I never thought I'd deserve this!

I never thought I'd deserve this!

PROOF that you can do, be, and have ANYTHING you want.

2 years and 7 days ago, I had my last day in my job as a Store Manager at Apple Retail. I really enjoyed my job, but realized that I spent ALL my energy and enthusiasm at work, and when I got home after work, I was often so exhausted that I even had to cancel appointments with friends sometimes, because I just couldn't make it to leave the house. My body was constantly running on low...

3 Ways You're Putting Yourself Last

3 Ways You're Putting Yourself Last

One of the most common confidence issues women have are often the result of a simple daily habit: they put themselves last. They always worry about others first. They always care for everyone else, and often forget about themselves. Where does this come from? Most kids just do whatever the heck they feel like doing. They play the games they want to play in that very moment...

My TOP 3 Bali Takeaways + A Training For You

My TOP 3 Bali Takeaways + A Training For You

I’m writing this email on my flight back home from Bali, feeling fulfilled, grateful and excited. I’ve had quite some breakthroughs and amazing a-ha moments in the last two weeks, and I’d love to share my top 3 with you: 1) Start before you’re ready. This is inspired by

How Past Trauma Can Block You Today

How Past Trauma Can Block You Today

I am writing this email from my balcony in Bali, overlooking the jungle and feeling deeply relaxed and peaceful. The time here in Bali has been very healing, high vibing, amazing and wonderful. I've been able to connect with some mind-blowing women who have BIG dreams. Doing a headstand has been a goal for me for a long time! I'd love to share this story with you, because it's truly a victory for me and my life hasn't always been this victorious at all...

*When I was little, I was bullied in school... 

How to Lower Your Expectations of Others When Traveling

How to Lower Your Expectations of Others When Traveling

I just came back from a wonderful vacation in Zanzibar, Tanzania, nicely tanned, relaxed and super happy! BUT on the first day of my vacation, I didn’t feel like this AT ALL! The biggest culture shock EVER! The boat from Daressalaam to Zanzibar was one of the worst experiences I’d ever had. We drove into the port with a taxi and about five people walked besides the taxi, hoping to carry our luggage for 50m and get tipped for that. We had to FIGHT to not have our bags taken out of our hands! 

What You Can Learn From Andrea Bocelli

What You Can Learn From Andrea Bocelli

On Sunday, I was booked for the biggest event I’ve ever done in my life: makeup and hair at Andrea Bocelli’s concert in Hallenstadion, Zurich (Just so you get an idea: Hallenstadion has space for over 11.000 people, and the concert was almost sold out!). I was honored to do makeup and hair for the two beautiful singers that sang with Bocelli (see one in the picture) as well as hairstyling for the guitar soloist and the ballet dancer. I was lucky enough to sneak in towards the end of the concert and listen to Andrea’s music for...

Client Story: How She Healed A Toxic Relationship

Client Story: How She Healed A Toxic Relationship

Beauties, I HAVE to share this AMAZING story of a true gogetter with you! But before I start, I want to wish you A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Hopefully you took some time to dream about the past year and also about what you want to reach in this new year! Ok, so now, let’s start with the story! It’s about one of my clients, a woman I know since childhood, but we had totally lost contact for many years. She reached out to me a few months ago, as she had been thinking about increasing her beauty feeling and creating a healthier lifestyle for a while. 

Are You Ready To Rock 2017?

Are You Ready To Rock 2017?

I LOVE these last days of the year so much! What I do is take a few hours just for myself with a cup of tea, my diary and just start writing. I write about how the past year was for me, how I felt and what was good, and also, what was not so good. If you like doing exercises like this, further down, I’m sharing a few questions that I also work through with my clients. They will guide you through the process. But first, I want to share with you some of my major reflections on how 2016 was for me!

What Is Your Gift For Yourself?

What Is Your Gift For Yourself?

Only 5 days left until Christmas!! Isn’t that crazy? Lots of department stores and shopping malls are glittery and look glamorous, and are full of people stressing around for their last minute Christmas gifts! If you’re still looking for some presents, you can find amazing and very personal ideas in the Holiday Beauty Gift Guide, including luxurious skin care and makeup products, brushes, and health and beauty sessions!

