Glow Girl Summer Party Review
GLOW GIRL SUMMER PARTY clients exclusive was amazing! FUN FACT: 90% of these women are or were working in a “boring” company (that’s my judgment, but also some of them said that themselves actually), many of them in one of the big 4. They’re mostly high-achievers (or over-achievers!) and slightly (or extremely...) perfectionist.
Work. Eat. Sleep. Repeat. Is This You?
How to Live A Glowing Life - My Way
8 Empowering Affirmations to Increase Your Confidence
How to Host Luxury Retreats and Transform Lives as a Certified Holistic Health Coach with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition
Your Questions About Becoming A Certified Holistic Health Coach with IIN Answered
3 Things That Become Possible as a Certified Holistic Health Coach With the Institute for Integrative Nutrition
5 Tips to Strengthen Your Immune System During a Pandemic
Hi beauties! How have you been doing this week? I hope you are safe, healthy, and are coping well with the current uncertainty. I wanted to share a few things to do this weekend and to remind you that, no matter how uncertain, insecure, scary, and out-of-control things may be in the outside world, there are still things that are 100% in your control. Let's focus on what that is.
Self-Care Tips For a Peaceful Weekend After a Busy Week
Hey beauties! How are you feeling today?
I must confess it hasn't been the easiest week for me, and every day, I had to kick myself in the butt to get up and shift my energy. All I am doing right now is changing what is in my control - which honestly isn't "much" you would think. But it truly is a LOT actually. All you can control right now is how you feel and how you look at the situation in the world and at your own life.
International Women's Day Feature With The Institute For Integrative Nutrition (IIN)
5 Reasons Why You Should Start Meditating Now
10 Benefits of Meditation
As you may know, meditation is a big part of my practice, of what I do for myself and what I teach my clients. In the last few years, meditation has helped me… Heal past trauma from bullying in childhood, release shame and guilt around past relationships, strengthen my self-confidence, uncover my potential and become the best version of me, speak up for myself and speak my truth more rather than just bottling up things inside of me…
3 Reasons To Travel Solo As A Busy Leader
Hey beauties! I have just arrived in Bali this week and am on a solo trip! Can you believe I haven't traveled alone and for myself in about two and a half years! Last time I traveled by myself, no partner, no family, no friends, no clients, no work, was when I went on my first retreat in Bali a few years ago. Now, you may think I am crazy to travel by myself. But it is actually SO rewarding and life-changing you won't believe it…
How to Kickstart Your Glowing Life - My Version of It
I wanted to share my total pinch me moment with you that I just had on my way to Greece. I technically „know“ that I create my own reality - but sometimes, life just feels so surreal!
On Thursday, I woke up at 4.15am to go to the airport for my retreat, which is starting tomorrow. I hadn’t set an alarm at this time for over a year now. #noalarmsforlife
Stop Telling Yourself "I Don't Have Time"
I’ve been traveling in the Caribbean for a couple of weeks now, almost two months to be precise, and I’m loving it! You can follow me along on my Instagram stories every day, where I share bits and pieces of our travel experience! Now, while this is an amazing journey we are on, I notice some people dropping comments like „You are so lucky to be able to travel!“ Or „You’re really living the life, Martina!“.
4 Simple Ways To Get Lucky And Live Your Dream Life Now
I’ve been traveling in the Caribbean for a couple of weeks now, almost two months to be precise, and I’m loving it! You can follow me along on my Instagram stories every day, where I share bits and pieces of our travel experience! Now, while this is an amazing journey we are on, I notice some people dropping comments like „You are so lucky to be able to travel!“ Or „You’re really living the life, Martina!“.
Are You A Conscious Consumer? [+Event]
Conscious consumerism is a topic I am really passionate about and I love helping people change their habits from mindless to conscious, but first, let’s talk about why this is so important.
When I was a teenager, I went to College in a bigger city by train. Every day after school, we had to wait for our train to take us home and my friend Lisa and I would always checkout my then favorite clothing store.
Traveling With Intention: The ONLY Reason Why I Travel Nowadays
Hello from Bonaire in the Caribbean, where I've been for about two weeks now. I want to talk a bit more about travel today, because I noticed people have different reasons why they travel (and no, I don't normally travel with these kinds of dresses and shoes ;)). What are your main reasons why you travel? To escape reality? To recover from all the stress you’re experiencing at work? To experience a new culture? To learn a new language?
2 Things I Learned In 1 Week On Bonaire
2005 was my last year in college, and I had to write a thesis. I decided to work with my Spanish teacher, who I loved and is 100% the reason why I loved learning Spanish, on the topic of „El Turismo en el Caribe“, the tourism in the Caribbean. Growing up in the Swiss countryside with cows and forests, I always dreamed of white sandy beaches. My walls were full of the latest palm tree posters I could find in the warehouse, and everyday I woke up, I just wanted sun, palm trees, and beaches! Writing my thesis back in 2005 drastically opened my eyes.