Why I Know You Can Create Your Healthy Dream Lifestyle


Quick story for you, beautiful.

I used to work in retail at Apple as a store manager for several years, and I still remember how stressful the holiday seasons were for me. Not only were there so many more customers, but people were also kinda stressed out all the time! They spent hundreds if not thousands of dollars on gifts for their kids and friends, but it seemed they were not doing this with joy.

It felt more like they had to make up for something they weren't able to do or give throughout the year. It definitely did NOT feel like love or anything even close to that. I'm really generalizing here, but when I look back, these are the images that stick in my mind... And I thought it was frustrating and sad!

But here's the shocking truth: I didn't show MYSELF the love I had needed throughout this stressful time of the year either! I remember one particular weekend, where I spent most of my time resting inside, because I was so exhausted from the week!


This actually happened to me very often, but this time, it really bothered me, because my friends and family had social events planned that weekend, including some beautiful Christmas concerts and gettogethers, and I felt like I couldn’t even muster up the energy to join them. Can you relate?

I was SO tired physically (obviously) and mentally of my life literally passing me by. I knew I wanted more for myself.  I didn’t have a relationship, I had gained weight, and I just plain didn’t feel good on multiple levels.

It was in the moment that I decided I wasn’t going to live like this anymore.

It was time for me to create a different life for myself, where I felt fulfilled, healthy, and beautiful along with having an amazing career, where I could help and inspire other women to do the same. 

I wanted to FULLY enjoy this time of the year, drink tea with my mom. I wanted to fully indulge into my dad's elevated cuisine that he always magically creates at this time of the year. I wanted to see my sister more often, and meet with friends in the city to get a chai latte with almond milk and a delicious Christmas treat from Sprüngli (a Swiss luxe confiserie). 


A lot happened after that point to get me to where I am today, and I’m not going to get into those details today, but the reason I’m sharing this story with you is because it was the critical first step in my journey to creating my dream life!

  • Creating your dream life starts with your decision that it’s non-negotiable.
  • Deciding you want something different for yourself is a KEY and the important first step to creating your dream life.
  • It is not about anybody else. 

So, here's the deal, girl: We're doing a free training together starting on Monday, November 27!


I am going to share EVERYTHING I did to get aligned with my true and most glowing self ever since that December 2014. 

I am going to share my TOP Do's and Don'ts with you to help you connect with yourself this Holiday Season. 

I am going to show you exactly how you can make the best of the rest of this year. 

And how, despite all the stress about gifts, parties, dinners, and sugar coated chocolate cookies, you can GET IT ALL DONE in the few remaining weeks we have in 2017. Such as...

  • Taking time to bake healthy cookies.
  • Drinking a cup of tea at the fireplace with your mom.
  • Fully enjoying the Holiday party from work.
  • Feeling amazing in your dress on Christmas Eve.
  • Waking up feeling rested, energized and happy.
  • Getting beautiful gifts that come from your heart.
  • Taking time for yourself to rest and relax. Maybe with a candle or some essential oils.

SO YES, you can get ALL of this done! And I will show you how in my free training next week Monday to Wednesday. Are you in? All you need to do is click below to join and you're in:

From here, your journey will start to unfold - how exciting!

Over the 3 days of the training, I will be teaching you some of the most important tools that I used to create my dream life. And I can't wait for this to start!!

This is the start of something really amazing for you. 2018 is already around the corner. Make it the best year ever. And yayyy, it’s finally time for you to glow!

Sending you ending November love & Glow,
Martina xx