The Truth About Detoxes — Martina Fink - Holistic Health Coach & Beauty Coach

The Truth About Detoxes


As a health coach, I have an opinion about detoxes. While from a physical standpoint, it may seem logical to “detox the body“ from time to time to get rid of toxins from food etc., I personally believe that it is not a sustainable way to live a healthy life.

Why do we feel we need to “detox”?

Here’s what happens to so many people of us:

We intoxicate our body with processed foods, sugar, chocolate, preservatives, all kinds of chemical ingredients you can't even pronounce… to then detox all of it a few months later with a strict diet (probably twice a year, after Christmas, and in Spring).

We intoxicate our hearts and minds with gossip, complaining, watching all kinds of things on Netflix and social media to distract ourselves from real life (and its hardships)… to then detox from Social Media, delete Instagram from your phone for a few days, and cancel your Netflix subscription.

Does any of this resonate?

There is a better, healthier way to detoxify

What if you didn’t have to detox so heavily and radically, because your lifestyle is already healthy overall? What if you had a healthy balance between allowing yourself to be human and eating a chocolate bar here and there, spending some conscious time on IG, and Netflix-ing with intention and moderation, without blaming yourself? What if you loved yourself so much that you stayed away from coffee, because you know it gives you headaches when you don't have it, because the body is addicted? What if you knew that your gossip and complaining only hurts you and doesn’t affect the person you’re talking about at all?

The key here isn't perfection.

The key here is intention and awareness

There is a healthy way to “detox” your energy, your heart, and your mind, which doesn’t go from one extreme to another. It’s a much more sustainable way to live.

We can release toxic energy from your body (e.g. stress, overwhelm, sluggishness), and also we can find a way to sustainably reduce or even eliminate these feelings. We can release toxic feelings from your heart (e.g. unforgiveness, anger), and also we can find a way to have better boundaries and speak up for ourselves more, so we don’t get into as many emotionally challenging situations anymore. We can release toxic thoughts from your mind (e.g. high expectations, lack of self-belief), and also find sustainable ways to have healthier, more supportive thoughts and self-worth.

Please note: a glowing life is not a perfect life. It’s not a life where all you eat is clean, you make no mistakes, are always Miss Kind, and everything just falls into your lap.

But it’s a life where you have peace in your heart, and you treat yourself with respect, kindness, and so much love that you don’t need extreme sways from intoxicating yourself to urgently needing to “detox” every other month!

Does this sound like something that would be exciting for you? If you are ready for that level of glow up in your life, and to find out how we can work together, click the button below:


3 Tips for Busy Perfectionist Women who are Ready to Remove Overwhelm and Stress


I created a free self-care guide if you’re someone who always puts everyone else - especially work! - first and needs some tips for perfectionists to slow down again! Click the button below to download your self-care guide for free: