Sleep is so underrated. Some people even say "I can sleep when I'm dead!". Lol I definitely do not subscribe to that and I really love a good night sleep! When you wake up naturally in the morning and you're feeling so well-rested, content, and ready for a new day? It's the best feeling.
Sleep is usually the first thing I get to talk to new clients about, because good quality sleep is a fundamental piece of good health, so I want to make sure that, before we address any other issues, improving their sleep is the no. 1 priority. And yes, this actually often includes leaving your phone out of your bedroom (yes, I mean you!)!
What happens when we don't sleep enough
As you know by now, I really love to sleep, and I could talk about the health and beauty benefits all day, so let's dive into some of them - or rather the effects of the lack of sleep.
While we sleep, we recharge. When you're not recharged (and your body doesn't get into a deep enough state of recovery), your internal batteries cannot function at 100% the next day. Your body cannot restore, repair, and recover fully, and as a result, you may wakeup feeling like you got hit by a truck.
The lack of sleep can result in lowering our immune function, and can make us more irritable and more sensitive to stress. We all know what it feels like when you're already stressed before you even leave the house, right? Really not a good place to be in.
Mental and emotional overwhelm and mood swings are other typical effects of insomnia, interrupted sleep, and sleep deprivation. You may also feel unmotivated and impatient with yourself and others when you haven't slept well.
So before you roll your eyes, because you're tired of sleep tips, and I may sound like a broken record (but I really don't care), let's do a quick check-in to see if you've had enough sleep today:
Are you tired?
If the answer is YES, that means your body needs rest. It's really as simple as that. Of course, your answer will depend on the time of the day it is for you, and how many hours you have worked or been busy today, but generally when we're tired, something is off, and sleep will certainly help.
You only have one body, and you don't get a replacement in this lifetime. Treat it with kindness!
Can I sleep too many hours?
One of my clients recently said "I feel really relaxed, I slept nine hours, but that was probably too much". I am a firm believer that you cannot sleep too much (note: this is my personal opinion as a Health Coach, but you do you). Your body will know exactly when you've had enough sleep, and it will wake up naturally. Just because for once you sleep nine hours, that does not mean you've slept too much. Most probably you've compromised with sleep earlier in the week, so your body is just catching up. Give it what it needs, so your beautiful glow can recharge (just like you recharge your phone every night).
And especially in emotionally stressful and mentally tumultuous times like we are still in right now in the world, you'd better make sure your body, your vessel, is in tip top shape every day. So, go to bed early, turn off your phone, stop Netflixing, and take a lavender bath before bed tonight!
3 Tips for High Achieving Perfectionists Who Are Ready to Remove Overwhelm and Work Less
I created a free self-care guide if you’re someone who always puts everyone else - especially work! - first and needs some tips for perfectionists to slow down again! Click the button below to download your self-care guide for free: