As the warmer days approach as signs of summer being around the corner, it's the perfect time to get your mind, heart, and body ready for that beautiful inside-out summer glow. It's not really about looking good on the outside, or getting a slim bikini body (we don’t believe in that at all over here!), but about feeling confident and radiant from within and being strong and resilient in case you may face any challenges this summer.
Is A Retreat On Your Wishlist?
I can't believe it's already February 4! I am currently soaking up the sun in Vietnam, sipping my mandatory daily coconut, while my boyfriend is enjoying the wavy beach kitesurfing. Just like I'm more of a sunny weather snowboarder, I am also more of a beautiful water kitesurfer and will postpone the next sessions to a flat water beach somewhere else!
Be Yourself In Glow Version
Hey loves! I hope you had some beautiful days off with your loved ones and took some time to recharge - but also to REFLECT! If you've known me for a while now, you know that I'm obsessed with my journal and with reflecting, as well as dream mapping! 2017 has been an incredible year for me and so many of my dreams have come true. Let me share a few with you...
3 Ways You're Putting Yourself Last
One of the most common confidence issues women have are often the result of a simple daily habit: they put themselves last. They always worry about others first. They always care for everyone else, and often forget about themselves. Where does this come from? Most kids just do whatever the heck they feel like doing. They play the games they want to play in that very moment...