Be Yourself In Glow Version

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Hey loves! I hope you had some beautiful days off with your loved ones and took some time to recharge - but also to REFLECT! If you've known me for a while now, you know that I'm obsessed with my journal and with reflecting, as well as dream mapping! 2017 has been an incredible year for me and so many of my dreams have come true. Let me share a few with you:

+ I stopped standing in my own way and faced ALL my fears to shine my light and serve more women on their journey to a healthy, balanced, and confident life. I had SO many fears around not being good enough, and as a severe perfectionist, it can be really hard to get things done sometimes! Left that all behind!

+ I travelled once a month - probably even more than that actually. This was a goal I had set for myself on January 1 this year. I honestly never thought this would even be possible for me!

+ I met new girlfriends I feel so aligned with! Never had I thought this would actually happen! But as I was mapping out my dreams for this year, I thought why not ask the universe for some sister love. Ask and you will receive...

+ I am working with the most amazing women on this planet! I don't even know where to start. All of them are so humble, have a big heart, and big dreams, they have the courage to face their fears, they go for what they want and, funny enough, they get it! They just put themselves first and can serve others even better with an overflowing heart.


I want to share this not to brag about myself or my work, but because every time I think about these women, I am still speechless about what they have achieved!

I want to show you that this stuff WORKS and that the process starts as soon as you take a decision to do this for YOURSELF, and not for anybody else!

>>> Take my client Juciane. She was afraid to spend ANY money on herself at all about 6 months ago. She felt frustrated in her job and was clearly not fulfilled. Today, she runs cooking classes at people's homes, travels whenever she wants, and has more confidence and trust in herself than ever before in her entire life!

>>> Take my client Andrea. She came to me with a life filled with overwhelm and work. All she did was sleep, eat, work, repeat. Over the time we've been working together, she changed her job, prioritized herself, lost almost 30kg and is now becoming a health coach herself!

>>> Take my client Alessia. She had so many ideas, but didn't really know where to start, making her feel overwhelmed. Fears were blocking her and she didn't feel confident enough to go for what she truly wanted. This fall, she did a professional photoshoot for her self-made local lama wool headbands and now sells them in a local designer store. All of what she does is so aligned with who she is in her core, so beautiful!

>>> Take my client Alex. She had no self-confidence when she started working with me. She always expected negative results from exams and had a hard time trusting herself and her expertise. Today, she gets compliments for looking very self-confident and she has her emotions so much under control that even negative news leave her balanced and grounded.

>>> Take my client Stefanie. When she signed up, she didn't even believe in herself that she would be able to change anything in her life. She took the leap, but honestly thought this would just be one of those sessions that don't work anyway. Instead, she's become so mindful of her thoughts and is looking for options in her career that give her more time to do what she's really excited about - yoga, meditation, ayurvedic cooking, and learning about herself.

I could tell you so many more stories, but let's save them for another blog post!

I am now working with a Swiss skin care brand, a beauty salon owner, a professional celebrity makeup artist, kindergarten and school teachers, yoga lovers, and influencers and bloggers. And so much more!

Never had I thought that this #glowtribe would EVER be SO aligned with who I am. Seriously, beautiful, miracles happen when YOU are aligned with yourself - and everything around you will align with you.


That's what I want for you: that you feel aligned with who you are, who you want to be, and who you are meant to be. You don't need to have a business to be fulfilled (although doing your own thing is the most beautiful thing you can do), but you do need to start with yourself.

So my question to you is:

  • What do you look like in GLOW version?
  • Where do you see your most glowing self in the new year?
  • What kind of job does she do?
  • Who is she with?
  • Where does she live?
  • How does she feel?

Important: I want you to take money out of the equasion. Money doesn't matter when you DREAM about yourself in glow version. It's about what EXCITES you about your life, your work, your relationships, your dreams.!


To kickstart the year with some glow and sparkle, I decided to host a FREE 3-Day Masterclass on being yourself in GLOW Version!

In this masterclass, we're going to get crystal clear on where you see yourself (or would like to see yourself, but don't dare yet!) in the new year!

I will not only talk about the dreams and the beautiful things, I'll also touch on the fears and the scary things that keep us stuck where we are.

Let me give you an example: Martina in Glow Version doesn't find excuses for things she REALLY wants in her heart. She just goes out there and does it (e.g. celebrate my birthday in Bali!). 

Martina in Glow Version doesn't procrastinate un-fun things, she eats that frog and does it first thing in the morning (e.g. make that call that feels icky, or a task that is boring). 

Martina in Glow Version sleeps in and wakes up feeling energized and happy. 

Martina in Glow Version takes time for self-care on a daily basis. No excuses for not meditating those 5 minutes in the morning! 

Martina in Glow Version reads or listens to podcasts every single day. No day shall pass without learning something new.

Let's be honest: wouldn't you want to be that glowing self already like yesterdaySo the question is: why aren't you there yet? I will help you understand in the free masterclass.


  • We're starting on Monday, January 1, right with the beginning of the new year!
  • You will get my brand new free meditation to get in GLOW flow with the new year's energy!
  • Every day for 3 days, you will receive an audio from me with a little homework.
  • There will be a daily FB live video training every day as well, where you can ask me any questions that come up during this intensive work.

One of my biggest dreams for 2018 is to reach more people with my message:

That letting go and glowing IS possible for you. 

That a healthy lifestyle is your birthright and that your body deserves the love and care you usually only give to your loved ones - and forget about yourself. 

That what YOU do matters and that everything and every change we need to go through as a community on this planet starts with YOU.


Let's leave the fears behind, lock them in the old year. Let's stop focusing on what we shouldn't be doing, aka junk food, hangover parties, unnecessary shopping, smoking, drinking etc.. 

Let's STOP finding excuses for everything we really SHOULD be doing, because if not now, WHEN THEN??

Join me for this free 3-day masterclass, and we'll make sure you're all set to be yourself in glow version in 2018! And share with your girlfriends who need some more glow in their lives in the new year as well!