I find myself too. It's like, well, if I don't talk about work, then someone asks me how things are going on like, Well, what do I, what do I talk about? Am I still interesting? Am I like, does it make me boring? If I'm like, I'm chilling, like, I'm not doing much. I'm actually not that busy. And it feels amazing, right? There's an element of like, Is that enough? Is that enough to Yeah. Does that make me interesting? Also, like, why does it matter?

Martina Fink 36:01

Exactly, yeah.

Tallia Deljou 36:02

But they find the interesting.

Martina Fink 36:04

Yeah. And that's a whole other conversation. But I feel like we're just so programmed to believe that we need to be busy and busy equals successful. And so we're just, you know, creating a new reality for a generation that doesn't want to hustle that hard.

Tallia Deljou 36:22

Yeah, absolutely.

Martina Fink 36:24

Tell you what are three things that you are grateful for today?

Tallia Deljou 36:28

Ah, time.

Martina Fink 36:31


Tallia Deljou 36:32

That's a big thing for me to say, because I feel like, I fight a lot with time and time gives me a lot of anxiety. Running out of time gives me a lot of anxiety. But I am grateful for the time I now feel like I have. And again, I just want to say thanks. Thanks to you for some of the voice notes and coaching you You gave me around this idea that like time wraps around me. And that's totally shifted, it's shifted so much for me. So thank you for that. so grateful for time, I'm grateful for this beautiful space that I get to take these calls in my office and my vision board that Yeah, I'm grateful that I get to feel good. In, in my home when we've you know, we've been home for over a year with COVID and quarantine. And yet, it's been such a beautiful sacred space to be protected by. So I'm grateful for that. And I'm grateful for just new beginnings, new chapters, my husband got a new job offer yesterday, which is really exciting. It opens up a whole new world of people and network and opportunities. And yeah, it feels like an exciting new chapter for us both as well. So those are the things I'm grateful for today.

Martina Fink 37:43

Oh, congratulations. That's very exciting. Very exciting. Is there anything else you would like to share with our listeners today?

Tallia Deljou 37:52

Um, last thing I'll share is how lucky are you who is listening that you found Martina, because she is such a bright light. And I feel like you and I, we think in so many similar ways, and I think triggered by a lot of the same things. It's just been really nice to have found you on my own journey. And I have no doubt that many other people feel the same. So whoever's listening, send some love and gratitude to this lovely lady right here because it's important work and you show up in your own glow. And you take care of yourself and show us that we get to do the same. So thank you.

Martina Fink 38:32

You're so welcome. And I'm feeling so blessed to know you too. And like have someone who actually understands me, you know, some of the things we're going through. Where can people find you online? Talia?

Tallia Deljou 38:44

Yes, so people can find me. My main platform is Instagram. So I'm on the gram at TalliaDeljou. And my website is, my kind of bread and butter is as Martina alluded to helping people really find their path and, and honor their purpose. And so if you're looking for some more direction around all things, purpose and path and what are your soul gifts and what's the call on your heart and what are you here to do I invite you to just poke around and see what's what's up in my world and reach out and say hello, I love connecting to any and all human beings. And especially if you're here in the space listening to this conversation, I'm sure there's a lot we get jammed out together. So that's where you can find me.

Martina Fink 39:27

Beautiful. We will link all your links in the show notes and you also have a podcast.

Tallia Deljou 39:32

I do.

Martina Fink 39:34

Yeah, we too will link as well. Thank you so much Talia for taking the time out of your day to have this conversation for sharing your beautiful glow with everyone in my community. And I just want to honor you for doing this work as well. And for you know, supporting and guiding so many people to their own glow and helping them uncover their their purpose so that they can also ripple out there go to more people and that's how we truly, you know, make the world a better place.

Tallia Deljou 40:06

Exactly. That's what we're here to do.

Martina Fink 40:09

Thank you.

Martina Fink 40:10

I am so grateful to be friends with Talia and for meeting amazing women like her in programs and courses that I attend myself. And sometimes my clients asked me how can I find more people and friends that align with my values and what I want to do in my life. And if you are looking for new best friends, join a program where you can find your own glow and become the best version of you. And then that glow will ripple out to the people that are also in the program. And when you invest in programs and courses that you enjoy, you will find people that enjoy the same things. If you are struggling with overwhelm, control, stress, negative self talk perfectionism, not knowing what to do next and resonate with the topics that we shared today. You can find more about working with me on Martina Fink calm or with the link in the show notes. Don't forget to download your self care guide for perfectionist to help you quit overwhelm and work less without compromising results. The link is also in the show notes and no I'm not just telling you to do face smiles and drink a cup of tea This is a different a next level kind of self care guide. If you enjoyed this episode and you were able to take away some really helpful tips from this I would be so happy if you would share your review. for this episode. Follow the glow life podcast on iTunes and Spotify and for everything we mentioned in today's episode, you can go check out the show notes at Martina Fink comm slash podcast slash 136. There's anybody in your life that you love and that really needs to hear everything we talked about today. Please forward it to them right now. Thank you for being here today and for truly caring so deeply for yourself. Because what you do for yourself and when you find your purpose, this is going to impact every single soul that you touch. You deserve to feel glowing and confident, beautiful.


3 Tips for High Achieving Perfectionists Who Are Ready to Remove Overwhelm and Work Less


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#135 Victimhood vs. Radical Responsibility with Zion Kim


If you ever find yourself in a situation where you feel like you're the victim and everything is happening TO you, you're going to want to listen to this episode! Shifting out of the victim space into a space where you take full responsibility of where you're at and what you CAN do, has not only changed my life, it is about to change yours, too!

In this episode, I am talking to my mentor Zion Kim, the founder of several multi-million dollar companies and an amazing coach, who always gets me to see and uncover things in myself that I'm not able to see myself.


  • Why we can get hurt by uncommunicated expectations

  • The difference between harmony and intimacy

  • How to shift out of being a victim and take radical responsibility

  • Why we deserve deeper, more intimate relationships

  • How to shift from feeling powerless to powerful by taking full ownership

And so much more!

Have you downloaded the free Self-Care Guide for Perfectionist? Click here to access it:


Learn more about Perfectionist Rehab

The Darma Triangle Explained


Martina Fink 0:00

This is episode number 135. With Zion Kim. Welcome to the glow life podcast. The one and only place for ambitious, high achieving and perfectionist women like you who want to leave, overwhelm behind. Turn self doubt into self confidence. And learn to trust yourself again, so that you can work less fully love and accept yourself and live a fulfilled and glowing life. Every week, I'll be giving you tips and inspiration on how to think less, feel more slow down can use your body and your daily habits to help you step up, level up and glow up in all areas of your life. This is not just about the big shifts, you can glow just a little more every single day. Welcome back to the glow Live podcast.

Martina Fink 1:05

Ooh, today's episode is going to potentially change your life forever. I am talking to my very own coach and mentor, Zion, and it's been a beautiful journey and not always fun. Let me just say this, it's not always fun. But before we get started with the conversation today, I want to share my top glow Tip of the Week with you. And together with you know the topic that we're covering today, I want to challenge you to look at something that is truly annoying you at the moment, maybe it is a specific person, maybe it's something at work, maybe it's a situation where you need to speak up and you're not doing it but you're still getting annoyed about it all the time. So find a challenge or a situation that is annoying you at the moment. And then I want you to ask yourself one question, how did I create this? That is something we are talking about today about taking full responsibility. And as you know, we create our own reality. And that means we also create the challenges and the difficult situations we often face. So ask yourself, How did I create this and then shift from blaming others to taking full responsibility, because it's only then when you can actually start to change things. It's not always the others that made you get to this place. So let's dive in with my guest today is ion Kim. And if you ever find yourself in a situation where you feel like you're the victim and everything is happening to you and not really for you, you're going to want to listen to this episode shifting out of the victim space into a space where you can take full responsibility for where you're at and what you can do has not only changed my life completely, it is also about to change yours too. In this episode, I am talking to my mentor Zion, the founder of several multimillion dollar companies and an amazing coach who always gets me to see and uncover things in myself that I'm not able to see alone. In today's episode, we talk about why you can get hurt by uncommunicative expectations, the difference between harmony and intimacy, how to shift out of being a victim and take radical responsibility, why we deserve deeper, more intimate relationships, how to shift from feeling powerless to powerful by taking responsibility and so much more. And you can find everything we talked about today in the show notes at Martina Fink comm slash podcast slash 135. Welcome Zion. I am so grateful to have you on the podcast today.

Zion Kim 4:00

I'm very excited to be here. Thanks for having me.

Martina Fink 4:02

Now before we dive into all things, perfectionism, and you know being a victim of your time and schedule, and yeah, really struggling with too much strategy and overthinking in the mind. I would love for you to just give us a brief introduction into like who you are, and specifically, how have the last two years look like for you? Because there has been a huge transformation for you too.

