surrender — Blog — Martina Fink - Holistic Health Coach & Beauty Coach


Seedtime and Harvest: How to Set Goals that Work

Seedtime and Harvest: How to Set Goals that Work

The bible says: "As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest [...] will never cease." [Genesis 8:22] Here's why this is so important: In order to be able to harvest, you have to plant the seed first. If you keep your seed in your thoughts, locked up in a safe space, and never put it into soil, you can wait forever to harvest.

Goal Setting 101: Hold The Vision, Surrender The Rest

Goal Setting 101: Hold The Vision, Surrender The Rest

As someone who loves control, is perfectionist in the details, and appreciates a good plan, it can sometimes be challenging when things don't fall into place the way I wanted. Many of us have visions and dreams, things we want to achieve, do, accomplish, have, become. And while it is great to have the dreams, there are a few things that we need to take into consideration before we can go all in on them.