
Do This and Be 95% More Likely to Hit Your Goals

Do This and Be 95% More Likely to Hit Your Goals

Are you in goal setting mode for 2022 yet? This time of the year is the perfect time to reflect on the last year and start setting your intentions for the next. For some of us, goal setting is a huge deal. How else do you measure how successful your year has been if you don't have the metrics in place to begin with? Did you know that Harvard found that 83% of people don't set goals at all?

You Only Live Once (+ Why This Impacts Your Glow)

You Only Live Once (+ Why This Impacts Your Glow)

YOLO. You Only Live Once.

While many people use this acronym to "justify" going to parties every possible day, getting drunk, smoking, doing drugs or other toxic things, I see this a little differently:

I believe that since we only live once, it's even more important to live the best and happiest life we can. #theglowlife

Being healthy, feeling well-rested daily, doing meaningful work that makes a difference in this world, surrounding yourself with people you're obsessed with and can talk to about deep life stuff for hours is a blessing.

I personally want to live a happy life as long as I possibly can! What about you?

How to Make Affirmations Work for You

How to Make Affirmations Work for You

"I am creating the life of my dreams."

What a powerful statement, right? If you said that statement out loud, would it be true? Would you feel excited? The fascinating thing about affirmations, other than the fact that they truly work, is that they only work if you believe that they work. Your energy about them matters, your feelings about them matters, your internal voice matters, and your subconscious belief patterns matter.