{Video} Glamorous Smokey Eyes

{Video} Glamorous Smokey Eyes

Wanna get smokey for the holidays? Everyone loves this look, as it adds a very dramatic touch to your look! Plus you can do it in all colors and varieties, so creating this look itself is already a lot of fun! I think this is the most extensive makeup look, that’s why it requires some time and patience. And don’t worry if your first trial doesn’t look perfect! It takes time and practice for the perfect smokey eye look!

3 Makeup Mistakes Most Women Make + How To Avoid Them!

3 Makeup Mistakes Most Women Make + How To Avoid Them!


Ever wondered how some women can walk around with a brown foundation, when their skin tone is actually pale? Or a strong, orange bulky blush? Or eyeshadow sparkling all over their face? Here are the top 3 mistakes most women make with makeup...

Let Your Holiday Skin Glow

Let Your Holiday Skin Glow

Before you can start and create a wonderful look for the upcoming holiday parties, you need to have a good base on your face. Have you ever experienced that your skin was dry, and once you applied makeup, it looked flaky? We definitely want to avoid this! I like to say that your skin is for you what a canvas is for a painter. When it’s clean and firm, it’s the perfect foundation for a really good looking and long-lasting makeup look. So here are a few skin care secrets for an impeccable look...

3 Things You Need To Know About Brushes

3 Things You Need To Know About Brushes

Yaaayyyy, this is exciting! I’m sharing a sneak peak of my GLAMOROUS HOLIDAY MAKEUP COURSE here with you! Today is all about makeup brushes! Here are 3 things that are REALLY important and that you need to know about brushes: Good quality brushes will save you A LOT of money! It is SO worth it to invest in good brushes! You will be able to use good makeup brushes for up to 10 years. I’ve had my brushes for almost 5 years now...

What Bali Taught Me About Food And Wellbeing

What Bali Taught Me About Food And Wellbeing

I just came back from two amazing weeks in Bali, where we filmed a social media campaign for Cetaphil, called „The Cetaphil Experience“. It’s a 4 day skin care retreat which educates and empowers women from all over southeast Asia on Skin Confidence. I was the host of the whole experience and lead everyone through fun activities and an interesting program. This is the second time we’re doing this event. Last year, it took place in the Philippines, which was also incredible! (You can watch some videos from last year here!)

5 Beauty Tips For Valentine's Day

5 Beauty Tips For Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day: the day of love and making presents? For years now, this day has mainly become a commercial event. Our society has reached a point where this day has often become more special for relationships than all other moments throughout the year. Have you ever felt that you took your most important people for granted? Yes, they’re always there. But you never know for how long...

The 7 Day Beauty Book

The 7 Day Beauty Book

The 7 Day Beauty Book will be available as an eBook and is divided into 7 days. Every day, you get inspiration and beauty advice to start your day beautifully and full of confidence. You will get advice for the following aspects on each day: Daily Inspiration, Inner Beauty & Outer Beauty. I will share videos, lyrics, songs with you that fascinate me personally and that have inspired me a lot. I am so convinced...

Skin Conditions: Analyze Your Skin

Skin Conditions: Analyze Your Skin

When a baby is born, its skin is usually well balanced. This means that the skin’s PH level is at 5 to 5.5, which is considered normal skin condition. Now with the food that we eat, the things we do to our body like working hard, sun bathing, smoking, drinking, stress and other lifestyles we live, our skin conditions change. We get little wrinkles, the skin becomes oily or super dry, or we get problems with pimples or acne. These conditions can change...

I Woke Up Like This: Inspiring Lyrics

I Woke Up Like This: Inspiring Lyrics

Beyoncé’s song ***flawless has amazing lyrics spoken by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, a Nigerian writer, to show how much we are put into our roles as girls and women, starting at a very young age… We teach girls to shrink themselves, to make themselves smaller. We say to girls: “You can have ambition, but not too much. You should aim to be successful, but not too successful, otherwise...

Cetaphil Experience 2015

Cetaphil Experience 2015

Last month I participated in a very exciting event with Cetaphil! I was asked to fly over to the Philippines for a 3-day skin care retreat to do some confidence workshops with lots of young Asian women! Cetaphil TH, MY, SG and PH all made a huge Facebook competition where women from all over southeast Asia were able to participate. As of what I heard, there were over 16.000 women participating in this competition! Everyone had to tell Cetaphil what #SkinConfidence meant to them...