Zion Kim 4:28

Yeah, absolutely. Well, I am an entrepreneur and I have been for just over the last 10 years. And in the last two years, I was in the process of probably growing my largest company that I've ever grown personally at the time, you know, I've advised much, much larger organizations. And you know, what's interesting was I have this relationship to speed and you know, and I've just become really aware of why that's the case and why I want to grow the organization so fast and you know, we went from literally zero To 5 million in a year, right and built this team of like 3035 people, and it was very much like jumping off a cliff and building the jet plane down, right. And we hit some issues with the business itself and ended up crashing, and we had to let 35 people go overnight. So that was how I started off, you know, my 2019. And that was in and that let's just say that was around like may sometime. And then at the same time, I found out that I was going to have a baby, right. And a couple months after that, we found out that the baby actually miscarried. And that was super tough. Yeah, as you can probably imagine. And you know, and then a couple months later, when my friends and mentors took his own life, and that was really tough on me, because he actually shared that with me early in the year that that's what he was experiencing. And I felt that I didn't really hear him. And that, but I also really didn't really allow myself to take responsibility for it, because I think that's what a lot of people do in those scenarios. Yeah. And then, you know, I ended the year by actually, transitioning out of my engagement, it's my fiance, and in 2019, and then yeah, and then 2020 started, right. And so I ended the year with about, like, just over $300,000 in debt, as well. So, you know, fast forward 2020, you know, the pandemic and COVID and was one of the best years I've ever had, honestly, I built two, you know, two multi seven figure businesses in the same year, while I was actually doing a stint as an executive in another company, so I was actually operating three companies at the same time, and, you know, eventually left my executive position at the end of the year. And, yeah, and yeah, and just, and paid off all my debt before, you know, the mid year and, and it was just pretty remarkable for me. And like, I was just super proud of everything that was created, especially given just, yeah, this is very much a reclamation year for me, just like, you know, this is, this is who I am. And I get to fully choose into what that looks like. For me.

Martina Fink 7:18

One of the things I admire in you so much is that you just, you just go for it and do things like I don't know how you did all of these things in one year. It's so admirable and like it just it just says so much about you just doing the things you want to do. One of the things you mentioned earlier is that you have a relationship with speed and that things need to go really fast. I think that's also something very typical for our generation, where we don't have the patience to wait for the promotion to make more money to get in relationship to have the marriage to have the baby like nothing can go fast enough. What was this thing that you learned about speed and the past? Two years?

Zion Kim 8:00

Yeah, so so the first thing was just kind of being aware of where it came from, right? Because I think a lot of people don't realize how many patterns of what current behaviors that they actually have, are rooted in behaviors that they learned, you know, based on the relationship to their parents and other people while they're growing up. Right. So it's almost like from the ages of zero to really eight or so a lot of the same patterns that were developed as an eight year old are still the patterns that are running the show as adults, right. And what I realized for speed was, it was my way of being able to get out of things faster. So I have like an opposite relationship to perfectionist, right? So for me, it was I was seen as intelligent or smart or rewarded by my parents or by you know, really society, right? Because the faster I can do things, it just meant that I was smarter, right or more intellectual, or I got it faster, right. And that was really rewarded. And you know, and I remember when I was younger, spending the time kind of working on, like running the piano, which I never actually did, or learning to read and doing all these things, it was all a matter of get the work done. So I can leave the space as much as possible. Because, you know, I had a lot of physical kind of abuse in that time, right, like physical and emotional abuse during that time. So it's just like, Okay, well, the faster I get this done, the faster I get out of this environment, and I can go outside and do something else. So that was kind of one of the things right on the one side. The other side was, well, the faster I move, then I don't have to actually see the things that are necessarily broken or the things that are not working. And in a lot of those cases, it's also just a mechanism for me to avoid pain. And in those scenarios as well.

Martina Fink 9:48

I just literally wrote down avoid pain in my journal right now as you were saying it. It's so interesting. I have a very different approach to handling pain, my pattern in the past Used to be, whenever there is pain, I crawl up in bed and sleep and hope that by the time I wake up, the pain will have gone. And it usually works to a certain extent where, you know, your nervous system calms down, and you kind of get a little bit of distance to the issue. But really, the root cause of the problem is still there. And there will it's just a matter of time, like, where this feeling will come back again, and where it will hit you again, until you actually learn. And for me, it's like sitting with the emotions and probably for us to say, instead of avoiding those situations, like actually sitting down and and feeling

Zion Kim 10:37

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Yeah. And me, I had a moment yesterday, right, where something came up, there was a deal that we thought we're gonna move forward with that we eventually didn't. And I was quite surprised by it, right. And I was just noticing there because I felt like for the last couple of weeks, I was just on the supreme high of life, and then just kind of the first thing was just like, Whoa, so I felt all this, you know, just sadness. And this maybe a level of rejection, but I didn't really want to title it that was just kind of like, feeling what I was feeling. I was doing my best not to label it, because I just felt hurt. Right. And there was just a motion. And, you know, and as it was great, because I just caught myself and I just said, Okay, well, I have to just feel these things. They're not gonna last year forever. And, and I did, right. And that was just really, really fun to just like change out of it. Because then then I just started to ask myself, right, well, what else? What else wants to be created here? You know, what else wants to be coming through me now? Instead, right? And instead, I just kind of shifted into this curiosity, because, you know, in the past would have been very easy for me to fall victim to the whole situation. And I actually noticed, you know, this one thought in my head, which was, what did I do wrong in my life, that this is the consequence of that happening? I was like, wait, like, nothing? Is like nothing, right? Because if everything truly is happening for me, because it is, then what else is going to happen for me? And I just really switched into that curiosity. And so I was very, you know, so yeah, as you know, I work with a lot of people in this work, but I'm also human. Right? So I was super proud of myself just for catching myself for going through the process. Yeah, asking myself the questions. And then, you know, really, it ended up opening up, you know, a really amazing opportunity for me just to look at, well, yeah, what else is possible here, right, and then really sit in that sit in that vision. So that's those extremely, just just a fun process.

Martina Fink 12:42

So good, and just what you said, we're humans, and even though we teach so many of these things, and concepts and ways to feel better, and process emotions doesn't mean that we don't experience them. Like, even if you work on this stuff for five years or 10 years, you're never going to be immune to actual pain and struggles, right? I love that you brought up the the word victim, like being the victim of the situation, and what happened to you yesterday. And I think that's something so many people in my community struggle with, because they feel like everything else is more important than them. So work is more important. Their full calendars are more important. Everyone in their lives is more important than themselves. And often, and I used to be there too, when I was still working at Apple, I would constantly cancel on my friends and family because I was so exhausted. And I'm like, I can't, I'm sorry, I have to cancel, I can't come because I'm so busy. And I used at the same time, I used to pride myself with this business. And I used to think it's so cool to be so so busy, because that meant that I was actually successful. At the same time, I was really trapped in this victim situation with my calendar and with my work. So can you talk a little bit about, you know, one of the concepts I learned from you as a drama triangle and how we take up different roles in relationship with people, but also things like your calendar and your schedule. So I love for you to kind of explain how this works and how, you know, the whole victim thing? Sure comes up.

Zion Kim 14:17

Yeah, happy to. So the drama triangle is a really beautiful concept. Because when you start to look at life, you start to realize that everything is in the context of how you relate to things, right. So when people are coming up against any blocks of momentum in their lives, that they feel like they're stuck, usually it's based on you know, one of four categories, right, it's you and your relationship to yourself and your relationship to other people, you and your relationship to your work and you and your relationship to you know, spirit or God or whatever so that that category, you know, I go into depending on who the person that's made so, and what their journey is, but You know, and when we look at that, there's really three roles that someone can play. And so the triangle, right, which is the hero, the victim, and the villain. So the way I love to illustrate this is okay, well, let's just pretend that you're having a conversation with anybody. Right? So in that scenario, let's say that you have to give someone feedback, and you don't. Right? And then looking at the question of, well, why did you actually not give them the feedback. And if you look at that, in the context of the drama triangle, the reason is because well, you might not want to hurt their feelings. So then automatically, what you're doing is you're taking the sovereignty away from that person and taking the power away from that person, and you are stepping into the hero role, right, because you are trying to save this person, and then all of a sudden, that person becomes a victim. So then what ends up happening over time is you end up going through this relationship, essentially frustrated over uncommunicative expectations, because you've never shared the way that you actually feel with this person. And now you have the capacity to step into the villain, right? Because you start to grow resentment for the other person, but the resentment is actually from you not having a conversation, more so than what this person is actually doing. Because by not saying whatever you want to say to this person, you're actually telling them that they're doing just fine. The way that they are, right? So then you go into resentment, and then all of a sudden, you know, and let's just say you just because then you go one of two ways, right? Then you finally unleash on this person. Or you say nothing, and you exit out of the relationship. And you just say, you know what, I'm done with this, right? And then, and then often what happens is, you know, that person can also become a villain. And they can go resentful, because you just did what you did. Or that, you know, they sort of say, Oh, well, why did you never tell me And the beautiful thing about this is, you can end up playing all three roles at the same time, right? Because by you not sharing the same feedback, even though you're trying to save the person from their emotion, then you're also starting to feel powerless, because you're not receiving what you want, right? And then that person ends up being the villain because you know, they're hurting you right? And not doing whatever it is that you desire from them. And then you're looking for someone to save you from the relationship. So, you know, so when you start to really look at the dynamic right of conversations, and how much is truly being avoided, and you start to realize and understand, well, how does this actually start to play out? And the place that I love, you know, really taking people in? This is just asking them? Do you remember a conversation that you had in the last week where you didn't say what you wanted to share?

