
Top Confidence Tips for Fearless Solo Travel in 2024

Top Confidence Tips for Fearless Solo Travel in 2024

Confidence is something every woman desires to have more of. And many successful professional women do feel confident already, but mostly in their safe and comfortable environments. What if in 2024, you were able to strengthen your confidence and reach new levels of satisfaction, contentment, and success through attending a self-love retreat on the other side of the world?

Alignment vs. Achievement: 4 Secrets to Prevent End-of-Year Burnout in 2022

Alignment vs. Achievement: 4 Secrets to Prevent End-of-Year Burnout in 2022

At the Glow Company, we don't want to "finish the year strong". We want to finish the year aligned. We want to finish the year feeling at peace. We want to finish the year feeling harmonious within ourselves, in our lives, in our environment, in our relationships.

How to Avoid Overwhelm and Fully Enjoy This Holiday Season

How to Avoid Overwhelm and Fully Enjoy This Holiday Season

It's crazy times, and it has never been easier for us to escape into a Netflix binge-watch or an hour-long scrolling through social media to escape the reality. While I don't believe that there is a "right" or "wrong" here, and I absolutely believe in a mindful Christmas movie marathon (have you watched Single All The Way yet?), it is all about finding the balance.

Being a "Good Girl" is a Gift

Being a "Good Girl" is a Gift

It is not a crime to be a good girl.

In fact, it’s a gift.

You love.

You give.

You care.

You take on.

You keep going.

You believe.

You hope.

You support.

You don’t give up.

You have an open heart, even when you get hurt.

You always choose love.

These are qualities not everyone has, and you should be proud of them.

3 Simple Tricks to Stop Overthinking

3 Simple Tricks to Stop Overthinking

I'm sure you are very familiar with those moments when you can't stop thinking... Your thoughts are spinning and you're going back and forth about something you should do or say, or not do and not say, or something you could have done better, and you absolutely cannot focus on anything else!

Why do we overthink?

Top 3 Tips to Feel Luminous in a Nervous and Anxious World

Top 3 Tips to Feel Luminous in a Nervous and Anxious World

It happens so quickly these days (and often daily) that we get into fearful thoughts about the future, our health, and our loved ones with all the information that's floating around online and offline. And while there are so many moving parts in this that we cannot control at all, it is more important than ever that you control what is in your control: how you feel in your body.

See, a few years ago, I used to do vinyasa or hatha yoga daily at home, but my body doesn't crave that type of movement anymore. Right now, my body needs more sweaty workouts, more flowy movements, and deep relaxation practices - and that's OK!

How to Set Goals for a New Month in Fall

How to Set Goals for a New Month in Fall

Happy September, beautiful! How do you bring in the beginning of a new month?

I love sitting down and thinking about what I want to do, achieve, work on, play with, and enjoy in the new month. I just spent time reflecting with my bestie on goals until the end of the year, but let's stick to this month for now!

See, a few years ago, I used to do vinyasa or hatha yoga daily at home, but my body doesn't crave that type of movement anymore. Right now, my body needs more sweaty workouts, more flowy movements, and deep relaxation practices - and that's OK!

If You Don't Enjoy Yoga, Do This

If You Don't Enjoy Yoga, Do This

I just got back from a 2-month trip to Bali, and I honestly thought I'd be going to Yoga several times a week (doesn't everyone go to Bali because of yoga?!), but I actually haven't gone to a single regular yoga class while I was there! I much preferred doing some juicy Yin yoga, meditation classes, chanting, and dancing. And my heart is so full right now.

See, a few years ago, I used to do vinyasa or hatha yoga daily at home, but my body doesn't crave that type of movement anymore. Right now, my body needs more sweaty workouts, more flowy movements, and deep relaxation practices - and that's OK!

About Those New Year's Resolutions You Made in January...

About Those New Year's Resolutions You Made in January...

Happy August 15! It's hard to believe we're more than half way through the year AND the end of the year is coming closer. Ok, that's a bit dramatic, I admit, but if you're anything like me, a perfectionist through and through, you probably set some goals at the beginning of the year.

Loving Yourself (for real!) as a Perfectionist

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...means showing up to the f*ing mat when all you want to do is eat chips and watch Netflix.⁣

...means doing the damn heart opening meditation when you just want to close your heart and crawl up in bed and cry.⁣

...means writing in your freaking journal that you just want to throw out the window.⁣

What's the difference between self-care and self-love?

Self-care on the good says is just kind pampering. Face masks, bubble baths, lighting a candle, reading a book... It feels nice and you really love it. You practice something regularly, you strengthen a muscle, so that when things don’t always go right, you know you have the strength to get through it. You know you can rely on yourself.⁣

Self-love is practicing self-care when you really don't want to

Practicing self-care on the hard days is true self-love.⁣ You do it when you really don't want to. You do it when you just want to throw in the towel and walk away. You do it when all you want to do is hide under the covers and cry and sleep. Showing up with kindness, compassion, and love for yourself in these moments, you have figured out a bit part of what I call "the Glow Life".

It may require a bit of a loving kick in the butt from your higher self sometimes, and you may really want to do the opposite of it, but when you have reached the point where, in your darkest moments, you take care of yourself in a loving way, that's what true self-love is.

⁣Love yourself enough to show up for yourself when you need yourself the most.



3 Tips for High Achieving Perfectionists Who Are Ready to Remove Overwhelm and Work Less


I created a free self-care guide if you’re someone who always puts everyone else - especially work! - first and needs some tips for perfectionists to slow down again! Click the button below to download your self-care guide for free:

Getting Ready to Be a Mom

Getting Ready to Be a Mom

Today is Mother's Day, and I want to talk to you about something that I haven't openly talked about yet in my community: motherhood. While 90% of my close friends are already mothers, I currently couldn't be much further away from motherhood than I am right now.

I thought by age 30, I would be happily married.

Trusting Yourself Through a Crisis

Trusting Yourself Through a Crisis

This photo is from NYC in October of 2019, just a few days before I moved out of the place I had called home and worked in for 4 years, the place I thought was my foundation.⁣ I had hope about life again, but it was still difficult. I knew life wasn’t punishing me, but it was still kinda hard to trust.⁣ I didn’t know how it would feel to live alone again after so many year. Not that I have a problem with being alone at all. I love my time alone.⁣

How to Stop Being Mean to Yourself

How to Stop Being Mean to Yourself

Many women say to themselves: „I am useless and unworthy“. Hearing how mean some of the women in one of my most recent free trainings are to themselves fills me with so much sadness. It breaks my heart to see how they talk to themselves, in a way they would probably not even talk to their worst enemy.

How to Stop Cheating on Yourself with Your Self-Care Practice

How to Stop Cheating on Yourself with Your Self-Care Practice

Let’s talk about self-trust: A super important quality to have if you want to leave self-doubt behind and live a truly fulfilled life. 💡 yeah, it’s not the daily yoga or zen meditation session that makes your life fulfilled.⁣

„I will meditate tomorrow“ - then you don’t do it.⁣ „I will make my bed after breakfast“ - then you forget.⁣

How To Level Up Your Confidence with Decluttering

How To Level Up Your Confidence with Decluttering

This morning, I woke up at 6am, after 4 hours of sleep, and I was wide awake. I got up, put my clothes on, and started decluttering big time. Although I threw out about half of what I owned last year already, there was still more. Things I thought I would “one day” use, but never do (swipe left to see).⁣