new year

Already Given Up on Your New Year’s Intentions? Follow These 3 Steps to Get Back on Track

Already Given Up on Your New Year’s Intentions? Follow These 3 Steps to Get Back on Track

While I’m sitting at the pool in the middle of the jungle in Bali, I had to think of something that I shared with my clients in our workshop last month: Did you know that 92% of New Year's goals fail by January 15th? That was just last week. This means that most people have already thrown their New Year’s intentions over board. If that’s you, here’s how to readjust your goals to make sure you can create your dreamy glow life this year.

Seedtime and Harvest: How to Set Goals that Work

Seedtime and Harvest: How to Set Goals that Work

The bible says: "As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest [...] will never cease." [Genesis 8:22] Here's why this is so important: In order to be able to harvest, you have to plant the seed first. If you keep your seed in your thoughts, locked up in a safe space, and never put it into soil, you can wait forever to harvest.

Goal Setting 101: Hold The Vision, Surrender The Rest

Goal Setting 101: Hold The Vision, Surrender The Rest

As someone who loves control, is perfectionist in the details, and appreciates a good plan, it can sometimes be challenging when things don't fall into place the way I wanted. Many of us have visions and dreams, things we want to achieve, do, accomplish, have, become. And while it is great to have the dreams, there are a few things that we need to take into consideration before we can go all in on them.

Alignment vs. Achievement: 4 Secrets to Prevent End-of-Year Burnout in 2022

Alignment vs. Achievement: 4 Secrets to Prevent End-of-Year Burnout in 2022

At the Glow Company, we don't want to "finish the year strong". We want to finish the year aligned. We want to finish the year feeling at peace. We want to finish the year feeling harmonious within ourselves, in our lives, in our environment, in our relationships.

How to Become the Most Glowing Version of Yourself in 2022

How to Become the Most Glowing Version of Yourself in 2022

Perfectionists, listen up! I know you may not be fully happy with how 2021 went (I still feel it myself...), and maybe in January of 2021, you had the perfect plan for how you're going to glow up your life that year... Then life happened and your expertise, time, and energy was required at your job, and you couldn't help but lean in and (over)deliver, making sure everyone was happy with your results at work.

How to Avoid Overwhelm and Fully Enjoy This Holiday Season

How to Avoid Overwhelm and Fully Enjoy This Holiday Season

It's crazy times, and it has never been easier for us to escape into a Netflix binge-watch or an hour-long scrolling through social media to escape the reality. While I don't believe that there is a "right" or "wrong" here, and I absolutely believe in a mindful Christmas movie marathon (have you watched Single All The Way yet?), it is all about finding the balance.

Top 3 Tips to Feel Luminous in a Nervous and Anxious World

Top 3 Tips to Feel Luminous in a Nervous and Anxious World

It happens so quickly these days (and often daily) that we get into fearful thoughts about the future, our health, and our loved ones with all the information that's floating around online and offline. And while there are so many moving parts in this that we cannot control at all, it is more important than ever that you control what is in your control: how you feel in your body.

See, a few years ago, I used to do vinyasa or hatha yoga daily at home, but my body doesn't crave that type of movement anymore. Right now, my body needs more sweaty workouts, more flowy movements, and deep relaxation practices - and that's OK!

How to Set Goals for a New Month in Fall

How to Set Goals for a New Month in Fall

Happy September, beautiful! How do you bring in the beginning of a new month?

I love sitting down and thinking about what I want to do, achieve, work on, play with, and enjoy in the new month. I just spent time reflecting with my bestie on goals until the end of the year, but let's stick to this month for now!

See, a few years ago, I used to do vinyasa or hatha yoga daily at home, but my body doesn't crave that type of movement anymore. Right now, my body needs more sweaty workouts, more flowy movements, and deep relaxation practices - and that's OK!