Martina Fink 17:47

Yeah, that is such a common thing, like the people pleaser thing, in my community is like, I don't want to let anyone down, I don't want to hurt anyone. So I'd rather not say anything. And another piece of that, which I'm working on two is the element of harmony. So we believe we want to keep the relationship harmonious by not saying anything, so there is no conflict. So we're consciously avoiding the conflict. At the same time, we're really not stepping out for ourselves.

Zion Kim 18:19

Yeah, I mean, that's, that's really funny, right? Because, you know, in the desire for harmony, and what's harmonious about a relationship where there's actually no truth and when you look at this concept of people pleasing, you know, if you're really not sharing how you feel with another person, and you're withholding that information as you interact with this other person, and you don't say anything the entire time, and what is that actually, right and you know, and when I first heard this and I received this feedback, and I received this reflection because I was in the same boat right of the person who didn't say anything. And you know, my my coach turned to me is that you know, that's all line same as lying. You know, in fact, it's the highest form of lying because not only are you withholding and not saying anything, you actually putting on a completely different mask and face and showing up you know, as a as a different human to this site. Gosh, you know, so that's just, you know, that was very big moment for me of awareness of just okay, you know, this is this is how I'm showing up in the world and this is what gets changed for me.

Martina Fink 19:25

What I see often is that and I used to be there to where I was wearing different masks in different situations in different relationships. So I was one Martino when I went to work at the Apple Store, I was another Martino and I was with my friends and I was another Martino and I was with my parents and yes of course certain things like behavior and you know, habits from the past, but also I was consciously behaving differently in different relationships. And what I'm trying to do now with my clients is to merge all of this into just you, you know, how can you just be you And truly just express yourself in whatever relationship because in the end, how you do one thing is how you do everything. So how you speak up for yourself, in your intimate relationship is how you speak up for yourself at work and how you speak up with your parents. And that is so challenging sometimes to, to merge all these pieces into one. Have you experienced this too?

Zion Kim 20:23

Yeah. Well, you know, I think that it's, it's interesting, because a lot of people go through life asking the question, well, who am I actually right, if not this person or this person? But as you're talking? What reminded me around this idea of harmony is, you know, it's harmony at the expense of intimacy. And, you know, it's, is it actually you showing up to that relationship? Or is it the version of you wanting to hold harmony? Right? And is that you that's actually allowing yourself to be seen in whatever it is that you're feeling? And whatever it is that you're experiencing? Are you actually able to express yourself fully in that? Or are you not right? Are you muting yourself and not sharing because of the sake of harmony? Right? And yeah, so when I, when I think about that, it's, there's so many opportunities for people to be more of themselves, but they start to not do that, right? They start to not be all of them and all of who they are, because they think what they're doing is helping other people. But if they're doing it at the expense of them, then are they really developing the relationships that they desire. And oftentimes, what I see with people that are in this bucket of people that don't really share what they want to share with people, they feel very alone in the world. And you know, and for me, I just find that quite sad. Anything,

Martina Fink 21:43

it is very sad. It is very sad, because we're lacking the connection to others. And, and the feeling of belonging, which we cut ourselves off from, I had a really deep conversation with one of my clients earlier this week, where she asked me, Martina, how can I live more in alignment with myself? And I had to just kind of ask the question back to her. And what came out was that she has been vegetarian for a very long time. And she's been wanting to go vegan. But she didn't do it, because she was worried that if she goes to friends, that they would have to cook these complicated meals for her. So she was accommodating them, and at the same time, not allowing herself to actually step into the truth of who she wanted to be.

Zion Kim 22:32

Yeah, that's beautiful.

Martina Fink 22:33

So one of the other things this something, and I don't know if you've experienced that with yourself, or maybe in supporting all the people around you is that there's so much thinking and overthinking and strategizing. In our brains as perfectionist where we're completely I would say we're completely cut off the head from like, the lower part of the body. And being able to connect these two pieces, again, is really helpful. But it's so so challenging, sometimes for perfections that have lived this way for 20 3035 years. Have you experienced this before as well? Or how would you? How would you help someone that's like truly, in their head about everything.

Zion Kim 23:14

So for me that for me, I had that when it came to my relationships, right and really using strategy to navigate the relationships because I didn't want to be in the relationship with a level of vulnerability. And whenever it felt vulnerable, I felt at risk, I felt that I didn't have control, I felt that I could be hurt by it, you know, and what's really remarkable about that whole thing is I was placing more weight on what could happen, right? And I was I was living in the future reality of what could happen of you know, really empowering and investing in the energy of a could happen rather than truly allowing myself to be in the present moment of what is actually unfolding. And, you know, so the first thing is just being in the awareness of, you know, are you actually allowing yourself to be living your life? Right. And, you know, when I think about this idea of perfectionism, you know, I asked myself, and I asked other people this question of, well, what is perfect anyways? Like, what is the definition of your perfection anyways? Because the most comical thing about this and I don't mean this offensively is your idea of what is perfect is someone else's idea of what is absolutely broken. And this goes across the board, right? It's like, whose definition of perfectionism Are you actually holding on to? And is it actually yours? Right? And and when I look at that, it's just looking at Well, isn't that removing us from you know, the capacity just to live the perfection of the present moment of what is actually the unfolding of what is actually happening. And you know, and I think this really ties into a lot of what we already talked about, right? where, you know, how could you imagine, you know, someone feeling you and experiencing you, when all they feel is your strategy, when all they feel is you not saying something, right? Whether it's conscious or unconscious, whether this person is perceptive to it or not? Right, a lot of people in your space in your communities are probably a lot more intuitive than you give them credit for. So if they are receiving you, as someone who's watching their words, is being careful with what they share. That's not they're not really ever, you're not really ever sharing a part of you. And you're really staying on surface to protect yourself, and you have to show that you're wearing this armor that you're wearing, because you want to protect yourself, then I would imagine that a lot of those people might have trouble trusting you, when I realized this for myself, it was just kind of like a, you know, it's kind of a punch in the gut, right? It's just wow. Because once that came into my awareness, and I think this is really the first step for anything, is bringing this into your awareness of well, this is actually what's happening. And can you allow yourself to be and see that and just celebrate, right, and to just have a deep because this is not room for self harm, or For shame, this is an opportunity for even more grace and compassion for where you're at and what you're experiencing. And you know, and this is the first step, right? It's just having that awareness. And then it's just realizing, well, how do you switch this? How do you change this right, and, you know, the opportunity here is, you don't just do the thing that you think is going to happen, and see if it actually happens the way that it happens, right. And if you go into any situations, you know, if you go into any situation with the intention, that you know, something is going to happen with however the way that you think it is, yeah, chances are that it will very true. Like, yeah, if I go into the situation, thinking that the conversation is going to be closed off, then you will be closed off going into that conversation, the person will feel closed off, go into the conversation. So can you just actually release yourself from all attachment to what the outcome is? And just allow yourself just to be curious? And just to see, well, okay, well, if I just left my attachment out the door, that could actually happen. And you know, the last thing on this is just like this idea of perfectionism, I think is it's so heavy, right? It's such a heavy thing to carry. Right. And I think about it in terms of a you literally are trying to have control and a world actually have no control at all. And I think that, you know, the pandemic showed, right, and I think the pandemic showed us this, right, it's just and you've heard me say this, before, that the pandemic did not put us into a world of uncertainty, we were always living in a world of uncertainty, you just now got a front row seat to just how uncertain it actually is. And if it is, in fact, this uncertain, then what is it that you think that you actually know about the world that you're living in? Right, and I look at and I think about this of someone just wearing a backpack, full of bricks, trying to walk up the hill. And that's currently how a lot of people are doing? Yeah, right. And you know, what, if I told you that the answer is as simple as just take the backpack off, and put it down, and just let it go? Because it's not yours, then what would your life look like, of just wow, you have this opportunity to truly reveal and uncover and discover and be in relationship to who you actually are? When you stop trying to hold on and chop? Stop trying to control everything?

Martina Fink 28:44

Yes, so much yes to everything. And one of the things you mentioned, with expecting what will happen if like this whole living in the future, I had a conversation with one of my clients today and she was crying on the phone literally feeling overwhelmed with about this having to have a conversation with her boss next week. And she didn't know what to say to him. And, and I was like, so let's talk about what the actual options are here, and which one you would prefer. And she was like, This is option one. But if I do this, I know exactly. He's gonna react this way. Or he's gonna say this thing. And I'm like, Well, what if you don't think about what will happen after and you just focus on you and the desires that you have, and you stand up for these things because otherwise you're constantly worrying about how people are going to react or might react which is completely out of your control. So just being able to again, just focus on you and on the possibilities and the and the intentions that you have for whatever it is in your life and not so much on the what ifs then that is truly powerful. And that's also how you step out of the victim situation where you no longer like I can't do this. Because of that. I I can't do this because of that, because as perfectionist, we always have all the excuses. Ready?

Zion Kim 30:04

Yeah, well enough, the thing about victimhood is, you don't believe that you have the power, you, in fact, you're powerless. And there's one key to switch out of victimhood at any time, which is just responsibility, right? And because victimhood is taking less than 100% responsibility for where you are in life, and from what you what you can actually do, and what you can actually create, whereas being a creator, instead, being a victim is 100% responsibility of Wow, well, I have actually created my entire reality. Which means if I shift something inside of me, then this will actually shift in my circumstance, or in this particular situation that I see. Right? And then, you know, of course, heroes and rescuers just take more than 100% responsibility and of taking something away from somebody else, and take it on themselves. And just, you know, again, putting that backpack back on. It's, you know, so it's just really realizing, you're playing with your clients. Just wait, wait, no, you have a lot of options here. I think, Oh, wait, you're right. And that's the beautiful thing is when you start to realize, oh, wow, there's actually a lot of things I can do here. It's Yes, you can, then yeah, and then that starts to become the shift of the transfer of power.

Martina Fink 31:19

Yeah. So powerful. What would you say has been the biggest lesson that you have learned in this whole process or on your own journey,

Zion Kim 31:27

in probably how much I have been in my own victimhood, as well. So it's really this balance between not taking enough responsibility for what I've created in my life and wanting to blame others, instead of just looking at Well, how did I create this, right, and then looking at my relationships, and looking at my tendency to want to save people, right, and kind of carry them on my back to do whatever I want to do. But honestly, the biggest thing for me was just not having the uncomfortable conversations because of like, reason. And, you know, I just realized that, because it was so difficult for me to have conversations with other people, that when I found someone that I could be vulnerable around, I ended up putting that person on a pedestal in relationship to me, because I felt that they were doing something or they were a certain way, or they were a certain type of person that could hold that space for me and be and allow me to, that do allow me to be in that conversation. Instead of realizing, wait, no, this is actually a baseline, like, this is actually the baseline for all my relationships. Because if I can't be vulnerable myself, because vulnerability is my decision. It's my own power, it's my own sovereignty, it's, it's how I am choosing to navigate in the world to be on the edge of you know what it is I'm feeling and to be able to share that real time, right to be able to share that real time unformed as it comes up. That's, that's something that allows me to be in my own human experience. And, you know, and I realized, while I was putting this person on a pedestal, when you know, what, me being vulnerable is just the baseline of relationship. And that was such a seismic shift in perspective for me, because then I realized, well, I get to just be whoever I get to be all the time, you know, people can then see, well, that's the way that I'm choosing to navigate.

Martina Fink 33:40

one of the things your ration recently shared with us was the question, what is actually your criteria to be your friend? And like, what are the fundamental basics of the relationships that I want to have? And if you want to have a relationship with me, in whatever way, like, these are the number one or the the foundational criteria that I live my life with?

Zion Kim 34:04

Yeah. Yeah. And, you know, and that's at the top of the list of, well, if I'm sharing, if I'm sharing vulnerably, then what will I be met in that vulnerability? Or will you continue to wear your armor, and pretend that everything in your world is okay? And if it is, if it is great, but if it's not, then it never gives me an opportunity to be your friend. to really see you to be there with you. It becomes a missed opportunity for such a nourishing moment.

Martina Fink 34:41

Very beautifully said. Now, in my community, we talk about the glow life and I would love to know what your version of a glowing life would look like. Or it looks like

Zion Kim 34:51

you know, when I think about glowing I immediately think about just brilliance and radiates and just shining right? And, you know, my belief is that it starts inside, right? It starts inside. So that it's all these things that we just talked about, right? It's it starts on the inside, so that it really shows on the outside. Right. And when we continue to build this relationship with ourselves and how we view ourselves in the world, and how we're navigating the world, then we get to shop as this lighthouse, right? When I think about the glow life, I think about, you know, my desire my aspiration to be a lighthouse, because, you know, lighthouses don't go looking for the boats, they just stand there. And the boats come to that, you know, so for me, it's just, you know, I think the globe life is Yeah, being being given the work yourself so that you can be an example for other people. And that, to me is leadership, right? And so that you can really just shine brilliantly and just be the fullest expression of who you are in this world. Because that's your that's your birthright as a human being, is just to have all the joy and happiness and fulfillment that you can possibly know more than you could possibly even fathom is even available to you.

Martina Fink 36:08

Yeah, I love this analogy with the lighthouse is so so true and so beautiful, in terms of taking care of yourself, and like really strengthening that relationship with yourself. Do you have some non negotiables that you do every day?

Zion Kim 36:23

Honestly, no, it changes day to day, I mean, the thing that I've been working on the most, because I'm coming from, you know, years of an entrepreneur, I very much subscribed to hustle culture of kids sleep when you're dead, and all this other stuff. So. So the one thing I've been prioritizing more than anything is my sleep. So I used to sleep four to six hours a day. And now that's very much bid on the 72 hour train. So that's definitely been something that I've been working on doing that more times in the week than not, And that, to me is progress. That's why I say it's not a non negotiable, because it's still negotiated. Yeah. And then it's just some type of you know, and I really try to disconnect at the end of my days. And if you now have a hot tub here, and my sauna and a couple other things. So just, like really just take the time to be in that care with myself, and then just spend some time just kind of digesting my thoughts of the day and just kind of getting them down on paper, and just what I'm experiencing what I'm feeling and just to do a brain dump, right? Whatever is in my head, can just be seen, so I can just look at it and read it like, oh, wow, I've been kind of saying the same thing for the last couple of days. Maybe I should look at that. Right. So. So those have been probably honestly the biggest things, for me is just looking at what are the things that are actually coming through me? What are the things that are coming for me, and just spending some time in that reflection?

Martina Fink 37:50

Yeah, and this reflection piece is also often very crucial for good sleep, because otherwise you go to bed and you still have like all the thoughts and you know, spinning in your in your head, but when you can actually take the time to slow down and put them onto a piece of paper. It's so helpful. Zion, what are three things that you are grateful for today?

Zion Kim 38:10

First off, I'm super grateful for this conversation. Because I think that there's been a couple of things I'm still processing just yesterday, they got to just be with again, today's I just really appreciated that I appreciated. And I just am grateful for waking up and and getting this step into my life today. And that is just you know, so fun, right? Just being in the gratitude that I don't know what's coming today. And just being in the excitement of well, it gets really cold here. And finally, yeah, I'm just grateful for my space. Yeah, I've been spending a lot of time just kind of getting things, you know, just to settle into a home. I mean, I've been nomadic for so many years. And this is my first year that I've actually just been in kind of in one in one place. And now it's just been amazing. And you know, like this morning, I made some tea as changing through the tea, and it's just super happy. And I just have all these beautiful things in my home that I've just been looking at, just because it just makes me happy and just brings me joy. So I'd say that, you know, it's a mix of all that stuff.

Martina Fink 39:26

So beautiful. And yeah, having a space where you feel safe and, and grounded is like, I like to say root deep to rise up. And so like that really helps grounding your energy and then you know, expanding it to other people and out into the world. Is there anything else you would like to share with our listeners today?

Zion Kim 39:47

Yeah, I think everything that's been said has been said. So, you know, I think I may have probably be just in summary, right, which is, you know, my desire for everyone that's listening is that they just give themselves the opportunity to really live their own lives and to live their life and not what they think is expected of them. Hmm.

Martina Fink 40:10

Beautiful. And where can people connect with you and follow you?

Zion Kim 40:15

You can find me on Facebook, which is just Zion Kim. And then just kind of follow along on the journey there, or email on that one empty period CEO. That's the number one, Ms. Mary t as in transformation period, CEO. So yeah, that's a that's probably the easiest, easiest places.

Martina Fink 40:35

Beautiful. We'll share all the links in the show notes as well. Thank you so much for coming onto the show today's ion and for sharing your experience and like even your vulnerability on on today's episode as well. And I'm just really, really grateful to have you in my life and so grateful to speak with you.

Zion Kim 40:53

Yeah, likewise, thank you for having me.

Martina Fink 40:55

I am so grateful to be supported by amazing humans, like Zion. And I just want to remind you that your growth is your responsibility and is 100% in your hands. So if there's something you're struggling with, reach out for help. Don't forget to grab your free self care guide for perfectionists which might be the very first step that you're taking. And you can also join us directly in perfectionist rehab, which is a 90 day healing journey out of overwhelm into a fulfilled and glowing life free from perfectionism and high expectations enrollment is currently open and you can find out more on Martina forward slash rehab. You also find the link in the show notes. It would mean so much to me if you left us a review for this episode. If in any way it has been helpful for you and it's inspiring you to live your very own glowing life. Follow the glow Live podcast on iTunes and Spotify and for everything we mentioned in today's episode, you can go check out the show notes at Martina Fink comm slash podcast slash 135. If there is somebody who needs to hear this episode that you truly care about, please forward it to them. And right now I would love to connect with you on social media you can find me at Martina glows on Instagram and Facebook. Thank you so much for being here today and for caring for yourself so deeply. Because what you do for yourself is going to impact every single soul that you touch. You deserve to feel glowing and confident. Beautiful.


3 Tips for High Achieving Perfectionists Who Are Ready to Remove Overwhelm and Work Less


I created a free self-care guide if you’re someone who always puts everyone else - especially work! - first and needs some tips for perfectionists to slow down again! Click the button below to download your self-care guide for free:


All material in this episode is provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this podcast episode. Instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being.

The information and opinions expressed here are believed to be accurate, based on the best judgement available to the speakers, and readers and listeners who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. In addition, the information and opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of every contributor. The Company acknowledges occasional differences in opinion and welcomes the exchange of different viewpoints.

