A week has already passed since I spent a couple of days with my Mastermind Clients in Rhodes, Greece! We had the BEST time together, and I want to share with you what we've done to get closer to living a glowing life!
I'm sure you know "self-love is important" etc. etc. It's not just a trend, it's really what's the no. 1 thing that decides if you live a glowing life or not. Because living your dream life only works when you truly honor yourself, surround yourself with amazing friends and family, and take decisions that FEEL good for you.
All of the women who came to Greece have a business. They're working with clients on improving their cooking skills, teaching yoga, changing their mindset around food and happiness, and so much more.
Now when you have a business, despite what you may think, it all comes back to you loving yourself. You cannot sustainably run a successful business while completely ignoring your health, your happiness, and your relationships. This may eventually lead to burnout.
A glowing life means waking up in the morning and feeling excited about what you have planned. But also taking time to meditate, journal, and checkin with yourself to see how you're feeling.
Every. Single. Day.
So what we did in Greece was explore the way we see and treat ourselves, and trust me,there were lots of tears! And it was very relieving and healing, which is the most important part!
When was the last time you cried to really let go of something you don't want in your life anymore?
I never thought I would get to a point where I could say this with all my heart: I just love my clients! They're so fun to be around, they support each other massively, and constantly challenge each other, too.
For example, one of them wanted to record her first Yoga video and was so scared to get started. One of the girls helped her and they ended up filming 3 (!!!) videos while we were there!
Some of the girls needed to write a forgiveness letter to someone who hurt them in the past. They did it together and held each other accountable and felt so good afterwards!
Or random hugs we gave and happy dances we all made when we saw our rooms, took pool breaks with Glowy, and opened goodie bags. Not to forget the spa treatments they all got to wind down from all the hard work!
The bonds that were created among these beautiful women are going to be friendships for life and this is what lights me up. It was so beautiful to see these magical connections expand and spend time with this beautiful women who are ready to change the world!
Often, in our day to day life, we're busy, running on autopilot and don't consciously think about what we want to work on.
The time in Greece was great to reset, step out of everyday life and look at our lives from a different perspective. It is so important to know what you want to change, work on, improve, do. It's encouraging, empowering, fun, exciting...
What do you want to do until the end of this year?
I know, it's only November 1 and I'm already talking about 2019?! But trust me, the next few weeks are just going to fly by, that's why I wanted everyone to start thinking about their plans for the new year. We worked on business goals, but also lifestyle related goals.
And I want you to think about the new year as well and get creative with what kind of things you want to do! Where do you want to travel to? What kind of people and energy do you want to surround yourself with? How are you going to love yourself more and be kinder with yourself? What kind of work do you want to be doing? What new hobby do you want to try?
Take a piece of paper and write it all down. Now.
Not later.
Not tomorrow.
Ok, now I have two things for you to get you started into a glowing 2019:
If you're ready for real change and want to make 2019 your BEST year yet, don't wait for coincidences to happen. Take action and own your growth and know that you create your own life.
No matter if you have big goals to love yourself more (all my clients do this!), quit your job and travel the world (some of my clients are doing this right now!), improve your health (who doesn't need this?!), want to start a health and wellness business, or finally get your first clients (some of my clients are working on this now!).
I created a survey that helps you find out what you want to focus on and tells me what you need help with. Click here to fill in this survey.
Important: This is for me to understand where you're at and where you want to go. If you're not willing to change next year, or don't want me to help you with this, please don't fill in the survey, because then, this is not for you.
I have massive travel plans for the new year, and one of them is my Luxury Health & Self-Love Retreat in Greece! As you may know by now, I love Greece and could go there every year! Want to join me?
self-love uplevels like woah
heal your past and step into the most confident version of yourself possible
enjoy meaningful girlfriend time at the private pool
emotional declutter to feel free and glowing
get incredible self-confidence boosts
feel amazing in your body with the healthy food our private chef prepares for us
dream big for your life and make a plan to make it happen
start living your glowing life today (not next year or when you have the money)
5 nights, 6 days in a private luxury pool villa (see photos)
daily movement and meditation circles
and so much more...
You can find all details about this luxury experience here. Actually, someone just signed up yesterday, so I don't want you to miss the last spots!
Can't wait to see what 2019 brings for you and maybe see you in Greece?