If You Don't Enjoy Yoga, Do This

If You Don't Enjoy Yoga, Do This

I just got back from a 2-month trip to Bali, and I honestly thought I'd be going to Yoga several times a week (doesn't everyone go to Bali because of yoga?!), but I actually haven't gone to a single regular yoga class while I was there! I much preferred doing some juicy Yin yoga, meditation classes, chanting, and dancing. And my heart is so full right now.

See, a few years ago, I used to do vinyasa or hatha yoga daily at home, but my body doesn't crave that type of movement anymore. Right now, my body needs more sweaty workouts, more flowy movements, and deep relaxation practices - and that's OK!

About Those New Year's Resolutions You Made in January...

About Those New Year's Resolutions You Made in January...

Happy August 15! It's hard to believe we're more than half way through the year AND the end of the year is coming closer. Ok, that's a bit dramatic, I admit, but if you're anything like me, a perfectionist through and through, you probably set some goals at the beginning of the year.

Do This Before You Throw Your New Year's Intentions Over Board


While I’m sitting at the pool in the middle of the jungle in Bali, I had to think of something that I shared with my clients in our workshop last month:

Did you know that 92% of New Year's goals fail by January 15th?

That was just last week. This means that most people have already thrown their New Year’s intentions over board. If that’s you, here’s how to readjust your goals to make sure you can create your dreamy glow life this year:

1 - Make Your New Year’s Goals Exciting

Go over your goals and make sure you find them EXCITING! Don’t work on things you feel like you “have to”, because others tell you to, or you force yourself, because you want to please others or receive validation from someone.

Here’s an example: if you want to feel better in your body, look leaner, and have more energy, do it, because YOU want this, not because some beauty standard says you should weigh x kg/lb with your height, or because you want your partner to compliment you.

2 - Take Small Steps Towards Your Goals

Make the action steps so small you can actually achieve them consistently, get first results, and celebrate the small successes.

Here’s an example: If you want to get into a habit of moving your body, don’t go from not moving at all to expecting yourself to work out 5 times a week. Start with simple steps like booking a class a week, or make it a commitment to move your body for 20mins a day including walks.

3 - Set Your Goals Right With S.M.A.R.T Goals

When we set goals, it’s not enough to just say something like “I want to be healthier”. I’ve been using the S.M.A.R.T. goals method for years for myself and with my clients to set goals that are exciting, realistic, and get us into actually taking action. The letters S.M.A.R.T. stand for the following criteria:

S: specific
M: measurable
A: attainable
R: relevant
T: timely

Here’s an example: “just working out more” isn’t a SMART goal. Make it specific. Make sure you can measure it, so you actually know when you can tick it off, make it attainable, choose a relevant goal, and set a time frame to it.

Something that’s important for you to know, beautiful, is that you can always adjust your goals. You can always make them bigger. You can always expect more of yourself. But first, we want to make sure that you set yourself up to win. You want to be on your own team, have your back, and see yourself make progress.

What if this year became the healthiest year of your life yet? Let it sink in. It is 100% possible, and I would love to support you on your journey. You so deserve to live your best life.

Head over to the Work With Me page to find out how we can work together this year.


Making time for you is so possible, even with a full calendar, and an unfinished to-do list!

Use the strategies I've taught my clients on how to find balance in work and life as a high-achieving woman. Click below to get it:

Be Yourself In Glow Version

Be Yourself In Glow Version

Hey loves! I hope you had some beautiful days off with your loved ones and took some time to recharge - but also to REFLECT! If you've known me for a while now, you know that I'm obsessed with my journal and with reflecting, as well as dream mapping! 2017 has been an incredible year for me and so many of my dreams have come true. Let me share a few with you...

Are You Ready To Rock 2017?

Are You Ready To Rock 2017?

I LOVE these last days of the year so much! What I do is take a few hours just for myself with a cup of tea, my diary and just start writing. I write about how the past year was for me, how I felt and what was good, and also, what was not so good. If you like doing exercises like this, further down, I’m sharing a few questions that I also work through with my clients. They will guide you through the process. But first, I want to share with you some of my major reflections on how 2016 was for me!