Emotions are real and it is healthy to feel them. Pushing your emotions away or avoiding your feelings will turn you either into a numb robot or put you on an emotional rollercoaster.
The secret: it is not your job to control them.
Especially in times like now, that don't seem to ever end and get better, many of us are struggling with the unexpected and daily changing situations worldwide - me included. So I've put together 3 tips that I use all the time help me navigate emotions in a healthy way.
#1 Allow yourself to feel. Don't push your emotions away.
Gently allow your emotions to come up. No matter if it's anger, frustration, sadness, disbelief, or any other emotion you may be going through, it is important that you allow yourself to feel it and don't fight it. By avoiding your emotions, what's going to happen is that you're storing them energetically in your body. You're not letting them out or pass. And as a result, you just carry them with you until maybe one day, there's so much stored up emotions that you explode (and usually on the people you love the most...). Let's not do that. Which brings me to the next point...
#2 Witness. Don't judge your emotions.
A healthy way of processing emotions is to witness what is going on. Can you just be there with the feeling without judging it? Your feeling is neither good nor bad, it's just a feeling. The moment we start judging ourselves, there is an internal fight that makes things worse and can get you on a downward spiral. So observe. How does it feel? Where in your body are you feeling it? Just witness.
#3 Move your emotions through the body.
Emotions stands for Energy in Motion. Therefore, it is important that our emotions can flow and move (hence why it's important to allow the feelings to be there!). We can proactively do physical activities that help move the energy and support your emotional healing. Working out, dancing, shaking your body, stomping, boxing into a pillow, crying, going for a walk... the list goes on. It doesn't matter how intensive or how long you practice, the key is that you practice.
#4 Listen to what your heart is trying to tell you
Emotions come up as a way for our body to communicate with us. This is true for any kind of emotion. When things are out of alignment, emotions come up, because your body is trying to tell you something. Can you listen? What message is it trying to bring to you? What are you not seeing? Where are you crossing your own boundaries?
How have you been feeling with everything going on? How are you handling your emotions? Feel free to drop me a DM on Instagram @martinaglows and let me know your thoughts!
3 Tips for High Achieving Perfectionists Who Are Ready to Remove Overwhelm and Work Less
I created a free self-care guide if you’re someone who always puts everyone else - especially work! - first and needs some tips for perfectionists to slow down again! Click the button below to download your self-care guide for free: