Women in Leadership: Happy International Women's Day 2021!
Happy International Womxn’s Day! It wasn't so long ago that we as womxn were seen as "less than"; the weaker gender; not equal. But times have changed. I was recently in a coaching program where out of the top seven most successful individuals, six were womxn. It's so empowering to see how womxn around the world are coming together to support each other and lift each other up. The work that I do provides me a front row seat to the brilliant show that occurs when womxn decide to take their power back and put themselves first, and I can't tell you how incredible it has been to watch my sisters rise up over the last few years.
3 Steps to Battle Loneliness When Working from Home
How to Stop Being Mean to Yourself
Many women say to themselves: „I am useless and unworthy“. Hearing how mean some of the women in one of my most recent free trainings are to themselves fills me with so much sadness. It breaks my heart to see how they talk to themselves, in a way they would probably not even talk to their worst enemy.
What to do when you can't express how you feel
In this video, I’m sharing with you… How your creativity is connected to your emotions, how past trauma can impact the way you speak up today, what to do when you’re feeling emotionally stuck or numb, the no. 1 thing that helped me get back into flow after weeks of feeling uninspired, and so much more! Click below to watch the full IGTV and let me know what your best tips are to get in flow again!
3 Tips to Be Productive When Working from Home
If you’re struggling to get out of your pajamas this Monday morning and just don’t feel motivated to work from home, try these 3 tips that always get me into super productive moods! I’ve been working from home full time for two years now. And part time for five. I just know what works and what doesn’t.
Productivity Tip #1 - Wear a beautiful dress or jeans
Jeans have never been more important than in the last few weeks. Sometimes, working in Yoga pants on the couch makes you feel like a lazy couch potato, and wearing jeans makes you feel like oh-so important! I also made a commitment to not wash my clothes until I have worn every single piece of clothing! So I’m also wearing my Bali inspired flower dresses right now. Try it and you will thank me later!! ;)
Productivity Tip #2 - Put on makeup
Honestly, I just discovered this hack this week. I hadn’t worn makeup in suuuuuch a long time, and as I put on this flowery dress, I was like „I may as well just put on some makeup!“. And oh did the day go differently! It shifted things so much and I felt so much more confident! (Click here to learn more and get a discount for the Kylie’s Professional Makeup I use!)
Productivity Tip #3 - Take care of yourself first
Just because your office is now in your living room doesn’t mean you need to open your computer and check your emails first thing in the morning. Continue (or even extend!) your me-time before you start working. Recharging first is so key! You also can’t use use phone when the battery is empty. So do that meditation and journaling, drink your coffee on the balcony, do a little yoga flow, followed by a shower and a face mask.
These tips may sound really silly or superficial. But they really work!
want more? get your FREE self-care GUIDE
3 Tips for High Achieving Perfectionists Who Are Ready to Remove Overwhelm and Work Less
...without Compromising Results and Burning Yourself Out
I created a free self-care guide if you’re someone who always puts everyone else - especially work! - first and needs some tips for perfectionists to slow down again! Click the button below to download your self-care guide for free:
How to Stop Cheating on Yourself with Your Self-Care Practice
Let’s talk about self-trust: A super important quality to have if you want to leave self-doubt behind and live a truly fulfilled life. 💡 yeah, it’s not the daily yoga or zen meditation session that makes your life fulfilled.
„I will meditate tomorrow“ - then you don’t do it. „I will make my bed after breakfast“ - then you forget.
How to Overcome Bullying and Emotional Pain
I remember coming home from school, slamming the door, and hiding under the covers trying to force myself not to cry. Once again, the other kids didn't wait for me to ride home together after school. I grew up in a small village in Switzerland, and we had to go to school by bicycle. I felt left behind, betrayed, lonely, and sad. It was a regular thing. Sometimes in the morning, sometimes after school. I can't even put this feeling of abandonment into words, it left me feeling so empty.
Must-Know Secrets for Perfectionists and Overthinkers
This filter couldn’t be more needed right now. The third eye chakra is the energy center on your forehead in between your brows that’s responsible for the clarity and intuition in your life. Most people who lack clarity about what to do, where to go, what to say, etc have a cluttered third eye chakra - because all they do is think and analyze and strategize in their brain.
7 Misconceptions About Being A Successful Woman
Here are some of the things I used to say to myself about being a successful woman in the 21st century... I have to work really hard in order to be successful. What my boss thinks of me is my no. 1 priority at work. My career is more important than my mental and emotional health. I first need to finish work, and then I can meditate.
The Biggest Mistake Perfectionists Make About Their Future
There’s only one real problem that is an actual problem: You know that something in your life is off and out of alignment, out of integrity, not going the way you desire... AND YOU’RE NOT DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT. Maybe you’re working overtime every day - and it feels exhausting. Maybe you’re saying hello to strangers on Instagram before you say good morning to your partner (or even to yourself!) - and you feel like a phone addict.
Why You Should Stop Daydreaming About Your Dream Life Now
I get that a lot that people are “jealous” of my lifestyle. People looking at my life, my stories and thinking “she’s so lucky to be able to workout in the afternoon”. Or “I bet all she does is Instagram and smoothies and workouts and chill in her lounge, such a good life!”. Sometimes, it’s a mix of curiosity and jealousy I think. Inspiration and jealousy. Or maybe even inspiration only.
How to Trust Yourself and Stop Waiting for a Sign
Maybe you’ve been waiting for a „sign“ to show you that moving forward and signing up for Perfectionist Rehab. Waiting for signs to take action in your life is spiritual bypassing. Thinking that the universe will magically show you something is the opposite of owning your decisions. Just like having another reading and another reading and another reading thinking that your answers will come forward there.
The Secret to Beating Anger as a High Level Professional
This week, I had a session with a client, and we spoke about the high stress levels and exhaustion she was experiencing at her new job. I shared with her how I recently got really angry at something. I was cleaning my dishes and somehow spilled water over my clothes. I got so angry at myself about this and couldn't believe I spilled dirty water over my favorite yoga pants. I took some deep breaths and realized: I haven't felt this way in a VERY long time.
Doing More of What You Loved as a Child
10 years ago, I got my first tattoo. It says Music Dance on my foot. When I was 12 or so, I started dancing HipHop. I was intrigued and soon after started my own dance crew with 3 of my girlfriends. I made choreographies and we trained regularly for shows I honestly have no idea where I took the courage from to do all this. Either way, it was amazing!
Why Hiding Your Emotions Makes You Sick
So, you overachiever (and perfectionist, and people pleaser). I got a confession to make: I used to be really good at hiding my emotions. I didn’t want anyone to see when I was „weak“ or when I had to cry. I used to believe that being emotional (aka feeling all the feels) was a bad thing. I used to believe that if people saw me cry, they would think I was a failure and they wouldn’t respect me as much anymore.
A Day in the Life of A Glow Girl
People often think all I do is hang out in my lounge with my smoothies, scroll through Instagram, and meditate. Well, that’s not really the case. I mean it’s true - but it’s only a fraction of what I do all day. Join me throughout a pretty regular work day at the glow villa. From waking up naturally to smoothies, smudging, journaling, movement, dancing to client time, busy work, energetic rants, podcast interviews, and more.
How To Level Up Your Confidence with Decluttering
This morning, I woke up at 6am, after 4 hours of sleep, and I was wide awake. I got up, put my clothes on, and started decluttering big time. Although I threw out about half of what I owned last year already, there was still more. Things I thought I would “one day” use, but never do (swipe left to see).
11 Tips For Your Next Glow Girl Vacation in Greece
I can’t even begin to describe how good it felt to get away from home and escape for a bit from “work from home life during a pandemic”. Whenever I travel, I like to choose places that are in alignment with my values and my high design standards, and I usually spend quite some time researching until I find a place I really like.
Why You Need to Heal Your Phone Addiction (and Actually LIVE)
I’m sitting at the beach with my candle, reflecting on the relationship with myself while tears are rolling down my cheeks. While I see most people glued to their phones all day, whether it’s on the sun bed or at the dinner table, I choose to communicate with myself first and foremost. I’ve been waking up naturally at 7am (I’m wondering how that’s even possible, because I’m a night owl and noooooot a morning person at all?!) to workout, stretch, and do yoga at the beach.