REVIEW: The Glow Camp in Thailand (Pt. 1)

REVIEW: The Glow Camp in Thailand (Pt. 1)


Never had I thought I could make this happen. It's been a dream of mine for almost 3 years to host a retreat with women and work with them on self-love and self-care, and on their health, lifestyle, and wellness goals.Now this dream has come true. And I still can't believe it!

5 Lessons About Success

5 Lessons About Success

Today, you receive my final 5 lessons about SUCCESS. As I just got to Thailand this morning, where I am hosting my very first retreat, the Glow Camp, I am celebrating a massive milestone and success in my life and business! Let me share my retreat story with you: In 2015, I was the official host of the Cetaphil Experience in the Philippines. Cetaphil had organized workshops to teach women about skin care...

5 Lessons About Money

5 Lessons About Money

Not everybody wants to hear the truth. I shared my last blog, 5 Lessons About Love, to my email list and something really interesting happened...I had quite some people unsubscribe... The first lesson was to forgive, including to forgive yourself. I also talked about speaking your truth, about loving yourself, and about spending more time with people you love (and not typing on your computer 24/7 in a job you hate!).

5 Lessons About Energy

5 Lessons About Energy

I am really excited to share my energy lessons with you today! EVERYTHING is energy, believe it or not. People share energy, even jobs have energy, rooms store energy, money is energy... When we're tuned in, we can feel the energy of others easily. But often, we forget about our own energy.

Are you feeling good today? Or tired, exhausted, sad? Excited and energized? We constantly share our energy with others as well, and I want you to start being aware of what kind of energy you're sending out all of the time!

5 Lessons About Beauty & Body

5 Lessons About Beauty & Body

I turned 30 last week and have had the best time ever since! It's a really big step in my life (even though I didn't take that step on purpose lol!) and I took some time to reflect on the past 30 years.

I will be sharing my TOP 30 LESSONS I've learned with you over the next few days, so you can live a better life, but also not make the same mistakes I made :) #modelingofexcellence

So today, we're starting with BODY & BEAUTY, which is really where everything in my business started.

Why You Should Know About The Chakras

Why You Should Know About The Chakras

Hey Beautiful! This really blows my mind: The Chakras. BUT WTH IS A CHAKRA? Chakras are the 7 energy centers located along our spine in our energetic body. Every energy center is responsible for a specific area of life, certain organs, and energies we have in our life and therefore responsible for our health and happiness. 

Is A Retreat On Your Wishlist?

Is A Retreat On Your Wishlist?

I can't believe it's already February 4! I am currently soaking up the sun in Vietnam, sipping my mandatory daily coconut, while my boyfriend is enjoying the wavy beach kitesurfing. Just like I'm more of a sunny weather snowboarder, I am also more of a beautiful water kitesurfer and will postpone the next sessions to a flat water beach somewhere else!

Be Yourself In Glow Version

Be Yourself In Glow Version

Hey loves! I hope you had some beautiful days off with your loved ones and took some time to recharge - but also to REFLECT! If you've known me for a while now, you know that I'm obsessed with my journal and with reflecting, as well as dream mapping! 2017 has been an incredible year for me and so many of my dreams have come true. Let me share a few with you...

Survive & Enjoy the Holidays without Overindulging

Survive & Enjoy the Holidays without Overindulging

The holiday season is upon us and though, there is so much to love about this season (the lights, the food, the gifts, the parties!), there also comes a lot of stress along with it. All the sugar, the events and parties, the alcohol, and the family gatherings can be a little overwhelming. And often, when we are overwhelmed and don't have a lot of time, the first thing we forget about is our healthy habits.

The 3 Things I Did To Prioritize Myself This Year

The 3 Things I Did To Prioritize Myself This Year

I spent last weekend christmassing in Milan, overindulging in real Italian Pizza and high quality truffle covered pasta! I'm also using this time to reflect on 2017. It's always good to be away from home to do such fun activities to kinda see the bigger picture more easily. But before I'm sharing details about my next free training, I want to share some of my personal stories with you...

Fresh Organic Coffee From Carmen, Erick & Jhobinson, Peru

Fresh Organic Coffee From Carmen, Erick & Jhobinson, Peru

I love the smell of freshly brewed coffee so much... Although to be honest, I don't drink coffee, and I don't really like the taste of it, but the smell is so heavenly! Nonetheless, I'm going to write about coffee today! Everybody who likes coffee, or knows somebody who likes coffee, or still needs some Christmas gifts for friends and family this year, this is for you!!

Time To Give Thanks

Time To Give Thanks

Today, I am taking some time to think about all the beautiful things I'm grateful for. Am this not only includes my family and all my loved ones, but also YOU. I'm so grateful for YOU to be on this journey with me, to follow me on all my adventures, to give me the space in your thoughts or even in your heart. For you clearly have a space in my heart. 

Why I Know You Can Create Your Healthy Dream Lifestyle

Why I Know You Can Create Your Healthy Dream Lifestyle

Quick story for you, beautiful. I used to work in retail at Apple as a store manager for several years, and I still remember how stressful the holiday seasons were for me. Not only were there so many more customers, but people were also kinda stressed out all the time! They spent hundreds if not thousands of dollars on gifts for their kids and friends, but it seemed they were not doing this with joy.

How To Create Healthy Holiday Rituals

How To Create Healthy Holiday Rituals

How does it make you feel when you walk into a department store and everything is full of Christmas decoration and glimmer and all you hear is Christmas songs? There are only 41 days left until it's Christmas again! SO MAYBE, THIS MAKES YOU FEEL... stressed out, because your calendar is already filling up with dinners and parties. Or desperate...

Confession: I Screwed Up Last Week!

Confession: I Screwed Up Last Week!

Last week did NOT go as planned. I wanted to write some inspiring emails, I had lots of calls scheduled with amazing women, I had meetings with my clients. I was going to meet some local influencers and exchange experiences with them. I was going to go boxing to get back on track with my workout. I was going to create this new program that I'm really excited about. I was going to feel just AH-MAA-ZING!

People Think I Never Struggle?!

People Think I Never Struggle?!

I recently had a few women approach me saying that it stresses them out that I always look happy and like I never have issues! LOL so not true :) So I decided to make a post about this and share it with you all here, too. Because YES, I am always happy, but it doesn't mean life is always easy over here either! :) So here's the truth...

Rooftop Yoga and Breakletics with My Clubs

Rooftop Yoga and Breakletics with My Clubs

On Tuesday, I was invited to a wonderful and very active VIP event in Zurich, organized by the Swiss sportspass membership club @my_clubs. Together with some other influencers and local bloggers (e.g. Katrin Roth from, Anina Mutter, the sustainable style warrior, and Xenia Stutz from the health and fitness blog Power Peak Passion), we were lucky enough to try a 45min breakletics class with @leo.breakletics...

Kickstart Your Mornings With A Sparkle

Kickstart Your Mornings With A Sparkle

It's time for some powerful morning habits!! Do you sometimes...

  • wake up feeling unmotivated, tired and lazy? 
  • feel like staying in bed all day sleeping instead of going to work? 

  • feel like it's just NOT your day and you DON'T want to leave the house?

  • ...