
Healthy Boundaries During the Holidays

Healthy Boundaries During the Holidays

What are your holiday boundaries, beautiful? As many of us prepare to return to our families (and with that: our family dynamics) for the holidays, or travel to our hometowns filled with childhood friends (or bullies...), anxiety can be high this time of year...

How to Set Better Boundaries as a People Pleaser (Includes Journaling Exercise!)

How to Set Better Boundaries as a People Pleaser (Includes Journaling Exercise!)

Yes, you can definitely set boundaries while improving your relationships as well as having more time left for yourself. Taking care of your own needs is your duty. When you're filled up, you can serve others so much better. When you're filled up, you can show up for your loved ones with 100% of your energy, love, and time. Whereas when you're already burned out, your plate is overflowing, and you're running at 7% of your own batteries, you can only show up for them from that place.