Alignment vs. Achievement: 4 Secrets to Prevent End-of-Year Burnout in 2022 — Martina Fink - Holistic Health Coach & Beauty Coach

Alignment vs. Achievement: 4 Secrets to Prevent End-of-Year Burnout in 2022


Ending 2022 feeling burned out vs. feeling aligned

At the Glow Company, we don't want to "finish the year strong". We want to finish the year aligned. We want to finish the year feeling at peace. We want to finish the year feeling harmonious within ourselves, in our lives, in our environment, in our relationships.

When you live life from the outside in - meaning whatever the outside tells you to do to "finish the year strong" - you are on track to burning yourself out, losing your confidence, and destroying your self-trust. You give your whole power away.

When you live from the inside out - meaning that you tune in first, trust yourself, and decide from your heart - you are on track to living an aligned, glowing life where you feel confident and connected with yourself. You are in your full power and take full ownership of your decisions and your life (aka #theglowlife).

Secret #1: Let's stop glorifying being busy

We live in a very masculine world, a world, where success, achievements, numbers, and measurable results are what seems to matter most. Where the word "strong" alone is something many admire and look to achieve themselves. A world where we want to "do" stuff and easily get bored by just "being".

Many perfectionists and high achieving women ljve and work this way day in and day out. They work 50+hrs a week, hustle, stay overtime, open their laptops on weekends, and are often available around the clock (or at least from the moment their alarm goes off - in bed - to the moment they put their phone to flight mode - from bed). It most situations, everything has to make sense to them, be logical, bring in profit, or please someone else - while completely putting themselves on the backburner.

Now that it's November again, maybe you're wondering where time went. Your mind may be trying to come up with a plan to still "finish the year strong", and you might feel some kind of way about the fact that you have neglected your own needs and desires more than you would have liked. Remember that "busy" doesn't equal "healthy/glowing/happy". In the glow world, we focus on feeling our best.

Secret #2: Let's activate your feminine energy and remove the pressure

Feminine energy is all about being, leaning back, receiving, and going with the flow. It's about nurturing, serving, and loving on others and ourselves. This is the opposite of "finishing the year strong". It's about being present in these last few weeks of 2022, and savoring them day by day.

In a time and age where busy women like you are looking to find more harmony in their lives (aka the glow), and reduce the pressure that the workplace, society, and they themselves have put on them, it is inevitable to dive more into our feminine energy, our feminine nature, and bring that part of us into our everyday lives. In other words, it's time to create a healthy balance between the feminine and the masculine energies, because we do need both.

Practice self-care. Take breaks. Cancel what feels overwhelming. Breathe. Shower off the stress. Spend time in nature. Dance, sing, and paint. Be compassionate and kind with yourself, regardless of where you're at with your to do list or your 2022 vision board situation!

Secret #3: Celebrate how far you’ve come

In a world where everything around us tells us that we're not making enough money, we don't look good enough, and we need to buy all these products and clothes to make us feel worthy (yes, even the 43 different supplements you see online or the 17 beautiful and eco workout brands you see on IG every day), I would like to remind you that you have already achieved so much this year. This is worth a celebration!

Secret #4: You already have everything you need inside of you

Have a conversation with yourself, and take a moment to answer the following questions, in your journal or mentally. Asking yourself these questions will help you find answers from within, from your intuition, from your heart. It helps you figure out how you want to end this year vs. what society tells you to do.

4 Journal prompts to end the year feeling aligned

  • What would be an aligned way to end 2022?

  • What would make you feel excited about December?

  • If you were free to choose whatever you want to do, what would you do in these coming weeks?

  • What would help you relax today?

My wish for you for these last few weeks of 2022 is that you regularly take time to reflect, question certain things, and meet resistance with curiosity, so that you can end this year feeling aligned with your values, at peace in your heart, and in love with your life.

Know that you are enough.

Get on the waitlist for an aligned 2023

We’re soon starting enrollment for our 2023 vision programs, so you can work on your dreams in an aligned and inspired way! To get on the waitlist, simply add your details below and you’ll be the first to know:



    3 Tips for High Achieving Perfectionists Who Are Ready to Remove Overwhelm and Work Less


    I created a free self-care guide if you’re someone who always puts everyone else - especially work! - first and needs some tips for perfectionists to slow down again! Click the button below to download your self-care guide for free: