
How I Became A Health Coach - Celebrating International Women's Day With The Institute For Integrative Nutrition

How I Became A Health Coach - Celebrating International Women's Day With The Institute For Integrative Nutrition

In 2019, IIN interviewed me about my experience as a Health Coach. This year (2020), IIN featured me in their International Women's Day Article, which is such an honor. Click on this post to read the full article: Stop Trying To Be Perfect - How This IIN Grad Uses Her Health Coach Certification To Inspire.

How to Build a Holistic Health Coaching Business When You Have No Idea How to Run a Business

How to Build a Holistic Health Coaching Business When You Have No Idea How to Run a Business

When I was younger, my dad would always say that we weren't born as "entrepreneurs". I somehow always thought that in order to be an entrepreneur, you had to have a special gene or something... Which luckily I learned isn't true!

How to Host Luxury Retreats and Transform Lives as a Certified Holistic Health Coach with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition

How to Host Luxury Retreats and Transform Lives as a Certified Holistic Health Coach with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition

I LOVED IIN (or I wouldn't brag about it so much!). I've been coaching full-time since 2018 and have been able to help women in so many different ways. Here are some of the things I did ever since starting my coaching business.

Your Questions About Becoming A Certified Holistic Health Coach with IIN Answered

Your Questions About Becoming A Certified Holistic Health Coach with IIN Answered

When women in my community are first interested in becoming a health coach, they usually have a lot of questions they ask me. How did you get started once you graduated? How long is the program? How much time does it take to study every week? Will I be successful after graduating?

3 Things That Become Possible as a Certified Holistic Health Coach With the Institute for Integrative Nutrition

3 Things That Become Possible as a Certified Holistic Health Coach With the Institute for Integrative Nutrition

I LOVED IIN (or I wouldn't brag about it so much!). I've been coaching full-time since 2018 and have been able to help women in so many different ways. Here are some of the things I did ever since starting my coaching business.

5 Tips to Strengthen Your Immune System During a Pandemic

5 Tips to Strengthen Your Immune System During a Pandemic

Hi beauties! How have you been doing this week? I hope you are safe, healthy, and are coping well with the current uncertainty. I wanted to share a few things to do this weekend and to remind you that, no matter how uncertain, insecure, scary, and out-of-control things may be in the outside world, there are still things that are 100% in your control. Let's focus on what that is.

International Women's Day Feature With The Institute For Integrative Nutrition (IIN)

International Women's Day Feature With The Institute For Integrative Nutrition (IIN)

This year (2020), IIN featured me in their International Women's Day Article, which is such an honor. Click on this post to read the full article: Stop Trying To Be Perfect - How This IIN Grad Uses Her Health Coach Certification To Inspire.

Confession: I Screwed Up Last Week!

Confession: I Screwed Up Last Week!

Last week did NOT go as planned. I wanted to write some inspiring emails, I had lots of calls scheduled with amazing women, I had meetings with my clients. I was going to meet some local influencers and exchange experiences with them. I was going to go boxing to get back on track with my workout. I was going to create this new program that I'm really excited about. I was going to feel just AH-MAA-ZING!

How Past Trauma Can Block You Today

How Past Trauma Can Block You Today

I am writing this email from my balcony in Bali, overlooking the jungle and feeling deeply relaxed and peaceful. The time here in Bali has been very healing, high vibing, amazing and wonderful. I've been able to connect with some mind-blowing women who have BIG dreams. Doing a headstand has been a goal for me for a long time! I'd love to share this story with you, because it's truly a victory for me and my life hasn't always been this victorious at all...

*When I was little, I was bullied in school... 

Client Story: How She Healed A Toxic Relationship

Client Story: How She Healed A Toxic Relationship

Beauties, I HAVE to share this AMAZING story of a true gogetter with you! But before I start, I want to wish you A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Hopefully you took some time to dream about the past year and also about what you want to reach in this new year! Ok, so now, let’s start with the story! It’s about one of my clients, a woman I know since childhood, but we had totally lost contact for many years. She reached out to me a few months ago, as she had been thinking about increasing her beauty feeling and creating a healthier lifestyle for a while. 

What Bali Taught Me About Food And Wellbeing

What Bali Taught Me About Food And Wellbeing

I just came back from two amazing weeks in Bali, where we filmed a social media campaign for Cetaphil, called „The Cetaphil Experience“. It’s a 4 day skin care retreat which educates and empowers women from all over southeast Asia on Skin Confidence. I was the host of the whole experience and lead everyone through fun activities and an interesting program. This is the second time we’re doing this event. Last year, it took place in the Philippines, which was also incredible! (You can watch some videos from last year here!)

Your Body Secrets

Your Body Secrets

Last week, we talked about your skin, about how it is built and how it functions. > Go to last week’s post “Your skin”. Now, we want to focus on the whole body, because good skin always has to do with how we treat our body. We all know how good it feels to sleep well. However, we often don’t take enough time to give our body the necessary time to recover and therefore, we often suffer from headache, are sensitive or get blemished skin. Whenever our body recovers, it regenerates our cells...