#134 Avoiding Conflict: How to stop crying behind closed doors with Joanne Daniels


Joanne Daniels is a 32 year old mum of one who has a high pressured job working as Finance Manager for a London based Asset Management company. 

She often reached the point of burn out, putting the demands of her job / needs of others before herself, which was affecting her health and her relationships and she knew something needed to change. She has several perfectionist tendencies, which have served her well in some respects, and not so well in others. 

Due to working remotely, especially in the past year, she was able to dedicate more time to herself and finally prioritised herself. 

Jo recently graduated from Perfectionist Rehab and said: "This course has changed me as a person for the better, and I feel blessed to be able to share my story with others, to hopefully inspire others that they can do this, they can change and take steps towards the glow life, and it is reachable if you put your heart and mind to it."


  • Migraines, relationship conflict, and snappy behavior

  • Why your feelings as a perfectionist matter

  • How to make new friends where you can share with no fear of being judged

  • How to never again cry behind closed doors

  • Why knowing your core values can improve work + your life outside of work

  • How to be in tune with yourself

And so much more!

Have you downloaded the free Self-Care Guide for Perfectionist? Click here to access it:


Learn more about Perfectionist Rehab


Martina Fink 0:00

This is episode number 134 with Joanne Daniels. Welcome to the glow life podcast. The one and only place for ambitious, high achieving and perfectionist women like you who want to leave overwhelm behind. Turn self doubt into self confidence and learn to trust yourself again, so that you can work less fully love and accept yourself and live a fulfilled and glowing life. Every week, I'll be giving you tips and inspiration on how to think less, feel more slow down, you can use your body and your daily habits to help you step up, level up and glow up in all areas of your life. This is not just about the big shifts, you can glow just a little more every single day.

Martina Fink 1:02

Welcome back to the glow life podcast. In today's episode, we are talking to my beautiful client Joanne and Joe has experienced a massive shift and transformation in her own life going from perfectionist and overworking herself and snappy mom to a place where she has just been able to truly be herself and release a lot of the stress that she was experiencing before. And before we dive into all of that stuff. I also wanted to let you know that the program which Joe has actually gone through called perfectionist rehab is open for enrollment until April 18. And we're starting with a new round of perfectionist women who are very high achieving and successful but tend to overwork themselves because there's so much to do and we always want to please everyone at work right. So if this is something that you are interested in, you can find more on Martina Fink comm forward slash rehab and the link is also in the show notes to learn more about the program. And before we get started with today's really beautiful share with Joe, I wanted to share my top glow Tip of the Week with you which is something every perfectionist needs to do it is to do one thing at a time, multitasking is something that keeps you so scattered and overwhelmed mentally, and you feel like you have a 57 tabs open in your mind every day. And I am sure that you have experienced this before. So my challenge for you today. And if you want to extend it to more than today, totally feel free to do that is to just do one thing at a time. And you will most probably catch yourself scrolling through Instagram as you are on a team call or messaging with friends as you are watching something on Netflix. Or maybe you're making your bed while you are brushing your teeth. This is something that still happens to me sometimes, and I need to catch myself too. So I believe that how we do one thing is how we do everything. If you make your bed while you brush your teeth, you most probably multitask in other areas of your life as well. So where can you become aware of your actions today and notice and catch yourself when you are switching in between a million different tasks at the same time and can you just switch it off and do one thing at a time. Once that is finished, you can move on to check your phone and scroll through Instagram, respond to comments and messages and just take one thing at a time today. And now let's get started with Joe Daniels. Joanne is a 32 year old mom of one who has a very high pressure job working as a finance manager for a London based acid manager she often reached the point of burnout, putting the demands of her job and the needs of others before herself, which has affected her health and her relationships and she knew that something needed to change. She has several perfectionist tendencies which have served her well in some respect and not so well in others due to working remotely and especially in the past year, she was able to dedicate more time to herself and finally learned how to prioritize herself. She recently graduated from perfectionist rehab, our signature program and she said this course has changed me as a person for the better and I feel blessed to be able to share my story with others to hopefully inspire others that they can do this. They can change and take steps towards the glow life and it is reachable. If you put your heart and mind to it summing that up your life will not become better if you don't do anything about it. In today's episode we talk about migraines for relationship conflict and snappy behavior with your children why your feelings as a perfectionist matter so much how to make new friends where you can just share with no fear of being judged how to never cry again behind closed doors, why knowing your core values can improve your work and your life outside of work, how to be in tune with yourself and be more of yourself, and so much more. And you can find everything we talked about today in the show notes at Martina Fink comm slash podcast slash 134. Welcome, Jo, I am so grateful and so excited to have you on the podcast today.

Joanne Daniels 5:40

Thank you very much for having me.

Martina Fink 5:42

It was such a pleasure to work with you in the past few months and help you kind of shift out of perfectionism and overwhelm and the high pressure and the expectations that you're used to have in the past. And I want to talk about all the things over the course of this episode. But the first thing I would really love to kind of dive in to with you is something that we just discussed before we started recording, which is your hair situation, which is like a perfect scenario for a perfectionist to release the control. So can you tell us what happened?

Joanne Daniels 6:16

Yeah, of course. So obviously, with lockdown and being at home, most of the time, I tend not to worry about makeup or making an effort. But as, as you mentioned to me that this might be seen by others, I thought I should make an effort. So yeah, I was curling my hair getting ready, allowed enough time to get everything done. And then my straightness just started to stop working. And I think something wrong with the cable. So typically, three quarters of my hair was all nicely cold. And then the rest of it, I left the top to last because that's what you do. So at the most bit, the most obvious bit of it was just Yeah, not doing what I wanted to do. But luckily, I managed to sort of hold it in position for it to get a bit hot. And then quickly, like, make do be a complete example of a perfectionist trying to like have perfect code. And it's just yeah, it's doing what it's doing. But at least it looks similar across the whole of my head.

Martina Fink 7:04

Would you have reacted to this differently if this happened six months ago?

Joanne Daniels 7:09

Yeah, definitely. I think I think even the whole idea of doing this podcast, I would have been worrying and fretting about what I would say and how it would come across, like what I would look like. But to be honest, I need like maybe 20 minutes ago, I was like, right, I should start getting ready. And try not to overthink things, because actually, it just makes it puts a lot more stress on myself. And it's just one of those things isn't that I can't do anything about my hair and what it wants to do. So just have to try to make do. But yeah, definitely changed from how I would have been before.

Martina Fink 7:40

Yeah, one of the things we talk about a lot in the perfectionist rehab program is control and releasing the things we cannot control. Like, what else could you have done, you know, when you when your curling iron breaks, it's out of your control, you could run to the store and buy a new one. But that's probably not possible in the time. So you just go with the flow and like kind of get over it as good as you can find a solution in that moment. So I would love for you to give us a little bit of a picture of what your life looks like six months ago, and kind of the struggles you were experiencing on a daily basis with your very high demanding job and, you know, being a mother at the same time as well.

Joanne Daniels 8:20

Yeah, I think I'm exactly as you mentioned, if it was very difficult for me, and I think I've got perfectionist tendencies, and I think some of them have worked well for me in the past and, and do still in some ways, because I think the reason I've got the job I've got is because I'm quite driven and quite motivated. And I think that comes from that sort of perfectionism. Like I want the next thing I want to do better, I want to do better. But I found that I got myself into a point where I was trying to apply this perfectionism status to everything. And it just wasn't, it's not sustainable. You'll never like regardless, you can read a million books, but you're never going to be the perfect mom, because you've got an independent child who is partly reflection of you, which is also very annoying, because she like does things and I'm like she's learned that from me. But you know, I mean across the board, like you're not in control of everything in your life. There's other external factors. And I think I just got to the point where I would push myself so hard that I'd end up burning out to the military. I'd like to have migraines I end up being off sick from work because I pushed myself to the point of exhaustion, but working evenings like especially being at home, having a lot more time with with Rosalie which is great, but like working remotely, but then I'd like literally log off straight into the other room playing with her doing bath time doing dinner, having dinner logging back in, like you just at least when I had the commute there was a bit of like a half an hour or so sitting on a train while I was like able to like process what was going on in my head. And yeah, it just got to the point where it was affecting me my health, like how I was behaving with Rosalie I was getting really snappy Have and then failing to get like, you know, Mum guilt that I was being snappy with her. And it was through no fault of her own, it was just that I was just exhausted, I was being a person that I didn't want to be.

Martina Fink 10:10

Yeah, it's funny how it affects, I mean, it's not even funny, it's just natural that it affects the closest relationships that we have. And often, we feel like we can express our frustration, and our anger and our exhaustion with those people. But really, actually, those are the people that deserve the best of us, because we love them so much, right. And so it's kind of like a paradox situation where the goal is to be the best version of you for the people you love, and not get your anger out on them or the frustration out on them. You talk a little bit about your daughter and how it affected that has it also impacted their relationships and your marriage?

Joanne Daniels 10:54

Yeah, definitely, I think I'm a lot more confident in myself now. And me and my husband, neither of us really like confrontation or conflict. So there'll be something really small that one will do to and it'll annoy the other one or whatever. And rather than actually sort of dealing with it in the moment, and it not becoming a big thing, we would just let it fester. Because neither of us wanted to upset the other one or whatever else. But I've noticed that where I'm a lot more confident in myself and sort of my opinions and even being honest about how I feel, it makes things so much easier. And I think our relationship has definitely got a lot stronger since like it like more recently. And I think it's partly because I'm on it on myself more I make time for self care, I make time to do the things I like to do. We've got quite a good balance now, like an evening to go and do his thing. And I can have a bit of time to do my thing be that listen to webinars, their pedicure, like whatever it is. So yeah, I definitely feel that with as a as a whole family unit. To be honest, I feel like we're much stronger.

Martina Fink 11:57

That's so beautiful. One of the things you mentioned is emotions. And I know that's where you really made the biggest quantum leap over the past few months of shifting completely into, like you said, the person you are the woman that you are today and just being yourself. And I feel like we talked about, you know, just be yourself. And it sounds so easy, but it's actually so challenging at times to even find out who am I when I am being myself? So can you share a little bit about how you felt emotionally a couple months ago, like six months ago, one year ago, like what was going on with your emotions, if anything?

Joanne Daniels 12:36

Yeah, so I think I had a way with dealing with my emotions at the time. And so um, and obviously, like, for context, I lost both my parents when I was well like around 2025. And I really struggled with that. And I think going through the program and just being more in tune with myself and sort of looking back at my beliefs and where they've come from, well, you kind of highlighted it to me that the way I was dealing with my emotions wasn't necessarily actually dealing with them. So if I, something would trigger me, whatever it might be, there would then be a downward spiral. Sometimes if I couldn't sort of snap myself out of it. And then it would lead to sort of like missing my mum and dad, and just feeling really, really low. And if I got to a certain point, my only way out was to like have a sleep. And I wouldn't want to spend time with my family, like even on Boxing Day was a good example when this happened. And obviously, we were still quite early into the program at that point. And I just, I think because I lost my mom around Christmas, so it was quite like it's quite a sense, you know, like sensitive time anyway. And yeah, Jordan took Rosalie out and I was like I just need to go might be by myself. And I just went as soon as I shut the door to them, just tears and tears and tears. And then I went and slept for a couple of hours. And then I felt better. And that was sort of my way to cope. But I think it was me sort of shutting down the thought pattern by sleeping and resetting my brain is kind of how I used to refer to it. But actually, that doesn't help me in the long term. It doesn't mean I'm dealing with it or sort of going through those emotions and like realizing them and letting them fly. And so I think that was the biggest thing. And it was obviously challenging, like talking to yourself, and then the other ladies on the program in terms of like what I went through. And we obviously went through a lot and quite a lot of detail. But even from that session that we had, when we were kind of talking about our, like all our past life experiences, I felt so much better for just talking and not being judged and being able to cry. And I think I even made him one of the other ladies cry as well. And I felt a bit bad about that. But I think that's fine. So yeah, I think that's how I would have reacted. It would have been sort of very much to shut down the scenario if it was too much for me to cope with. But now I've had. I've had examples more recently where I've reacted differently. My husband and I were like Listening to a, like a live event that a local pub was doing and somewhat and then they put a song on. And it was a song that just reminded me of my dad. And I just literally ran run to the bar for him to the first few nights that the song happened to start coming. I was like, nope, nope, nope, can't cope with this. And then I like just went into the bathroom. And I was like, hang on a minute, I can't, I can't run away. Because I don't want to every time I think of them, I don't want to be sad, I want to have so many happy memories, that I want to just think of all of that. So I kind of gave myself a quick talking to and I was like, You know what, what's the worst that can happen? It's okay to cry. So then I went back in like Jordan a turn the volume down, because I just don't run out the room. And yeah, I've kind of listened to the rest of the song. And it might sound like a silly little thing. But for me, that was a massive achievement to just be able to face the light to face that emotion. And even thinking about it makes me be a bit like, Oh, it's nice, because they, I wouldn't feel so emotional about it if they didn't mean so much to me. So it's actually coming from a lovely place that I'm having these emotions, they just kind of like pushing through pushing through them, accepting them, and then getting to a place where I'll hear that song. And I'm like, Oh, actually, you know what that was really nice times that I had with them. rather than sort of just focusing on the side and the loss,

Martina Fink 16:13

There's so much I want to say about this. And I also just got full body goosebumps when you were talking about the situation. And I remember you sharing that with the group as well. One of the things I also experienced in my life really, until recently to was the same thing of going to bed and sleeping in order to avoid facing the challenges. And I always told myself, you know, if I go to sleep, I will feel better afterwards, which is often the truth, like we usually do feel better, and we get some space and some rest. And you know, you wake up a little refreshed, but you're not really facing the actual problem. So what happens is you just avoid the emotions at all. And they're still there. And you just kind of wrap them up in a package, but you're carrying the package around with you until the next thing comes up right for you that song with your parents, for example. Or that reminded you of your parents. So another thing that you mentioned is that you close the door, and then you can cry, right? It's it's like, you used to have this shame for allowing yourself to cry. And I feel like that's something so many women struggle with, whether it's at the workplace, or it's in their families or with their loved ones or their partner, where we still believe that crying is something shameful, and that we shouldn't do that. And that is something where that we believe is a bad thing, or it just also reflects weakness. And that's how we grew up, you know, like Big Girls don't cry, and it's all going to be good. Don't worry, like, while this is true, all everything is gonna be good. In that moment, what we just want it was to be loved and to be held. And that's also what we crave. Now, when we want to cry is we just want to be held, and we want someone to understand that we are you know, safe and that it's all good. But in that process, it's so important to let things flow because crying is a way of processing and releasing. So like literally as you cry, you release the pain through your tears out of your body and out of your energy system. So I'm really, really proud of you for allowing yourself for catching yourself in that moment when you were in the bathroom and going back in. And another thing that I think is really important when it comes to past loved ones and specifically parents is that they don't want us to suffer, your parents don't want you to like you said they want you to be happy in situations like these are almost also signs from spirit or from their spirits in their souls that they are here with you and that they think of you. And that's so beautiful that you've been able to shift that energy around your parents and the memories you have with them that you can now focus on the good things and the experiences you had.

Joanne Daniels 19:00

Yeah, and I agree. And I think another thing as well as, as you mentioned is sort of like that feeling that you shouldn't cry in front of others or it's like a bad thing. Like that's something else I've noticed, like I'm much more aware of how important it is to be in tune with your emotions. And I've even kind of tried to drill that into Rosalie a little bit as well. So there was over Easter, we were I know for Mother's Day. We were supposed to pop in and see Jordan's mom and just drop her off at present but she's not been feeling very well. She's had like she's had a bit of a chest infection and she was crying as we left her she obviously wanted to see Rosalie and we were kind of all distance from her and everything else and she was really upset and I could tell that Rosa Lee didn't really know how to deal with the situation because grandma was crying. So when we got in the car I said to her I was like it's okay if you're sad like grandma's sad because she wants to spend time with you and and she's just not feeling very well at the moment and that's why she was crying and I either you can see when I I think I'm quite an I can just sort of, you know, when someone need to cry, like you can see, it's bad, but they're just not letting it out. And I could tell she was doing it. And I said to her, I was like, it's okay to cry. And then she had a cry as well afterwards, because she was just sad that she couldn't see her grandma. And I was I don't want her to feel that she has to hide like, emotion, because everyone has those emotions, obviously, like people express their emotions in different ways. But yeah, I think it is definitely something that not that I was ever brought up in a way that I shouldn't or couldn't express myself. But I don't want her to grow up in a way where she doesn't feel that she can be who she is, you know, and feel what she needs to feel in the moment.

Martina Fink 20:39

That's so important, because that's how we grew up thinking it's not safe to cry. And now we can pass this on to future generation. And that's how they are going to be dealing with conflict and you know, challenges and sadness, and which is really neat, this revolution of women teaching their their girls and boys, you know that it's safe to, it's safe to cry, and that it's normal to have emotions. And the more we can allow ourselves to feel these feelings, the less pressure we actually have. Because this also goes into work, you know, where you're, maybe you're struggling with something at work, and you're not really allowing yourself to feel it, you're just getting frustrated or angry and you avoid feeling those feelings. So you just go to work, even more frustrated the last The next day, and it just accumulates all of that until one day, you know, it explodes or leaves you with a burnout like situation.

Joanne Daniels 21:36

Yeah, exactly.

Martina Fink 21:37

And how would you say this whole experience of becoming yourself more and allowing yourself to feel more how has that impacted your career?

