vacation — Blog — Martina Fink - Holistic Health Coach & Beauty Coach


Sick On Vacation? You Clearly Overworked Yourself!

Sick On Vacation? You Clearly Overworked Yourself!

A few years ago, I used to get sick pretty much every time I went on vacation... All I was doing was working. And when I wasn't working, I would still think about work. I was a store manager at Apple and loved my job, the people, my responsibilities. I had put all my heart and soul into work, but had very weak boundaries with myself, and struggled with switching my mind off after work.

The Biggest Mistake Perfectionists Make About Their Future

The Biggest Mistake Perfectionists Make About Their Future

There’s only one real problem that is an actual problem:⁣ You know that something in your life is off and out of alignment, out of integrity, not going the way you desire... AND YOU’RE NOT DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT.⁣ Maybe you’re working overtime every day - and it feels exhausting.⁣ Maybe you’re saying hello to strangers on Instagram before you say good morning to your partner (or even to yourself!) - and you feel like a phone addict.⁣

11 Tips For Your Next Glow Girl Vacation in Greece

11 Tips For Your Next Glow Girl Vacation in Greece

I can’t even begin to describe how good it felt to get away from home and escape for a bit from “work from home life during a pandemic”. Whenever I travel, I like to choose places that are in alignment with my values and my high design standards, and I usually spend quite some time researching until I find a place I really like.⁣

Why You Need to Heal Your Phone Addiction (and Actually LIVE)

Why You Need to Heal Your Phone Addiction (and Actually LIVE)

I’m sitting at the beach with my candle, reflecting on the relationship with myself while tears are rolling down my cheeks.⁣ While I see most people glued to their phones all day, whether it’s on the sun bed or at the dinner table, I choose to communicate with myself first and foremost.⁣ I’ve been waking up naturally at 7am (I’m wondering how that’s even possible, because I’m a night owl and noooooot a morning person at all?!) to workout, stretch, and do yoga at the beach. ⁣

How to Lower Your Expectations of Others When Traveling

How to Lower Your Expectations of Others When Traveling

I just came back from a wonderful vacation in Zanzibar, Tanzania, nicely tanned, relaxed and super happy! BUT on the first day of my vacation, I didn’t feel like this AT ALL! The biggest culture shock EVER! The boat from Daressalaam to Zanzibar was one of the worst experiences I’d ever had. We drove into the port with a taxi and about five people walked besides the taxi, hoping to carry our luggage for 50m and get tipped for that. We had to FIGHT to not have our bags taken out of our hands!