Next Level Skin Care Luxury: Home SPA With Panasonic's Facial Steamer


Product Review: In collaboration with PPR Media Relations and Panasonic Switzerland, I’ve been testing Panasonic’s Facial Steamer and am excited to share my experience with you!

Sunday SPA Day

Who doesn’t love a Sunday morning home SPA session in your bath robe? Sundays have slowly but surely become my favorite day of the week, where I don’t plan anything into my calendar, don’t work, don’t clean, don’t wash, and mostly just have a relaxing day at home or with family.

It’s become a day where we sleep in, wakeup naturally whenever we’re well rested, prepare ourselves a smoothie bowl and chill all day.

I’ve 100% turned this day into a home spa day. Since I’ve tried this Facial Steamer, I often start Sundays with a deep cleansing ritual. It’s an incredible product that turns your home into a cozy beauty salon within seconds!

Why Even Care About The Skin?

You may wonder why you even need to care about your skin. Well, our skin is the biggest organ with a size of about two square meters. It is full of pores and absorbs everything we put on it. This is also the reason why it is so important to use natural and organic skin care products, because whatever goes into your skin goes into your blood stream and quickly into all your organs. You want to keep them clean and free from harmful chemicals at all times.

Now normally, we cover most parts of our body with clothes, but not our face. The face is exposed to the sun, pollution, the cold, dirt, bacteria, and sometimes we put on makeup (use chemical-free here, too for the same reason!). Therefore, the skin in your face needs a bit more care than the rest of the body. It needs deeper cleansing at night to get rid of particles, sweat, and makeup.

The facial steamer is amazing for this cleansing process and leaves your skin nice and clean.

How The Facial Steamer Works

Like the name says, it’s a facial steamer and feels SO good on the skin! You can steam your face for three, six, or twelve minutes. The short three-minute session is for a quick cleansing and great to remove makeup. The six-minute session helps moisturize the skin even more, also before you apply makeup. The twelve-minute session - without a doubt my favorite! - is great for a really nice and deep cleansing and moisturizing and makes your cleansing ritual a home spa experience.

The steam is so nice and warm that you don’t want it to end! Why this steamer really works is because the warm and moist air opens up your facial pores and allows you to clean your skin deeply.

How To Use The Facial Steamer

  1. Fill up the water tank for however long you want to steam and cleanse, three, six, or twelve minutes. 

  2. Turn on the steamer and wait for the steam.

  3. Take your natural and organic cleanser and have your face about 20 cm from the steamer, so that you can feel the steam all over your face.

  4. Slowly start massaging your face with your cleanser for a few minutes. Gently massage your cheeks, your jaw bones, your browbones, your forehead, your chin, your nose, the area around your eyes.

  5. When the time is over and the steam starts to diminish, gently rinse your face with warm water and apply a natural and organic moisturizer.

My Best Glowing Home Spa Tips

  • Always get comfortable before you steam your face. Wear a cozy pair of yoga pants or a bath robe and find a relaxing spot in your home.

  • Put your hair up, so it doesn’t get in the way while steaming your face or having a face mask on.

  • Play some relaxing music. My current favorites are the Peaceful Meditation and Sunday Morning playlists on Spotify!

  • Diffuse a lavender essential oil or any other relaxing oil you like to calm your senses. If you haven’t used oils before, you can get some here.

  • Take your time. Don’t rush or try to do some spa it in between appointments. It’s stressful and you won’t get all the benefits you could be getting.

  • Make yourself a cup of tea before and/or after your home spa session.

  • Get skin care products you are obsessed with. It becomes so much more meaningful. I currently love skin care as well as everything from (delivers within Switzerland only)

  • Know that you deserve a SPA every week or more! It’s nothing we need to work hard for to „deserve it“. We all deserve some relaxing downtime every day!

Create an at-home spa with panasonic’s facial steamer, my updated skincare routine, spring skincare routine, summer skincare routine, winter skincare routine, fall skincare routine | Martina Fink