Joanne Daniels 21:48

It's really positive. Again, to be honest, I think when I first started the program, I said, as you mentioned, I've got quite like a high pressure job. And I am happy with my role and everything else. But one of the things that we talked about as well was sort of like law of attraction, and sort of doing like a vision board and sort of thinking about what you want. So I spend a bit of time actually thinking about what my values are my core values, because I've not really sat down and thought about that, and kind of came up with some sort of like, home or like, you know, personal things that are like, not objective, but goals that tie in with my values. And then also from a work perspective, too. And one of the things that came up for me, and that is important from like a more sort of like career work perspective is sort of like sort of progression, basically, you know, sort of always wanting to learn, like gain more knowledge. And the other thing that came up was sort of helping others. And within my my job, I work as a finance manager, and like an asset management company. So it's all very messy, a lot of accounts and things. So it's not really something that I can apply to helping others in my role. So then I kind of thought about what else could I do outside of that, that could align with that core value. So I said, Rosalie's at nursery just around the corner from us. She started there last year, and I actually joined the committee for the nursery. So I've been able to attend committee meetings and sort of add a bit of value from like my knowledge, like my finance side in terms of knowledge and just sort of being able to present ideas come up with fundraising ideas, those sorts of things. And it's probably not something that I would have even thought about if I hadn't been thinking, what are my values? Like, where do I want to go? So I think that's been a really big one for me, and then also, from a lot more in my role. And again, I think it kind of links back to this whole, speaking up for yourself and law of attraction and things. So I we got a new CFO, and he joined the company in November. And we he'd asked everyone to have one to ones with him so we could get to know the team. And when I had to catch up with him, he was asking me about my progression and sort of what I wanted. And I was quite honest about it. And I said, Yeah, I'd love to be sort of like a CFO one day. And I said to the senior managers, I'm like I can, I can be in my role and do a great job. But they have to help me get opportunities because they know the opportunities there that they have to think of me when they're sort of like making a plan or whatever else. So then there's a big project I worked on in over December time that I've specifically got hand picked for. I don't know how much of that was because I'd said like, please think of me in these sorts of situations. And but that was really good for my profile. And then yeah, in January, I actually got offered a temporary promotion to cover someone who's on maternity leave. And it's completely out of my comfort zone, because it's a different area of finance and what I do now, so the old me probably wouldn't leave them wanting to do it because I'd have been like, No, no, no, this is too much like I don't know what I'm doing. And you know, that whole idea of like, it's like a stereotype that lies for females, they have to know 100% of the job spec before they go for that job. I'm literally going into a role where I don't know a lot of the content, but because of my transferable skills they want Like my sort of senior management, they want me in that role they've asked me, and I'm kind of believing in all their belief in me if you see what I mean, it's kind of what's pushing me along. So that's been really good as well. And then yeah, and also, I've been asked to be part of the new diversity and inclusion committee that my company running. And again, last year, I shared a bit of an interest I attended, attended a couple of sessions that our CEO did. And yeah, next thing I know, I've been asked to be part of the committee. So when, yeah, I didn't, it's like the stars are aligning in a way, you know, just sort of, and I do think it's part of the energy I'm putting out there. It's sort of coming back. So yeah, from a career perspective, great, really. So I couldn't have asked for more like things that, like this time, six months ago, would never have thought would even be on the cards for me.

Martina Fink 25:47

Yeah, congratulations, that is so much, even in just three months, you know, achievements in your personal and business life. And that's really what happens because everything is energy, and the energy you send out, it's going to come back to you. But if the energy that you send out is just frustration and overwhelm, and stress, well, guess what you're going to get back, you know, in return, but when you actually take that time to get to know yourself better, and understand, like you said, what your values are, and I know for you, it's really important to help others and to serve. And that's why you're supported. You're supporting the nursery now, like just knowing that at the core, this is who Joe is. And now how can I become more of her in my everyday life? So it's not just a I'm the best version of me when I go on vacation, but I'm actually constantly living this version of me that I truly want to be.

Joanne Daniels 26:43

Yeah, exactly. And I think the thing is, as well, like we've spoken about before, it's not always, you don't always feel on top of the world every single day. But there are things that come along, and you do you do stop and think like, this is great. And I think align the more I do, I feel like I'm on like in like a bit of a snowball, you know, and it's just going to keep going. But now that I've started, like thinking about this and thinking about what's important to me, and what do I want to spend my time doing, what do I enjoy, it just seems like things are just coming up. And there's more and more that I can do in that space. And particularly with the like diversity and inclusion piece like it's obviously like globally, it's a massive thing. It always has been, but it's more in the forefront of people's minds. So I feel that that's something where I can actually really make a difference. So yeah, yeah, it's all been really positive for me.

Martina Fink 27:30

so beautiful. One of the things that you mentioned earlier was the aspect of the community and being part of a group with other women, how has that affected you and support you over the three months in the program?

Joanne Daniels 27:42

Well it was really nice to obviously get to know the other ladies, personally, I think it's been, it's great that you Well, one is that you have someone else you're accountable for or accountable to. So it kind of does. Make sure that you you prioritize yourself. And I think we all struggled with it at points throughout the program, like other things come up. And I think one of the reasons that we are perfectionist, one of those tendencies is that everyone else and everything else comes before yourself. So I think having that accountability buddy really helped sort of push us along to again, shift that mindset from, oh, I do really want to do this, it's really important for me, but Rosalie needs me or Alba work need me to do something or whatever else is quite easy to make excuses and put yourself on a back burner. And so I think it was really good to have it have the other ladies in the group from an accountability perspective. But also, I think, just to just to all feel vulnerable together. You know, I think because everyone's in the same boat, everyone has gone through their own life challenges. And they've been impacted in different ways. And they've got whatever that path they've been on has got them to being part of the perfectionist rehab course, it's really comforting to know, and really nice to know, like everyone's in that same position. And everyone wants to make themselves better. And everyone's gone through whatever it is they've gone through. And everyone was very open in terms of talking about those things. And it's not only like the high points and in those things, but it's also the lows. And I think feeling safe with a group of women that you don't realize I've never met any of you like in person. It's all been virtual, obviously. I just felt Yeah, I was in a safe space. And I think that made the program so much better for me and I got so much more out of it because of that.

Martina Fink 29:29

Yeah, and I truly believe that we don't talk about our struggles enough and share those painful moments with others. Because we feel shameful about certain things that happened in the past. And you know, we just hid under the covers and cried for ourselves instead of sharing them but once we start to open up to people that are going through or have gone through their own challenges, we feel like we belong because we notice we're not the only ones that have had difficult situations and challenges in our lives. So yeah, that's what like one of the biggest things I love in all my programs and retreats is just being able to connect women that are on a similar level and similar journey because I experienced that myself, like I'm best friends with some of the people that I've never met in person, and that I talked to every week now, because we're in the same program. And we have like, we understand each other so well, because we are going through similar challenges. So yeah, and the accountability piece, of course, is massive for perfectionist, because it's so easy to give up on your plans and not follow through and get overwhelmed, and then procrastinate and not do anything. So I'm really, really glad that this has supported you.

Joanne Daniels 30:45

Yeah, definitely.

Martina Fink 30:46

How would you describe your glowing life?

Joanne Daniels 30:50

I'd say I'm still a work in progress. I don't think I'm there yet. But I think I'm definitely on the right path. And for me, it's about living in the moment more. That's one of the key things, I think it's very easy to always be thinking about the next 10 things you need to do or thinking about, oh, yeah, when when I achieve this, then I'll be happier when I'll achieve that I'll be happy or let me have this house. So you know, it's all very sort of like in the future. But I think as well, like one of the things obviously I've I've learned a lot through what's happened in my life is that you're not around forever, you know, and sometimes the time that you have on yourself can be quite short. So you shouldn't always be trying to live for the future. And you need to enjoy now. So I think that's one of the big things, and for me as well is like getting that work life balance right and, and aligning with my values like now that I figured out like one of the other things that came up on the program was my connection with my family, like my wider family. And I thought that a lot of the stuff I tried to do was because I was trying to sort of like, continuing my mom's legacy, because my mom was the one that would organize events and do things. But then as we discussed it more and I thought about it, I was like Actually, no, I actually really love doing those things. I'm not doing it for her, I'm doing it because I personally get a lot out of it as well. So I think it's just obviously current situation is not that easy. But it definitely makes me sort of prioritize spending time like even on zoom or WhatsApp calls, like with my family just to catch up and check in with them. And yeah, just having a bit of balance of sort of, what are the things I like to do for me, making sure that I have time for those looking after my body, looking after my health, having that quality time with my family and just being happy. And just when you have that moment of like just laughing or whatever it is just stop and just feel it rather than just moving on to the next thing, which is something that I think I always used to do. Because I was never in the moment in the first place. I was always like, my head was somewhere else thinking about our What are we going to have for dinner later? Or what are we going to do tomorrow or whatever it is, they I think it's just having that having that balance, enjoying life basically, and aligning more with my values as well.

Martina Fink 33:00

Beautiful reminder to really just remain present, which is definitely a very common struggle among perfectionist we're either worrying about the future or regretting things in the past that we do did or didn't do. And we can all use a bit more, you know, presence in our lives for sure. Now, you talked a lot about like doing things for you, what are some of the non negotiable self care things that you do now?

Joanne Daniels 33:26

So one of the big things for me at the moment is my exercise. So I will get up early in the morning and do some sort of exercise. And I feel I feel so much better on the days when I do something than the days that I don't. And I also feel like it's my time. So I get up before Rosalie and Jordan are awake. So it doesn't sort of impact on any time with them. And it is time for me to be in my zone and do what I want to do. That's like the key non negotiable. And I think the other thing is my skincare routine, I probably could be better with it. But I do like to do my sort of like cleanse time moisturize like morning and night. And I will try and do face masks. And again, I don't think I've got my routine 100% as I want it yet, but again, I know I feel I feel so much better in myself if I do make the time and do my nails as well. I do try to do those too.

