Two Things I've Learned from Taking a Week Off


I took last week off work, and it honestly felt soooo good! I wanted to share two things that I have learned from staying off my computer and social media most of last week:


I used last week to deep-clean my house and garden - it felt so cleansing! I had at least 13 things on my to do list, from returning recyclables to removing spider webs from unreachable corners to decluttering my clothes, and cleaning my garden tiles.

In the past, I would have wanted to do it all in one day and beat myself up if I didn’t tick it all off the list. But over the years of learning to love myself, I have learned that it is better to take my time and do it right, instead of rushing through everything, just so I can “tick it off“. So a week later, I'm still working on that list, one thing at a time, and I admire my progress.

Something to ponder: Where are you rushing through things just to get it done?


In the process of taking time off to deep-clean, I like to question everything I own. I ask myself questions like:

Do I really need to keep this plant that hasn’t been growing well?
How long have I not worn these shirts?
Will I really ever read these books that I’ve been storing for years?

When we can come to realize that we’re only cheating on ourselves by keeping things „because we think we should“ or „because one day, we will use them“, it’s so relieving and freeing when we can let go of these things.

Something to ponder: What are you holding on to (physically or emotionally) that has just been using up space and energy?

Let’s go slow, and take one step at a time. Have you been rushing from home to work to meetings to friends with little to no downtime? Have you been writing endless to do lists that only add to your overwhelm instead of making you feel good about yourself? Have you been putting more weight on your shoulders, and it’s starting to feel heavy?

Go slow, lovely, and please do start taking steps forward. I would be honored to serve you. Click below to learn more about working together:


3 Tips for Busy Perfectionist Women who are Ready to Remove Overwhelm and Stress


I created a free self-care guide if you’re someone who always puts everyone else - especially work! - first and needs some tips for perfectionists to slow down again! Click the button below to download your self-care guide for free: