I just got back from a 2-month trip to Bali, and I honestly thought I'd be going to Yoga several times a week (doesn't everyone go to Bali because of yoga?!), but I actually haven't gone to a single regular yoga class while I was there! I much preferred doing some juicy Yin yoga, meditation classes, chanting, and dancing. And my heart is so full right now.
See, a few years ago, I used to do vinyasa or hatha yoga daily at home, but my body doesn't crave that type of movement anymore. Right now, my body needs more sweaty workouts, more flowy movements, and deep relaxation practices - and that's OK!
Yoga isn't for everyone
Yoga isn't for everyone - just like HIIT isn't for everyone, and running isn't for everyone either. Some love it, some hate it - and that's OK! Sometimes, we also go through phases where we love something, then the seasons change and we crave something different - and that's OK!
Many people think that you need to do Yoga to be healthy and spiritual. But you don't. You don't need to do Yoga to be spiritual, cool, or healthy. If you feel called to do it, do it. If you feel resistance or don't enjoy it, find something that feels easier and more exciting to do.
(Disclaimer: I do believe that some sort of movement is very important for our overall health as well as the functioning of the physical body, but I don't believe that you can get these health benefits only from Yoga).
How do I know what my body needs?
I have a few questions for you:
Are you feeling tired?
Are you exhausted?
Is your body feeling over-energized?
Are you feeling restless and nervous?
Are you excited and happy and could hug the whole world?
Your body communicates with you all the time. It's actually really easy to understand what it's saying. Let's see:
Are you tired? >> Yes? Ok, you probably need some rest.
Are you exhausted? >> Yes? Ok, you probably need to turn your phone and computer off and lay down for a bit.
So, beautiful, are you listening to what your body is trying to tell you? Or are you forcing your body to do some type of workout you don't really want to or are too tired for? Or are you feeling so excited about how you're going to move your body?
A tired woman needs a hot bath
So often, I see women forcing themselves to a crossfit class or to go running - when really their body would much rather need a hot bath. Life is not about doing the "perfect" workout that looks good on the outside or that ticks a box on your "successful woman checklist" or gives you a six pack.
This life is about you learning to trust yourself and your body again.
Can you just do what feels right for you? It doesn't matter what others are going to say or think - neither about you nor about your body. All that matters is how you feel. That's what self-love really is: making sure you feel good with everything you do.
If this is something you're struggling with, click the link below to download my free self-care guide for perfectionists.
3 Tips for High Achieving Perfectionists Who Are Ready to Remove Overwhelm and Work Less
I created a free self-care guide if you’re someone who always puts everyone else - especially work! - first and needs some tips for perfectionists to slow down again! Click the button below to download your self-care guide for free: