Glow On The Go: Clean Skin Care Essentials for Travelers

Glow On The Go: Clean Skin Care Essentials for Travelers

When you’re going on a trip (or are headed to a retreat like The Glow Camp), maintaining a consistent skin care routine might not be your priority. Yet, taking care of your skin while you’re away from home is not only achievable, but crucial for a glowing, healthy life.

Simplify Self-Care and Quit Overwhelm: The 4 Essential Steps

Simplify Self-Care and Quit Overwhelm: The 4 Essential Steps

In a world that never seems to slow down, where our to-do lists grow longer, and our minds become more and more chaotic every day, self-care often takes a backseat. We find ourselves mentally overwhelmed, physically exhausted, and emotionally disconnected from ourselves. But what if there was a simple way to reclaim our well-being, get our physical energy back, cut through the noise of all the things you are supposed to be doing for yourself, and find peace within ourselves? I’m sharing the four steps with you to simplify self-care and quit overwhelm for good: Rest, Move, Nourish, and Glow.

Already Given Up on Your New Year’s Intentions? Follow These 3 Steps to Get Back on Track

Already Given Up on Your New Year’s Intentions? Follow These 3 Steps to Get Back on Track

While I’m sitting at the pool in the middle of the jungle in Bali, I had to think of something that I shared with my clients in our workshop last month: Did you know that 92% of New Year's goals fail by January 15th? That was just last week. This means that most people have already thrown their New Year’s intentions over board. If that’s you, here’s how to readjust your goals to make sure you can create your dreamy glow life this year.

Top Confidence Tips for Fearless Solo Travel in 2024

Top Confidence Tips for Fearless Solo Travel in 2024

Confidence is something every woman desires to have more of. And many successful professional women do feel confident already, but mostly in their safe and comfortable environments. What if in 2024, you were able to strengthen your confidence and reach new levels of satisfaction, contentment, and success through attending a self-love retreat on the other side of the world?

Why the Countdown to Achieving Your Goals Shouldn't Stress You Out

Why the Countdown to Achieving Your Goals Shouldn't Stress You Out

Every year, as the calendar gets closer to December 31, social media fills with countdowns of how many days are left to achieve our goals. It's a trend that many have embraced, but I can't help but feel it adds unnecessary pressure, especially for high-achieving individuals like you. The incessant calls to "hustle" and "work hard" to meet your goals before the year's end can often feel overwhelming. In this blog post, I'd like to explain why this trend doesn't sit well with me.

The Top 3 Benefits of Attending In-Person Events

The Top 3 Benefits of Attending In-Person Events

Last week, I attended a 3-day in-person event with my coach Maya in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. I haven't been at a coaching event like this since 2019, and it was so good to travel around the world for something special, be in the room with amazing women that I got to connect with, and to work on my future life dreams after all these years of zoom calls.

There's so much I learned and was reminded of, so I have put together the top 3 benefits of traveling to events where you invested in yourself:

The 5 Stages of Change: How to Know if You're Ready for Lifestyle Changes

The 5 Stages of Change: How to Know if You're Ready for Lifestyle Changes

The Transtheoretical Model of Change (or 5 Stages of Change) is a model in psychology that helps you identify whether or not you're ready for a change in your life. Just wanting something doesn’t necessarily mean somebody is actually ready to take the action necessary for the change to unfold in their life. In this blog post, I'm explaining the five stages of change, hoping that it will help you identify where you’re at with the change you’ve been dreaming about.

The First Step to Finding Fulfillment in Life and Career

The First Step to Finding Fulfillment in Life and Career

Who doesn't desire a fulfilled life, one with meaning and purpose, where you can only be the best version of yourself, impact people, and make a difference in this world? Where your work “makes sense”, and you see a direct result of the hard work you’re putting in every day? Many high-achieving and successful women crave a more meaningful life, a life with purpose, a life where they don't just work for a company where they’re replaceable at any moment.

Seedtime and Harvest: How to Set Goals that Work

Seedtime and Harvest: How to Set Goals that Work

The bible says: "As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest [...] will never cease." [Genesis 8:22] Here's why this is so important: In order to be able to harvest, you have to plant the seed first. If you keep your seed in your thoughts, locked up in a safe space, and never put it into soil, you can wait forever to harvest.

Goal Setting 101: Hold The Vision, Surrender The Rest

Goal Setting 101: Hold The Vision, Surrender The Rest

As someone who loves control, is perfectionist in the details, and appreciates a good plan, it can sometimes be challenging when things don't fall into place the way I wanted. Many of us have visions and dreams, things we want to achieve, do, accomplish, have, become. And while it is great to have the dreams, there are a few things that we need to take into consideration before we can go all in on them.

Alignment vs. Achievement: 4 Secrets to Prevent End-of-Year Burnout in 2022

Alignment vs. Achievement: 4 Secrets to Prevent End-of-Year Burnout in 2022

At the Glow Company, we don't want to "finish the year strong". We want to finish the year aligned. We want to finish the year feeling at peace. We want to finish the year feeling harmonious within ourselves, in our lives, in our environment, in our relationships.

Don't Wait for 2023 to Set New Goals

Don't Wait for 2023 to Set New Goals

I recently heard someone say "I'm so ready for this year to be over and to start fresh in 2023!". I frowned and asked why. She said how bad this year was for her and how she needed a clean slate. While I can understand that there are seasons that are more challenging than others, a New Year is just a mind game.

3 Simple Tips for a Phone-Free Bedtime Routine

3 Simple Tips for a Phone-Free Bedtime Routine

When I work with my busy professional clients, the first thing we look at is usually their sleep. When you're struggling with overwhelm, high levels of stress, and a calendar with little to no time for yourself, we have to first focus on getting your physical energy in a great place. This is where sleep comes in - and as you may very well know, electronics and social media don’t necessarily promote restful sleep.

What to Do When You're Feeling "Behind"

What to Do When You're Feeling "Behind"

I have caught myself thinking "I'm so behind with everything" these past few days. My apartment needs a clean up, I need to wash my tights for work, and paper work letters are piling up on my desk. It may feel overwhelming to have an endless to do list (whether on your phone, on a piece of paper, or even just in your head) that makes you feel like you’re not doing enough and you’re being inefficient.

Is Your Lack of Discipline Holding You Back?

Is Your Lack of Discipline Holding You Back?

What exactly does lack of discipline look like? You set your alarm 30 minutes earlier to meditate for three days, then stop. You workout three times a week for a few weeks, then stop. You have everything ready to read a few pages before sleep, then stop after a week. You may be wondering: Why is this so hard?

The Truth About Detoxes

The Truth About Detoxes

What if you didn’t have to detox so heavily and radically, because your lifestyle is already healthy overall? What if you had a healthy balance between allowing yourself to be human and eating a chocolate bar here and there, spending some conscious time on IG, and Netflix-ing with intention and moderation, without blaming yourself? What if you loved yourself so much that you stayed away from coffee, because you know it gives you headaches when you don't have it, because the body is addicted?