Your Questions About Becoming A Certified Holistic Health Coach with IIN Answered


When women in my community are first interested in becoming a health coach, they usually have a lot of questions they ask me.

How did you get started once you graduated?
How long is the program?
How much time does it take to study every week?
Will I be successful after graduating?

etc... So in this blog post, I am sharing all the answers to the most common questions I get asked about becoming a certified Health Coach with IIN (the Institute for Integrative Nutrition) and that you might have, too.

1. How much time a week do I need to set aside to study to become a health coach?

My experience was that I invested about three hours a week in studying, watching the videos, doing the exercises, and working my way through the content.

2. How long is the program?

There are two options to get certified, in 6 or 12 months (I did 12 months). Depending on how much time you have every week, you can choose what works best for you and your schedule.

I will say: If you work full time and are a perfectionist who isn't very patient and always wants to get all things done at once, I would recommend you take a step back and don't overwhelm yourself. Approx. six hours a week for the 6-month program is A LOT to follow through with! Remember that this is about the journey, not about the destination, and in the long run, it really won't matter if you graduated six month later.

3. Do you have to do exams and tests?

Yes, there are a few online tests throughout the program that you will take based on what you learned. You also have to submit a few homework tasks. And you will participate in online coaching circles towards the end of the program, where you will learn and practice your coaching skills with other students.

4. When will I be able to start working with clients?

Yes, you will. In the program, you learn important foundational knowledge about running a business, signing clients, creating programs that serve your clients, and so much more.

Half way through the program, you will get a mid-certificate that allows you to officially start coaching clients, which is so great!

5. Your life looks so dreamy. Isn't it too good to be true?

It's a question I get asked a lot. The answer is NO, it's not too good to be true. It's my reality. However, I will say that success doesn't come overnight. It's the result of consistency and unshakable belief in yourself.

I became a makeup artist in 2012, hosted my first makeup workshop and launched my first website in 2013, quit my full-time job in 2015, graduated from IIN in 2017, have been coaching full-time since 2018.

You have to have a vision and be convinced at your core that you want to 1) create this drema lifestyle for yourself, and 2) you want to support other people living healthier lives.

So, if you're ready for the long-run and aren't expecting overnight success and $10k months in your first year, yes, it's dreamy, and it's amazing.

6. Is this program actually legitimate?

Yes, of course. So many of my favorite people online have graduated from IIN. Do you know Melissa Ambrosini, Sahara Rose, Mel Wells, Robyn Youkilis, Sarah Wilson? Just to name a few.

Experts in the classes, among others, are Gabby Bernstein, Deepak Chopra, Taryn Toomey (founder of workouts I've been doing almost every day!), Nitika Chopra (who was also a guest on my podcast!) Dr. Mark Hyman, and many more.

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Maybe you're still not sure if this is right for you. So how can you find out?

I get it, it's a big investment, for time, money, and energy, and you want to be 100% sure you're taking the "right" decision. Here's what I recommend you do next:

If you're ready to explore this option for yourself, here's what to do next:

  • I have a free sample class you can download to get a sneak peek into the program.

  • You can also get access to the full curriculum of the program to get an idea of what it looks like to study at IIN.

  • You can get up to $2000 off tuition.

  • You can download a beautiful self-love guide to nourish yourself.

I’m also sharing my best business tips with you and am sharing more about my own journey with becoming a certified Holistic Health Coach with IIN!

Checkout this FAQ page with more questions, and if you can't find your answers, just contact me here.