Martina Fink 34:20

So beautiful. Yeah, and we can always do better. Like let's be honest in everything, we could always do better, but it's all about starting the process and can and sticking to it consistently that is going to make the difference and certain things that I'm doing now for myself or have become so natural, like brushing brushing my teeth in the morning and I don't even think about it anymore, you know and you will get to that point where your skincare just becomes normal and you doing face masks regularly just becomes normal. You don't even think about it as like, oh I should do something because it's just who you are. So you're on a on an amazing path to taking better care of yourself and just be present with it and enjoy what you're doing now. And then take the next step whenever you feel like okay, now I can add one more thing because what we sometimes think is like, we have to do all the things right like Manny, Petey have the perfect terror workout, meditate all these things together and and then you want to start it and you you stop after two days because it's this whole mountain of things that you want to do. Instead, just start with one thing and then take it one step at a time, like baby steps. Now before we wrap up, I have a couple of quick questions for you.

Joanne Daniels 35:37


Martina Fink 35:38

If you if there was one thing that you could take with you to go on a desert island, what would it be?

Joanne Daniels 35:46

Assuming I have all the necessities I need? It probably just be like a good book. I think something that I can just sort of like, drift away to.

Martina Fink 35:54

Love it, in a hammock?

Joanne Daniels 35:56

Yeah, that'd be good. I was like my sunglasses. I would need those as well. But I was like, should I say Rosalie? And then I will probably be more relaxing if she wasn't there.

Martina Fink 36:07

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I in an ideal world, you'll be able to take a lot more with you. Do you do smoothies to drink?

Joanne Daniels 36:17


Martina Fink 36:17

What is your favorite smoothie at the moment?

Joanne Daniels 36:21

So I have a style spinach, mango and ginger. And movie, and I have it with coconut water in the morning?

Martina Fink 36:32

Yeah, very tropical and nice.

Joanne Daniels 36:34

Yeah, it's a fight like, obviously green. So when I first tried it out a bit, I'm not sure about this one. But yeah, it's really nice and really feeling as well, I think when I first switched out, because before I was having like, a milk based one. And I think it was just too heavy for me in the mornings. And but yeah, when I switched over, like the first few days, I was like, I feel a bit hungry. But then after that your body just gets used to it. And I think on the days I don't have it like at weekends, I might not have it. But I can tell the difference in my energy levels and just how now I start the day.

Martina Fink 37:04

Mmmm, powerful, love that. I will have to try the mango, mango with greens wines. So good. What are three things that you are grateful for today, Joe?

Joanne Daniels 37:15

The fact that the sun is shining today, the fact I'm not working today. And and being able to do this, you know, like, I think just my mindset? Yeah, it's a massive change I could have all morning I could have been procrastinating about this and stressing, but I've just been fine. And yeah, honestly, I've never thought that I could get to a place like this, I could feel so different.

Martina Fink 37:38

You know, it's so funny. I was emailing with someone earlier this week around perfectionism and the stress and overwhelm that she was experiencing. And, and I asked her like, are you? Are you interested in actually resolving this? And you know, getting out on the other side? And she responded, saying like, Yes, I am totally interested, if that's even possible. And I'm like, of course it's possible. Of course, it's possible. And like you're one of the best examples of this. Do you have some final advice if anybody is considering, you know, joining Perfectionist Rehab, or just taking a first step towards releasing that perfectionist side of them and, and really shift out into a slower, more confident, glowing life, how I call it? What would you say to them?

Joanne Daniels 38:29

I think if you're considering it, definitely go for it. I think like maybe the person you were talking about earlier that I was the same. I think the reason why attitude was that I don't even know if I can get myself out of this is because I tried so many things on my own. And again, it comes down to being a perfectionist like you know that you don't want to be the way you are for whatever reason. You try this, you try that you try something else, and you don't get the results. And I think it can be quite disheartening. But I'd say go there. 100% Go for it. And like I say, I've I've tried other things that haven't worked out for me. And this is a change that is gradual. It doesn't happen sort of overnight, but it's incremental. And yeah, definitely the best thing that I've done, I prioritize myself, which isn't something that I do often. And it's paid off for me and for my family like I'm a better person generally. And I'm more myself because I've attended the course. So anyone who is sort of like on the shelf about it, believe in yourself believe in what like Martina can provide like believing the change you can make for yourself.

Martina Fink 39:33

Yeah, like believe in the possibility there that there is another life available to you. And I love that you mentioned the incremental change. I remember a situation where that you shared where you were going for a walk and you certainly felt different about it.

Joanne Daniels 39:50

Yeah, yeah. So we do pretty much the same dog walk most weekends. And yeah, I don't know. I just we went did exactly the same thing. The sun was out. So maybe that helped a little bit. But I just, it just felt different. I just felt different, even though it's exactly the same. And I even said, Jordan was like, do you feel like there's different today? And he was like, No, I don't know what you mean. And so obviously, it's something in me like the way that I'm taking in the surroundings, or just the way that I am. I'm just Yeah, like gradually changing for the better, more appreciative of life of like, what's going on around me being with my family being more present, basically,

Martina Fink 40:29

yeah. Which is interesting, because we always think in order to change, we need to have these big massive changes and quit the job and find something new and leave the relationship or have a relationship, whatever it is, but really, those changes are so tiny and so small, but so meaningful, because it affects the relationships and your health and everything directly. So I love that you share this experience with us. Thank you so much, Jo, for spending this time with me and for sharing your experience. I know so many women are going through the exact same thing that you went through earlier, you know, last year and stuff. And so I think it's just very inspiring to see what's truly possible without quitting your job and without, you know, turning your life upside down. But really just making those small, incremental changes in your own life and your own habits to to do that for you so that you can have a calm and peaceful mind and not feel overwhelmed all of the time.

Joanne Daniels 41:28

Yeah, I think just one more thing I'd like to add, if that's okay, that, I think sometimes, and I was a bit overwhelmed when I first signed up to the course, because I was like, how much work is it going to be? How much time is it going to take for these things they don't pay time. So obviously, we have our homework that we need to do. But we'll have conversation as part of one of our sessions. And they'll be something that I just take away from that. And it's in my subconscious, I'm not even consciously being like, I need to remember this thing. And then something will come up. And I'm like, and the dots just connect. So for anyone out there who's interested, like, please don't feel that you're adding another, like massive task onto your plate where you already feel overwhelmed. Like, that's not how it works. It's just, it's just simple little things. Sometimes a new brain starts connecting those dots and new, you think things slightly differently. And yeah, that's where it all starts. And but even those small things can make a big impact. And that you say, it's like the ripple effect, isn't it like a little change, but then it can have a massive impact in terms of like how the rest of your day goes, like just your approach on things. And yeah, don't feel overwhelmed by partaking in the course. Because it's not you don't have to spend loads of time, constantly thinking about it to be able to make the changes, they do just happen. And over time.

Martina Fink 42:44

Yeah. And it's also lasting change that you're creating, really with this. So like, imagine how much you'd be willing to pay to get rid of all the stress forever, you know? Like, how much is that actually worth? Is it worth three months of investing in yourself and taking some time here and there to actually sit down and do some homework like 100% 100% worth it? Thank you so much. It's been so great to speak with you. I really appreciate your time and your willingness to open up and just I also love seeing you glow and you sharing everything with your the people in your life to

Joanne Daniels 43:21

Yeah, thank you very much for having me. And yeah, again, being able to help others. So even if one person listens to this and sort of gets a little bit of input inspiration from it. That's why I wanted to do it. Even though I don't like doing this sort of thing. It's out of my comfort zone. I was like No, do you know what for the greater good and for what I want to try and achieve? Like, let me see if I can help someone. So yeah, thank you very much for having me.

Martina Fink 43:42

I cannot put into words how grateful I am for the kind of women that come to me for support with perfectionism. And being able to be on this journey with Joe and support her in this process has meant so much for me and just to see how her glow has come to live and how she's been able to ripple that out to her immediate family and her work. And her career in so many different ways is just so beautiful to see if any of the things that Joe mentioned today resonate with you and you're like, this is exactly what I'm going through. And this is exactly what I'm struggling with overwhelm control stress, low self worth, not feeling confident, a lot of negative self talk and perfectionism that stopping you please take a courageous step forward and do something about it. I have a free self care guide for perfectionists that you can download or you can join us directly in perfectionist rehab, which is a 90 day healing journey out of overwhelm into a fulfilled and glowing life where you take care of yourself first without feeling guilty and without compromising results. You can find more about perfectionist rehab on Martina forward slash rehab it wouldn't mean so much to me if you left us a review on iTunes if you enjoyed this episode and if it has been helpful for you to live a more glowing life follow the glow life podcast on iTunes and Spotify and for everything we mentioned in today's episode, you can go check out the show notes at Martina Fink comm slash podcasts slash 134. If anyone in your life is going through similar challenges that Joe has gone through in her life in the past year alone, please forward this episode to them right now. Thank you so much for being here today and for caring for yourself so deeply because what you do for yourself is going to impact every single soul that you touch would love to connect with you on social media. You can find me at Martina glows on Instagram and Facebook and I just want you to know that you deserve to feel glowing and confident, beautiful.


3 Tips for High Achieving Perfectionists Who Are Ready to Remove Overwhelm and Work Less


I created a free self-care guide if you’re someone who always puts everyone else - especially work! - first and needs some tips for perfectionists to slow down again! Click the button below to download your self-care guide for free:


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